MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion I listened to a new album by a popular modern group

  • Michael Rife

    13/01/2019 at 21:18

    Hi all;

    I wasn’t trying for an exhaustive list of the bands that excelled from 1964 to 1975…..if I had I would have excluded someone.  To further elaborate………even the B-list (Bread, America, and others) are so much better than anything in today’s music.



  • Michael Rife

    13/01/2019 at 21:27

    Also, I took a peak at the “Is this where…….” post and saw I already put a couple of responses there.  I saw this one as a little different because this one is comparing current music to the best music period (1964 to 1975).  Mike.

  • Jung Roe

    13/01/2019 at 21:36

    I agree Mike.  I heard on the CBC over the weekend that the current selection of music output from POP bands is so bad, listeners are going back to the 90s.  Bands like Back Street Boys, and Spice Girls are making a come back, and a lot of pop groups are going back to the 90’s sound because they sound more positive than the music being created today.  The general public is getting tired of modern pop music.

  • Jung Roe

    13/01/2019 at 22:46

    Here is that CBC clip about pop music today, if you forward to 40:11 to listen to the clip, unless if you want to watch the entire CBC national news.

    Although this talks about nostalgia to the 90’s, I think modern music today just lacks the talent to keep the current generation interested so I think it’s a great time too for the current generation to discover the talent of the MLT and hear what real great music and original song writing sounds like from the era that launched the greatest bands of all time.

  • Howard

    14/01/2019 at 01:52

    It was a long time since I listened to contemporary music until recently discovering MLT. Things must be bad in the commercial music world today if Boy and Girl bands are being revived. Britney Spears anyone? The 90s wasn’t always positive (Nirvana) and what I seem to remember most is Oasis!


  • Howard

    14/01/2019 at 02:00

    I’m aware you weren’t trying for an exhaustive list of the bands that excelled from 1964 to 1975 Mike. No one could possibly do that. It’s just a reminder that it was a significant decade for popular music and I feel privileged to have lived through it. As you state, we could create a significant ‘B’ list that is superior to todays bands.

    It seems that good musicians today have to try and go independent to get their music noticed and fortunately they have the internet and YouTube to make this possible.

    • Michael Rife

      14/01/2019 at 13:19

      Hi Howard;

      I know of two music production companies that allow the artist to be nearly independent:  Drifter’s Church and Blue Elan.  They are small scale and pretty much hands-off.  Mike.

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