MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Improving on the Beatles

  • Jacki Hopper

    14/11/2019 at 18:35

    Good one David….

    Well, my fave Canadian rock band: Glass Tiger whom I’ve been a fan of since my teen yrs and have met them many times and they know me by now… Lol… And next to MLT, my 2 all time Lifelong Fan Fave Bands….

    Glass Tiger have done a few awesome Beatles covers during their live gigs, and Alan Frew, lead singer, did in my opinion, an equal version to Beatles original on “You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away”on a solo album he had done a few yrs back.

    I agree, in many covers MLT have bettered and/or equalled the originals, at least for me, I think as such.


  • Darryl Boyd

    14/11/2019 at 22:17

    Hmm, provocative title alright!

    I can’t think of any covers that are better than the Beatles originals.

    There is one in particular that I like. It’s technically a cover, but it’s in a very different style to the original.



  • Jung Roe

    14/11/2019 at 22:50

    I’m not familiar with that particular Beatles song, but Mama and Papas do that song great David.  The Beatles original version, hearing it for the first time, has it’s own more raw rock sound and appeal that I like.  I’d say they are about equal.

    For me I’ve yet to hear a Beatles cover that I thought was improved or better than the original, except when MLT do them.

    I’ve seen some Beatles songs on youtube drastically transformed into something different that some people rave about it, but the original essence of the song that made it great is lost, and it is lost to a lot of Beatles fans.

    What I think is more rare and hard to find, is the ability that MLT have to maintain the essence of the original that make the song so great in the first place, and then add their own character to it.  It’s their rich vocals and incredible harmonies that often surpass the original, and creative  arrangements that give it a unique MLT style making it distinct, fresh and new that make people want to return to it, and most importantly that attract Beatles fans, like MLT do.

    • David Herrick

      15/11/2019 at 01:00

      You’re right, Jung.  I think of this version of “I Call Your Name” not so much as a cover, but as an upgrade to a more complex and distinctive arrangement.  If the Beatles had done it that way, I’d probably prefer their recording of it.

      Only MLT can beat the Beatles on their home field, as it were.


  • Howard

    15/11/2019 at 03:40

    I agree with you Darryl. A very provocative statement. Personally I prefer John Lennon’s stripped down original with his very passionate vocals. The Beatles could have enhanced their version, but I don’t think it needs it. This way it could be played live, something the Mamas and Papas had difficulty with owing to their often over produced, and multi-tracked studio recordings.

    As for the Zoot, I made mention of them in another topic. I’m not surprised you’ve mentioned them here as they also hailed from Adelaide way back in 1964. My best mate at school bought me their first hit single “One Times, Two Times, Three Times, Four” in December 1968.

    Their lead singer, Darryl Cotton (RIP), was beaten up in the main street of my city, Brisbane, in 1969. Unlike your very progressive state of SA under the Don Dunstan government, mine of Queensland, was a virtual fascist police state in the late sixties and seventies! They didn’t like long haired musicians here, especially groups who dressed in pink satin!

    Rick Springfield, their lead guitarist, went on to a successful solo music career (“Jessie’s Girl”), and TV acting career (General Hospital).

  • Howard

    15/11/2019 at 05:01

    Yes I do David. Maybe that’s just because I’m so conditioned by the Beatles style! I’m inclined to think that no one can quite match the MLT for capturing the Beatles original essence, while adding their own something special. They also do this with the Hollies, Lovin’ Spoonful, Donovan and dare I say it, The Mamas and the Papas, amongst others!

    • David Herrick

      15/11/2019 at 05:15

      Agreed, Howard.  MLT has an unmatched ability to become a “new and improved” version of anyone they want to.  My original post was just asking about enjoyable covers of Beatles songs, without regard to whether they were done in the same style.


  • Jacki Hopper

    15/11/2019 at 05:15

    Lol… While you are are on The M&P’s theme of things here on this thread posting….

    Let me say it was MLT’s version of “California Dreamin” on YT that I happily discovered 12-13yrs ago, while I was curious to see if there vwas a half decent cover made… Damn… Was I ever impressed, right then and there decided to become Lifelong MLT fan…. by the way, in my opinion, I equally respect both Mamas and Papas and MLT’s versions while I do not like the Beach Boys or whoever’s it was  that made the original… It simply does not cut it for me at all, sorry to say…. Or am I thinking of another song that BBs/whomever did originally but M&P’s cover  fared far more better…?!… At any rate, I love both CaliDreami versions from MLT/M&P equally…


    Can you tell I’m a M&P /Cass Solo/Denny solo fan… Lol?!

