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  • Howdy from sunny Arizona

    Posted by Donald F. Harrington on 07/06/2020 at 20:00

    My wife sent me a link to one of the  Twins’ songs and I was immediately hooked.  Finding out they had a back catalogue of great cover tunes to go with their amazing originals – well, as a musician myself, I’m very impressed by their versatility and virtuosity.  Long live the Twins!

    Don H.

    Donald F. Harrington replied 4 years, 1 month ago 10 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    08/06/2020 at 00:36

    Welcome to the Club Don, so glad you joined.  Hope you enjoy yourself much here.  I agree, I love their incredible versatility and virtuosity!

    MLT forever


  • Howard

    08/06/2020 at 04:02

    Hi Don and welcome to the club. You will enjoy yourself as a member of the best club in the world. I am curious as to what the song was your wife sent you the link of. I still remember that first night I discovered them and was amazed it had taken me son long. The songs that got me hooked were their live video cover of “You’re Going To Lose That Girl” and their brilliant studio cover of the Hollies “Bus Stop”. What an amazing video!

  • Donald F. Harrington

    08/06/2020 at 04:26

    The song was “Still a Friend of Mine”.  The layered arrangement, tight harmonies, and lyrics with actual meaning (shocking!) won me over in just one song.  That experience is very rare for me these days, showing I haven’t kept pace with modern music.  It makes it all that more precious.

    Don  H.

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/06/2020 at 08:14

    Gidday Eh there Don, , and welcome as well to here, may you enjoy all its offerings, and truly get your MLTBuzzLuvGroovy  going on….

    I’ve been MLTBuzzLuvGrooving for just over 13 yrs now myself, I was hooked for life from the get go when  I saw their cover for ” California Dreamin ” on YouTube at the time…

  • Donald F. Harrington

    08/06/2020 at 16:03

    Thanks, everybody, for the warm welcome!

    Don H.

  • John Behle

    10/06/2020 at 03:49

    Welcome Don.  I have a son and grandkids down in Arizona.  Great place, great people.  Wonderful that you made your way here.  I’ve been here a little over a year and each new song or video amazes me.  It was “Drive your Car” that hooked me like a fish.  I thought “Bus Stop” was cool too.   Love their humor as much as their skills.   Glad to have you here.

  • Donald F. Harrington

    10/06/2020 at 04:47

    Hope your family is doing well, it’s looking like another hot summer here.  :/

    I’ve just been playing the MLT jukebox, one random song after another and they’ve all been good.

    Don H.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    15/06/2020 at 23:52

    Thanks for joining the MLT Club, Don! And equally big thanks to your wife for introducing you to our music!

    We hope you’ll enjoy it here ! We love how many members are musicians themselves 🙂

    If you ever have any questions, you can shoot us an email or post in the forum.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    19/06/2020 at 03:43

    Hi Don,

    I am kind of a newbie here, too.  I live in upstate New York.

    There are a lot of treasures here. I hope you stumble upon the girl’s performance of She’s Leaving Home.  This amazing performance really showcases the girl’s talent(s).

    I could tell you where it is, but I thought it would be better if you stumble upon it.  You will find plenty of other gems on your journey through the world of MLT


  • Kristi & Neill Moore-Thompson

    19/06/2020 at 04:26

    We are also from sunny Arizona. We live in the Phoenix area and have been on the MLT bus for quite a few years.  Even though, it is a long flight, I (Neill) cannot recommend a visit to Liverpool highly enough. At least as long as you can see MLT play live somewhere and there’s not an active pandemic.  It’s a magical musical place and there is really nothing that quite brings it home like being there.  Welcome!


  • Donald F. Harrington

    19/06/2020 at 19:08

    We’ve driven through Liverpool, but we didn’t have time to do the tourist thing.  It’s on our list the next time we get to England.

    It’s nice that pre-pandemic British Airways offered a non-stop from Phoenix to London.

    Don H.

  • Donald F. Harrington

    19/06/2020 at 19:12

    @JP, what part of upstate New York?  I was born in the middle, Syracuse.  I’ve stumbled on that recording – sometimes I just let the jukebox run for hours.

    Don H.

  • Kristi & Neill Moore-Thompson

    20/06/2020 at 03:34

    We flew into Manchester.


  • Johnnypee Parker

    20/06/2020 at 03:42

    Hey Don,

    I live in the Northern Catskills about an hour south of Albany.  I grew up a couple hours north of here, but the love of a beautiful women brought me down here.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    14/08/2020 at 00:48

    A year and a half ago I was standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona.  I may never be there again, but it was worth the trip.  (Hint hint, Mona and Lisa.)

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