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  • I won but not really. ?

    Posted by Mike A on 26/01/2020 at 16:05


    It’s Mike. I’m a pilot for a US airline and live in Oklahoma with my wife, and  17 year old twin daughters (who are both school marching band and symphony musicians) one is going off to college to be a music major this fall. We love to travel and actually were in Liverpool a couple of years ago.

    I stumbled on to you guys on YouTube. I love finding singers/musicians/groups who are genuine and not over engineered. You’re talent and honesty is what makes your sound  your own.

    interesting fact about me ? I have a Yamaha acoustic and a  fender Strat knockoff and completely suck. I Mean really.

    we’re planning on another trip to the UK sometime. Hopefully we can catch a show.

    take care for now.

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 7 months ago 8 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    26/01/2020 at 20:15

    Hi Mike A. (I may have to nickname you “Airplane Mike” as there are a few other Mike’s on here not get you all confused by),

    By the way,  Hi and Welcome and great to meet you, do enjoy it here and get your MLTBuzzGroovyWorthy going on?

  • Jung Roe

    26/01/2020 at 21:45

    Welcome to the club Mike.  I always wanted to be a pilot.  You are so lucky!  Really glad you are here, and I hope you enjoy all the awesome content.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    26/01/2020 at 23:06

    Hi Mike!

    A pilot dad with twin daughters? Dad, is that you? Haha!

    Our dad nearly became a pilot, too. He went to aerial engineering school but as it turned out he was more interested in building planes than flying them … and then changed plans and ended up building a recording studio instead. (It’s a long story, but we’re glad he did :-))

    These days he is funneling his love for flying things into our video productions … hence the many drone shots 😉

    Anyway, a super big welcome to the MLT Club, thanks for sharing a bit of your life with us and saying hi!

    Definitely keep an eye out for live dates when you come visit the UK next time. It would be great to see you and the twins at a show one day.

    Groovy greetings to your whole family!


  • Howard

    27/01/2020 at 01:28

    Welcome to the Club Mike. Really nice to see so many new members joining. I hope you decide to stay. You won’t be disappointed.

  • Mike A

    27/01/2020 at 04:15

    19F36D00-2E60-45A6-AE44-6412B84E519CPortee, Isle of Skye. July 2016. hard to believe it was that long ago. We were in Liverpool a few days later. We normally don’t look that fuzzy. Well sometimes.

  • Gary Peace

    27/01/2020 at 16:43

    Hi everyone, I know a few of you from the Facebook group. Been a huge fan of the girls for about 5 years. I am also a good personal friend to the epic Mike Masse, whom I have met , dined with and been to a number of concerts with.

    When he asked if anyone knew of someone talented in the Liverpool area to support his show last year at the Epstein theatre, I suggested the girls – it was a no brainer. They are a massive talent too, local and play the music Mike loves too.

    I feel very humble, and also proud that Mike contacted the girls and the rest is history. And one of the truly  great covers of Africa was played for the whole world to enjoy.

  • Darryl Boyd

    27/01/2020 at 21:20

    Welcome Mike and Gary.

    Gary, I hope Mike M bought you a beer :). Thanks for introducing them.

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/01/2020 at 00:03

    Hi there Gary… Glad to see you on here now too?

  • Tore Nylund

    08/02/2020 at 22:35

    Hi Mike!
    I would also take a trip to Liverpool to hear MLT live!

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/02/2020 at 21:18

    Yes,  indeed, those of us  here, who have yet to see MLT live in person, (myself included) all want to as well…. It’s a common goal ?… To which hopefully we can all achieve at some point?

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