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  • I Wanna Kiss You – MonaLisa Twins (Original)

    Posted by Ckay Kirby on 05/09/2019 at 20:20


    just watched the video of I Wanna Kiss You – MonaLisa Twins (Original),

    I’m absolutely amazed at the originality of the tune but vibe of the 60’s – brilliant music at it’s best, — THEN you add the video !!!!!!!!!! What a Blow Out, a perfect match that would have been feature on all the UK music programmes back in the day .

    I grew up with Bob Harris and the “Old Grey Whistle Test” and The Tube with Jools Holland, they would have loved this.

    lets all get together and blast Jools with the link and see if we can get the twins on his programme, that’s what they did with Amy Whinehouse, he took notice, put her on  his show for 2 numbers and she took off like a rocket.

    Who’s up for it ??


    Ckay Kirby replied 5 years ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    06/09/2019 at 02:43

    Yes, count me in Skip.  I Wanna Kiss You has that 60s feel of an early Beatles or Beach Boys song but in a modern sound.  Awesome song and really like the cartoonized video effect.  You just cant help but be feel good after listening to this one.

  • Ckay Kirby

    06/09/2019 at 02:49


    I have a friend who should be able to get me Jools personal email, will let you know when i have it and we can start a campaign,




  • Jacki Hopper

    06/09/2019 at 04:58

    Sure… Count On Me…. ?

  • Howard

    06/09/2019 at 05:42

    Yes, count me in too Skip. You’re not related to a kangaroo by any chance?

    • Ckay Kirby

      06/09/2019 at 18:58

      hiya Howard,

      Bonza as i used to say when i was younger, putting wheels in motion, I want to see the Twins right up there amongst the greats that have passed through the doors of Jools, he’s a man of great influence and connections.


      As for Skippy the kangaroo – not not related but did grow up in Adelaide, South Australia, ans Yes I did have a kangaroo as a pet, we used to rescue and save the young joeys that where found in their mothers pouch if they had been hits by cars and left at the roadside, sort of a foster home thing, if i remember right we had around 12 in total for varying amounts of time, one of the longest was 9 months – he was called Joe ( not very creative i know – but i was only 6ys) I used to take Joe to school on a lead – until he got to adventurous and escaped – sad but i guess he was ready to rejoin the big wide world.

      Never did find out what happened to him, I like to think he was ok and created many more offspring to the wild Kangaroo population. –  i have an old photo somewhere I’ll scan it and upload when i find it.



  • Stephen Krogh

    07/09/2019 at 22:19

    Hi Skip! Yes, you can “Count On Me” too (thanks Jacki!). I would blast through a solid granite mountain to help promote the greatness of the Twins. By the way, who is Jools?

    • Ckay Kirby

      07/09/2019 at 22:36

      Hiya Stephen, welcome aboard – we gonna try and make this Orange Revolution happen !!

      Jools by the way is Jools Holland –

      I have a personal connection to Ruby Turner – ( ) who is one of his best friends and collaborating artists, she regularly sings with him and his big band orchestra and she is a regular in and around Birmingham, UK. – I often bump into her when she’s in town, she’s also a close friend of Apache Indian – ( ) , another Birmingham artist whom I actually work with, so between us we can make this happen.

      Once I have the info I need I’ll let everyone know how to get his attention focused on the Twins.



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