MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Introduce Yourself Howdy from sunny Arizona

  • David

    15/08/2020 at 14:31

    Welcome to the Club Don,

    Enjoy discovering all their wonderful music here. I really enjoy reading what members have to say about the twins songs; sharing all their wonderful insights.

  • Kristi & Neill Moore-Thompson

    15/08/2020 at 17:51

    Hi Don,

    We are in the Phoenix area and have been fans for a while.  We made the long trip to Liverpool for the now legendary Half Moon Pub gig back in the winter of 2015, and we took in a Cavern Show later that week.  It was one of the most fun things that I’ve ever done.  Getting a private Beatles oriented tour of Liverpool by the renown Blue Badge Guide, Jackie Spencer was an added bonus.  I (Neill) went back for the penultimate Cavern show about a year and a half later.  Team MLT were gracious to grant me permission to use their music as the soundtrack to my scrapbook video commemorating my second pilgrimage  (Ask first!)


  • Donald F. Harrington

    15/08/2020 at 18:02

    Sounds like a great time!  Wish I could have been there.

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