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  • Interpretation versus replication

    Posted by Jung Roe on 07/05/2019 at 09:51

    I had a discussion with a friend not too long ago.  When it comes to covers, his opinion is that he would rather listen to the Beatles than someone else’s cover of it.  So then our conversation went into musical interpretation versus replication.  For me being a huge Beach Boys fan, a few years ago I too would have had the opinion that I would rather hear a Beach Boys version of “God Only Knows” than someone else’s cover version of it, until I heard MLTs “God Only Knows”.  Now I prefer that to the Beach Boys version, because Mona and Lisa brings their own unique style and interpretation to it and adds to the experience of hearing that song while still remaining true to the integrity of the original song.  The same apply to the Zombies version of “Time of The Season” vs MLT’s interpretation and Scott McKenzie’s “San Francisco” vs MLTs interpretation.

    In the following two you tube videos, Leonard Bernstein goes into explaining what interpretation of music is versus replication and how each artists interpretation of a piece of music can be different and unique and add it’s own soul to it.  In the 2nd video, John Lennon and Paul McCartney reinforces this point by stating they appreciate interpretation of their music over someone merely replicating it.

    MLT are master interpreters and artists  in the truest sense when it comes to covers, bringing their own unique style, art,  and magic to the song such that you want to hear their version of a classic song because they bring something new and refreshing to it all while remaining true to the essence of the original piece.   That is why their covers are so special.

    What do you think?


    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    07/05/2019 at 15:24

    Jung Roe, I love “God Only Knows” by MLT better than Brian Wilson’s version as well. I think the MLT Team are phenomenal at improving original versions of songs. I also think they have made some great videos of their versions. They are such a brilliant, talented, but humble group of people. I just wish that I could somehow make the rest of the world see and hear what I do.

    Great post, Jung Roe!

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/05/2019 at 18:52

    I think that most of the covers MLT have done are to me equal to that of the original and in a few cases… Better than original…. I ‘d rather hear the person’s interpretation of the song…. To do so exactly as the original…. What’s the point… Where’s the creative input of !?… Mind you… Not MLT but there have been other artists’ covers interpretations in general of songs where in those cases  the original was best… Lol… Well to me anyhow …

  • Jung Roe

    07/05/2019 at 19:20


    Thanks Jerry.  I agree, sometimes you can show them the well, but they have to have an open mind to appreciate what’s in front of them.  Fortunately there are many of us and growing who understand just how remarkable MLT original and cover music is.

    Jacki good point.  To do exactly as the original, what’s the point?  John and Paul echo that opinion.  I don’t mean just to do a cover differently than the original for the sake of being different, but adding the interpreters creativity to it to do the original justice.  I’ve heard some horrible covers done by others, but MLT covers solicit accolades from the original artists like John Sebastian, The Zombies, The Hollies, Steve Harley, and I am sure Paul McCartney and Brian Wilson too when they discover MLT.

    For me just as Glenn Gould is widely accepted as the greatest Bach interpeter ever, the MLT are the finest Beatles and 60’s music interpters with their covers.  As good as the originals, often eclipsing them, bringing their own artistic interpretation making it special and worth listening to.


  • Michael Rife

    10/05/2019 at 08:34

    I was thinking recently that when I would hear an MLT cover of a Beatles song, I would think about and notice how the Beatles would do it differently.  Slowly over time I now listen to the Beatles doing the song and use the MLT cover as the “baseline”.  Recently examples are I’ll Be Back and I’ll Follow the Sun……in other words slowly over time I’m starting to consider the MLT cover as the “correct” way and the Beatles as being the “cover”.  Strange……maybe it shouldn’t be this way.  Mike.

  • Howard

    10/05/2019 at 10:36

    I think I know what you mean Mike, The MLT are certainly making these songs their own. I remember in the sixties, many early Rolling Stones recordings were covers of blues classics which I heard first via the Stones, so for me, they were the originals (‘Little Red Rooster, ‘I’m a King Bee’, ‘Mona’, ‘Cry to Me’ etcetera). The same goes for many early Beatles records like “Please Mr Postman’, ‘A Taste of Honey’ ‘Twist and Shout’, ‘Words of Love’, and many more.

    I guess today, there would be many people younger than us, who would similarly be hearing these MLT covers before the originals. Well done Lisa and Mona for reviving some of our favourite music in such a fun and positive way, introducing your own uniqueness and interpretations, while preserving the integrity of the originals!

    • Michael Rife

      17/05/2019 at 06:30

      Yeah, Howard, I see what you mean.  When I hear “Roll Over Beethoven”, I think of George more than I do Chuck Berry.  With Long Tall Sally I think of Paul more so than Little Richard.  BTW I think Paul’s cover of LTS is so much better than the original.  Mike.

  • Jung Roe

    16/05/2019 at 19:07

    Mike, Howard.  I feel the same way.  MLT covers are so good, their interpretation have become for me the benchmark by which all others are compared, and often pales in comparison to the MLT.  When I heard “When I’m 64” on the Sargent Peppers album, couldn’t help but compare the two versions with the MLT one as the baseline.  Glenn Gould’s interpretation of Bach is for many classical music lovers the highest regarded benchmark for Bach’s keyboard works.  MLT is to the 60’s music, what Glenn Gould is to Bach for me.

  • Jung Roe

    28/05/2019 at 05:13

    “Hey Mike.. wow man, that was great!! Girls are killer and so are you !! Best to ya and please tell the girls I think they were great!” – Steve Lukather (Toto) regarding Mike Masse and Mona and Lisa interpretation  of his “Africa”

    Now we can add Steve Lukather to the growing list of original artists totally impressed with the MLT style and ability to transform a song into something truly special, just through their singing and musicianship in this case.

    Mona and Lisa are truly remarkable.  They did not merely accompany Mike Masse as backup vocals and musicians in the rendition of this song, but earned high praise as artists themselves from Steve for holding their own and delivering a stellar performance.

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