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  • If I can only play ………..

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 02/03/2022 at 00:27

    I know this is way off the charts and will never happen but as a drummer? If I can only play 2 songs with Mona and Lisa , OMG that would be heaven to me. Again really reaching out and crazy but why not dream right? One song would be a cover and that one is For what its Worth, man I can see me jamming out with Mona and Lisa on this tune and the one original I would pick is June. That has such a great rhythm and moving piece I would be sitting back behind my drums with tears of joy and loving every minute of it. So in a way i do play along with them, I play the air drums …LOL…People in traffic think I am nuts….but what a cool dream to have. Of course if that never happens which I am sure , I would just love to see them and just talk and laugh, and of course I would offer tea!! LOL…Oh yea Maddie likes to fix any ones hair and she would have a field day with Lisa and fixing her hair in brads…LOL…

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

    Bill Isenberg replied 2 years, 6 months ago 7 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Diana Geertsen

    02/03/2022 at 08:22

    I’ve always wanted to play the drums. It’s been a life long dream. I’m retiring in 1 year and think I’ll get an electronic set (neighbors are too close). My grandma didn’t start learning the piano until after she was forty. Go for it Bill. I am.

  • Bill Isenberg

    02/03/2022 at 16:33

    Congratulations to you Diana. I am retiring April 1, only a few weeks away, been with this company since I was 18 and 45 years later, it is time to enjoy life. On my bucket list it to go to Liverpool England to see the sights and hope to run into Mona and Lisa!!!

  • Thomas Randall

    02/03/2022 at 22:55

    Nothing wrong with playing air drums or guitar! I played drums many years ago as well as some guitar. I still play rhythm guitar for fun. You’re never too old to learn! I learned “June” shortly after I first heard it, love that song a bunch!

    • Bill Isenberg

      03/03/2022 at 10:30

      I agree Thomas June has a very unique sound to it, in the same realm as Till There Was You, very soft and moving to me

  • Walter Music

    03/03/2022 at 01:58

    Hi everyone, first of all congrats to you Diana and Bill on your retirement. I have decided to keep working as long as I can. We have a warehouse that is 2,500 sf for practice sessions and recording if we want for free. Someone else was talking about playing the tambourine and air drums a few months ago. I believe you’re never too old to pick up any type of instrument. I played the drums in the school band from the 4th- 8th grade but by that time I picked up the guitar and that was it. Do whatever your heart’s desire. I am going to be buried with one of my guitars, but I am not sure which one it will be yet. LOL, the truth! Stay Groovy everyone!!!

    • Bill Isenberg

      03/03/2022 at 10:32

      Thanks Walter, been with this company since 1976 and it is time to fly and enjoy. So many things to do, travel, learn and learn as much as I can, I would love to learn how to play the piano after seeing Rudi play on Still a Friend of Mine kind of pointed me in that direction

    • Walter Music

      05/03/2022 at 01:07

      Way to go Bill, you really should. Good luck in your new adventure. Best, Walt Music

    • Bill Isenberg

      05/03/2022 at 15:17

      Thanks Walter, i will be 64 on Thursday and still healthy and got my little Maddie to keep me young and counting down the days!

  • Christopher

    03/03/2022 at 03:18

    I would strum and occasionally howl to Sweet Lorraine and to That’s Life. But it would be a severe detriment to the ladies’ outstanding standards!

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/03/2022 at 18:15

    Well, I do know that I can do up a mean Air Guitar/Drum/Fiddle /Piano or any other musical instrument far better than I could play them in reality, if I could at all … I did , back in the fall, when it was okay to have places reopen to do open mic jams , I had my guitar purse, , with nudging from my friend for fun, I got up at the last song the open mic house jam during the last song they were doing and let er loose alongside guitarist, in fact , I was so into it, enjoying alongside the guitarist o into it was I that , I actually,everyone thought it was on purpose, no it was not , but I just got right back up off floor and continued on…lol…

    I’m more inclined and have actually took a stab at singing at a few Karaoke nights and open mic jams …. but you never know, perhaps, The Guitar Purse may make another Air Guutar Appearance, minus tge tripping, if I watch myself more closely and not get so into it… ????

  • Bill Isenberg

    04/03/2022 at 18:50

    Love your post Jacki! Karaoke is so fun, I try every time I get the chance. My go to one is Take it Easy by the Eagles.

  • Jung Roe

    05/03/2022 at 21:48

    That would be a dream indeed Bill, to be able to play with Mona and Lisa, even a small part in their music.

    I would love to play that keyboard/harpsichord part in Songbird. That keyboard run is just magical, like a catapult, letting your spirit soar! That’s how it makes me feel.

  • Bill Isenberg

    06/03/2022 at 23:52

    I agree Jung, the keyboard on Songbird is lovely for sure. Man what I would do to take my drums and meet them somewhere and just jam and have fun!

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