    • David Herrick

      15/11/2019 at 05:30

      John, with lyrical help from Michelle, wrote “California Dreamin'”, Jacki.  Maybe you’re thinking of when the Beach Boys covered it in the 80’s?  I agree, their version was pretty forgettable.  But at least John and Michelle had a cameo in the video!


  • Howard

    15/11/2019 at 05:49

    Yes, so did Roger McGuinn on guitar. As for the original, maybe Jacki is thinking of the Barry McGuire version.

    “California Dreamin’” was first recorded by Barry McGuire. However, the best-known version is by the Mamas and the Papas, who sang backup on the original version and released it as a single in 1965.“

    Same backing track as the Mamas and Papas version, without the flute solo. The Mamas and the Papas added an alto flute solo by Bud Shank. The guitar introduction was performed by P. F. Sloan.

    • David Herrick

      15/11/2019 at 13:00

      I stand corrected.  I had no idea this recording existed!

      My understanding has always been that the Mamas and Papas pretty much wrote their first album during their time in the Virgin Islands, moved to Los Angeles, and upon Barry McGuire’s recommendation presented it to Lou Adler, who awarded them a recording contract on the spot.

      It never occurred to me that they might have farmed out any of their songs, given how broke they were at the time.  I guess they were just paying McGuire back for his suggestion by giving him the pick of the musical litter.


  • Jung Roe

    15/11/2019 at 06:15

    Well, about the Beach Boys, I will say this.  If MLT were around in 1966, and Brian Wilson heard the MLT version of God Only Knows, I think Brian would have fired Mike, Al, Carl and Dennis, and hired Mona and Lisa on the spot, and re-recorded Pet Sounds with MLT on all the vocals, and added some Ukelele sounds too!

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/11/2019 at 06:41

    David: I was aware already of John and Michelle writing “California Dreaming” … Lol… But appreciate you letting me know…

    Aha…. before I go off to bed … It was bugging me to recall who recorded “California Dreaming” first of whom I didn’t care for the version of and looked it up… Barry Mcguire… Now I can go to sleep with peace of mind and not go crazy in trying to figure out who it was… Lol… Goodnight Eh to all….

  • Jung Roe

    15/11/2019 at 06:50

    Jacki.  Yes I can see what you mean.  Barry McGuire’s voice kind of drag the song down.

  • Howard

    15/11/2019 at 06:54

    Couldn’t agree more Jung, and Brian’s new Beach Boys may just have become more successful than both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. What an awesome band that would have been. Brian on bass, Mona on drums, Lisa on guitar and Papa Rudi on keyboards. Just think of the harmonising potential, with four excellent singers/musicians in the one band!

    Brian was always handicapped by inferior musicians and one giant ego.

    “Brian Wilson doesn’t like Mike Love at all”.

    I’m with Brian here! Poor Brian has been carrying Mike Love for over fifty years now!

  • Jung Roe

    15/11/2019 at 07:22

    That is sad indeed Howard the rift that developed between Brian and Mike lately.  Hope they can patch things.  No doubt Brian Wilson was and is the leader of the band, and when he was in top form, he dominated the stage when they performed.  Big brother Brian was a pillar of the band.  Here is a glimpse of the Beach Boys in their top form.


  • Howard

    15/11/2019 at 10:33

    Thanks for sharing that lost concert from the archives Jung. Unfortunately Brian was handicapped by having his father, Murray, as band manager until he sacked him during a recording session in 1964. Now if he had a manager like Brian Epstein (who fired Pete Best), instead of his father, maybe he too could have picked up a better drummer. He would have done well to shift brother Carl to lead vocals, sack cousin Mike, and bring in someone like Glen Campbell on lead guitar. Who knows, Brian and Glen just may have formed a formidable song writing collaboration.

    Carl or Brian on lead vocals, Glen on lead guitar or bass, Al on rhythm or lead and Brian on bass with a decent drummer could have progressed the Beach Boys beyond a ‘Surf music’ band as Brian wanted. Alternatively, Bruce Johnston on bass/vocals in place of Campbell.

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/11/2019 at 15:12

    Thankyou once more Howard for supplying your input of the info about Barry ‘s involvement history of song… I had learned of this fact years ago and for awhile was in touch with Barry via email.

    Sidenote **… Nice to know that you have redeemed me not being crazy or imagining that I had thought someone else had a version of Cali – Dreamin out around the time M & P did?☮️

    **David–You learned your new thing today : The Barry Mcguire version /M&P connection always be open to learn new things, because who knows, perhaps one day might come in handy for a Quiz… Good info to store away in mind for a rainy day, a quiz…

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