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  • If you could conjure up a dream allstar concert of a who’s -who (alive/dead)

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 21/10/2018 at 03:17

    Ok..Mona & Lisa…if you could conjure up a dream all-star concert of a who’s-who living/not….who’d you enlist as performers  that you’d love to see perform and then jam with yourselves ????????????????????????️????????????????????☮️

    Tomás F. Calvo replied 5 years, 3 months ago 9 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Howard

    21/10/2018 at 06:33

    Good question Jacki. As the twins are still in bed, or more likely, haven’t gone to bed yet, I’ll give this one a shot. It depends on the type of concert so we’d need several. For a rock concert, I’d start with Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly then move into the the Beatles and Stones. I’d also like to see the Doors and Grateful Dead there somewhere.

    For my next concert I’d have the Hollies, Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, Lovin’ Spoonful, Herman’s Hermits, the Tremoloes and Srsrchers.

    Another concert would include the likes of the Who, the Kinks, Manfred Mann, the Small Faces and the Yardbirds with the Jeff Beck lineup including either Eric Clapton or Jimmy Page.

    Well that’s a start at least. Lots of other options but I better leave something for the MLT or Jacki is going to be very cross with me!



  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/10/2018 at 19:21

    I took your question a bit further and quickly made up my imaginary dream festival. I’d wanna jam with ALL of them!  😉 I created a template so you can all make your own (maybe start a thread in the General Discussion Tab?). You can download it here.

    Feel free to share wherever you want!

    For mine, I stuck to a 60’s/ early 70’s theme here and I still would need at least 10 more slots to fit in all my favourites but this will do for now 🙂 Obviously time travel would be necessary for most of them but a girl can dream, hey?

    Looking forward to seeing your dream festivals!


    Empty Template:


    • Unknown Member

      Deleted User
      25/10/2018 at 22:09

      We started the thread Mona suggested above in the ‘General Discussion’ area.   You can find the post here via this link below.  There you can provide your own ‘Dream Festival’ lineup.

      What’s Your Dream Festival Lineup

  • Timothy Connelly

    25/10/2018 at 22:09


  • Howard

    25/10/2018 at 23:44

    Excellent festival Mona. Not sure I could afford the ticket price though! I’ll add mine in the ‘General Discussion’ as suggested.

  • John Behle

    26/03/2019 at 05:24

    Would love to hear all the above – – – with MonaLisa Twins at the top.

    Two others jumped out i’d want To add  CCR (Credence Clearwater Revival) and Stephenwolf. I heard John Kay do their songs at an “oldies fest” a few years ago and he was wonderful.

    The MLT version of “I’ll Follow the Sun” was so incredible with their skills and beautiful voices.  I think that’s my favorite.  I think of what an amazing version of CCR’s  “Have you ever seen the Rain” they could do.   An example of how good it can sound with a female voice might be the “The Voice 2015 Battle Sawyer Fredericks vs. Noelle Bybee” as it’s titled on YouTube.  Mona and Lisa would knock that one outta the park.

    Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talents.  There is no music I enjoy more than yours and prefer your covers over the originals.  It was through a Beatles search I found you, Then I heard your originals and love them.  I’ve passed up three Rolling Stones concerts over travel and other commitments – but I will hop a plane to Europe if need be to attend yours (not kidding).

    Stay Groovy.

  • John Behle

    26/03/2019 at 05:28

    Sorry, I know better – I mean’t Steppenwolf .   It’s just late and I didn’t proofread my post.  Kind of embarrassing for a writer.

  • Jung Roe

    26/03/2019 at 05:49

    Hi John.  They did such a stellar cover of CCR’s “Proud Mary”, would love to see another CCR cover too, as it would be awesome.  When they do a cover they some how interpret it so wonderfully and breath new life into the song.   It was like when I heard their version of God Only Knows Beach Boys cover or Scott McKenzie’s San Francisco.  Songs I heard a million times before, but MLT version was like hearing it again for the first time with all the joy and magic restored to when I first heard the song years ago with their unique style and sound.

  • Howard

    26/03/2019 at 05:55

    Nice choices John. I’d substitute “Who’ll Stop The Rain” for “Have you ever seen the Rain” though. For Steppenwolf, a big challenge would be, “Monster/Suicide/America”.

  • Thomas Randall

    26/03/2019 at 15:58

    Here’s mine:


    • John Behle

      28/05/2019 at 06:14

      Just noticed your choices Tommy and remembered a funny and embarrassing incident some years ago.   I was in a restaurant and saw a couple older gentlemen at a nearby table and I just had go over to ask one of them where he got his incredible looking silk Hawaiian style shirt.

      He had a weird smile on his face and said he had gotten it at the Edmonton mall (Alberta Canada).   Later I put it all together, the smile, the location and that he looked familiar.  I blew my opportunity to say hello to Randy Bachman from the Guess Who and Bachman Turner Overdrive.  One of my favorite groups and people.

  • Jacki Hopper

    26/03/2019 at 18:01

    Good choices with all of you who have joined in on my posting here… Lol… I ‘m glad Mona created a template… It has made the post even more fun to participate in ????????????????????

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    05/04/2019 at 05:30

    Anyone would like to attend my Dream Concert? Admittedly, I’ve had to leave many good ones out…

    Tomas-dream-concertBut I think it would still be a good show!

  • Jung Roe

    10/06/2019 at 03:08

    Here is mine I found that just happened to be sitting in my hard drive.  I recall uploading this to another post here last year, but here it is again.

    MonaLisa Twins Dream Festival

    John, sometimes you never know what famous person might cross your path.  My friend Peter visited the Florida Keys about 10 year ago and one evening he was at a party or bar in one of the more famous places down there and had people just signing and writing in his journal that he left at the bar while drinking and having a good time with a lot of people.  Drew Barrymore wrote and signed her name in his journal, although he was not aware who Drew Barrymore was until I showed him one of her movies and he vaguely remembered meeting someone who looked like that.  So you never know.

    Tomas, I like your list.  Doors featuring JS Bach, Elton John featuring Beethoven, and Queen featuring Mozart.  That would be quite the appearances.  I’d love to meet Beethoven.  Oh the questions I’d have for him about music.


  • Tomás F. Calvo

    11/06/2019 at 02:39

    Thanks, Jung. Can you imagine Bach letting loose on Riders of the Storm? Beethoven dueling pianos with Elton, meshing songs and sonatas, or Mozart doing Bohemian Rhapsody? That would be something, really would be something. 😉

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