• Howdy from Las Vegas

    Posted by David Culp on 31/05/2020 at 17:46

    Dave from Las Vegas, Nevada (yes, I’m a native Las Vegan), big fan of 1960’s music, especially the Beatles, wanna-be guitar player who can’t sing a note.  I’m so happy to see younger folk keeping good music alive and writing their own awesome music.  If MLT ever comes to Vegas I’ll get you in touch with Pat Woodward, leader of the Beatles tribute band “The Fab”.  He’s a great guy and knows the in and outs of the Vegas music scene.  Rock on!

    Bill Isenberg replied 4 years, 3 months ago 6 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    31/05/2020 at 17:55

    Howdy back at you Las Vegas Dave, Welcome, nice to meet you, enjoy being completely  MLTBuzzGroovified on here, with a whole whack fab stuff of stuff to keep you  entertained,  educated, immersed with, Rock n Rolling Onwards…?

  • Jung Roe

    31/05/2020 at 20:49

    A big welcome Dave to the MLT Club, so glad you joined.  They are inspiring and keep music alive for me too.

    MLT forever

  • Howard

    01/06/2020 at 03:28

    Hi Dave. Welcome to the Club. You’ll feel Right at home here amongst fellow MLT fans.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    03/06/2020 at 20:54

    Hi Dave,
    Greetings to Las Vegas! We visited your city during our first ever trip to the US in 2007. From what we remember it was great … and hot! We were only 13 at the time and weren’t allowed most places so it certainly wasn’t the typical Las Vegas experience but the impressive architecture and over-the-top-ness of the Strip definitely left an impression on us.
    Thanks for joining the MLT Club, we really appreciate you being here! If you have any questions, please let us know or post them in the forum.


  • Bill Isenberg

    06/06/2020 at 00:02

    Welcome Dave,

    This is the coolest place to be for sure. It took me a little time but I am here and so happy to be here. Love meeting people that love this music and sharing idea’s. Navigate thru the great web site, you will love it, i know I do!

    Take care and welcome

    Bill Isenberg a huge fan from Pittsburgh PA usa


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