• Howdy from Texas

    Posted by Jim Yahr on 03/12/2018 at 06:35

    Houston to be exact, although the greeting seems a bit formula.  I’m a Photographer/Scientist/Musician depending on what’s needed to keep the banks happy.   I haven’t gigged in about 40 years so the musician is mostly for me now.  Guitar, bass, ukelele, sax, a bit of piano and drums.  I have a small studio room in my home and have produced a few things for friends.  I first heard of the MLT while looking for some different ways to play “You’re Going to Lose That Girl’ and was totally enthralled by the live performance on YouTube.  Been hooked ever since.  I’m not sure how much I’ll contribute but I at least wanted to say “Hi”

    Robert Blume replied 5 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Howard

    03/12/2018 at 06:45

    Nice to hear from you and welcome to the club Jim. You seem as multi talented as MLT and with that studio of yours could no doubt produce your own record, all by yourself. Do you write (music) as well?

    Like you, I first heard of the MLT through their ‘You’re Going To Lose That Girl’ video and was also hooked and stayed up all that night to find out who they were, where they were from, and why I hadn’t known about them until a few months ago.

    This club is the best investment I’ve made in a long time!

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/12/2018 at 18:45

    Hi Jim… Nice to see you hear and glad you play music too… Enjoy it here☮️????????????????????

  • Rudolf Wagner

    04/12/2018 at 11:11

    Howdy right back atcha, Jim!

    Thanks for saying hi and telling us about yourself! That’s quite the awesome collection of professions, we bet that makes for an interesting life. If it keeps the banks happy too, even better 🙂

    We’re glad you joined us here and say thank you!

    Have a groovy day,

  • Robert Blume

    05/12/2018 at 17:00

    Hi Jim,

    Happy Krampus Day/Night!

    “You’re Going To Lose That Girl” hooked me too! IMO it’s still their best live performance. And it’s the one I have used to initiate friends and family to MLT. It never fails to impress.

    It’s great to see this club grow. Not sure if we have any other Texans. We need more. They really know their music in Texas.


    Seattle Bob

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