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  • I'm Just In GroovyAweMLTClubBuzzment…

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 08/11/2019 at 00:37

    Okaydokey , my newest catchphrase I conjured up  for here : #GroovyAweMLTClubBuzzment… Lol..

    Well, I like how it sounds…

    No matter what corner of the world MLTBuzzGroovy-ites~ are from, it’s enjoyable to read their offerings in postings here, I find it to be educational, humorous, touching, informative, etc.

    Yes, once in awhile a cog of opinions will get thrown in but somehow the Luv and Respect for MLT helps ease and Postivity – fy things back to Groovy Order.

    It’s quite a refreshing thing to have a band /musicians whose genuine and grounded comnaderie with their fans  speaks volumes  and how friendships amongst are formed… The only other band that I have and do witness the same/similar effects are my buddies from the Canadian rock band Glass Tiger, (perhaps Duran Duran in the 80s had that effect then – before GT came along I was into Duran… Lol… Silly teen gal I was then) I met GT back in 1988-89ish, and continue to still enjoy their music and being able to visit with them before and/or after a show if I ‘m able to go. They’ ve always thought much of their fans and I consider myself lucky to be amongst the Lifelong ones that they’ve come to know and get a kick out of… Jacki bring just her Jacki self, guess that’s what they like…. I feel the same kindred tiwards/from Team MLT, it’s a rarity indeed but a Groovy gift, Embrace  it! Thankyou Team MLT for having come into our lives whenever you had for whatever the circumstances were that led to your discovery and our instant Lifelong Fan Decision to become Lifelong Fans.

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Howard

    08/11/2019 at 03:55

    Well said Jacki. We can all thank the MLT team for bringing so much sunshine and happiness into our lives. It is such a pleasure to be on this amazing, magical mystery tour with them, not knowing where it will take us, but sure that it will always be to a much better place!

    Anyone not on the magic bus, it’s not too late to jump aboard!


    • Jacki Hopper

      08/11/2019 at 20:09

      Lol..Whoops…. I forgot to do this to My CatchPhrase:



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