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  • Interviewing Sir Paul

    Posted by Howard on 13/06/2020 at 06:35

    “Leigh Peta Sales AM (born 10 May 1973) is an Australian journalist and author. She is the host of the Australian television channel ABC’s flagship news and current affairs program 7.30. In 2019, she was awarded an Order of Australia for her services to broadcast journalism.”

    I remember seeing this interview with the besotted Leigh who always is otherwise very professional …  beautiful!

    Awesome, and consistent with what I know about Sir Paul.

    I imagine that meeting Mona and Lisa for the first time would be a similar experience for MLT Club members.

    Howard replied 4 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • John Behle

    14/06/2020 at 03:22

    So cool.  I loved his manner and graciousness with James Corden in their “Carpool Karaoke episode.  One of my dreams is to get backstage passes for Mona and Lisa to meet him after a concert.  I think their reactions would be so amazing.

  • Jung Roe

    14/06/2020 at 07:44

    What a great story!  I couldn’t get that video clip to play, but reading the article was grate.  Interviewing Mona and Lisa in person would be like that I think, like a dream where you would have to pinch yourself a few times to make sure you weren’t dreaming!   🙂

  • Howard

    14/06/2020 at 09:45

    I’ll see if I can copy the article to this site, Jung. It’s from his tour of Australia three years ago.


  • Howard

    14/06/2020 at 09:58

    Interviewing your heroes can have its pitfalls, but Paul McCartney avoids them all
    / By Leigh Sales
    Posted 4 December 2017, updated 5 December  2017

    Interviewing Paul McCartney was a dream come true for Leigh Sales(Supplied: MPL Communications/MJ Kim)

    One of the questions I’m most often asked is, “If you could interview anybody in the world, who would you pick?”

    It’s a difficult question.

    When somebody asks it, they imagine that it must be a thrill to meet somebody of whom you are a huge fan.

    It is, of course, but it also comes with fear.

    What if the person is horrible? What if it’s a bad experience?

    What if every time you then hear one of their songs, or read one of their books or watch one of their films, it’s then a little bit soured by the fact you met them and they were mean or ill-mannered or egotistical?

    This happened to me when I interviewed the American author Jonathan Franzen in 2010 about his book, Freedom.

    I found him difficult from the first question.

    Now every time I consider re-reading The Corrections, one of my favourite books, all I think about is how snippy Jonathan Franzen was.

    What if McCartney is a Franzen?
    Sorry, this video has expired

    Paul McCartney rehearsing Day Tripper before his Perth concert
    If the question is really, “Of whom are you the most massive fan?”, the answer is former Beatle, Paul McCartney.

    But do I want to interview him? His work means so much to me, do I really want to risk discovering that he’s a Franzen?

    This week, I was forced to answer that question. My producer Callum rang me with a mind-blowing offer: McCartney will do his only television interview in Australia with you if you want to do it.

    When the offer came, it turned out it really wasn’t a dilemma at all. It was a risk that simply had to be taken.

    As if any journalist could say no to the offer of an interview with one of the most influential musicians of the past century.
    I desperately hoped he would be a lovely person but I also said to myself, “He’s achieved so much musically, if he turns out to be awful, and that’s the price of being the genius that is Paul McCartney, that’s okay, I’m not going to let it affect how I feel about his music.”

    On the day of the interview, I arrived in Perth — the first stop on his Australian tour — five hours before we were scheduled to head to the stadium.

    “You’ve got plenty of time to have some lunch and then lie down and have a rest,” I told myself.

    I ate two bites of a sandwich before I couldn’t stomach another mouthful and then I spent the two hours before my make-up artist arrived pacing around my hotel room in nervous anticipation, periodically grinning like a lunatic and hugging myself with glee.

    I’m going to meet Paul McCartney! I’m going to watch his rehearsal from backstage!

    ‘Why don’t you play it?’

    Leigh Sales at Paul McCartney’s Magical Mystery Tour piano(ABC News)
    As soon as we arrived at the stadium, we met his team (including his right-hand man Stu, who caused the entire ABC crew to audibly gasp when he mentioned that before McCartney, he had been with David Bowie).

    In a good sign, everyone we met was warm and friendly. Usually if a team is polite and accommodating, the person at the top is likely to be the same.

    McCartney’s stage manager, Keith, showed me the collection of guitars with which McCartney tours. (“This is the one he played on the Ed Sullivan show; This is the one they used on Please Please Me”).

    Then I met his piano technician, who was sitting at the replica Magical Mystery Tour piano (the original is in Sir Paul’s house, he told me, but this is the one they’ve used on tour for 30 years).

    “Can I touch it?” I asked him.

    “Sure,” he said.

    I reached over and tentatively played a C chord.

    “Remembering your old music lessons?” he asked.

    “I can play a little bit,” I replied.

    “Why don’t you play it?” he said, sliding off the piano stool and gesturing that I should take his place.

    “No way,” I replied, “I can’t!”

    “Yes, you can, have a play,” he said.
    So I slid onto the stool and played the opening chords of For No One from the album Revolver.

    The piano technician smiled; I think because it was obvious then that I was truly a fan, not just somebody going through the motions for an interview.

    I played about four bars before I lost it and couldn’t play another note correctly, my hands were shaking so hard. This is the piano Paul McCartney plays, I was thinking!

    We then went around backstage and Sir Paul arrived to start rehearsals.

    I stood in the wings watching as he and the band played Another Girl and then Day Tripper.

    When the opening riff for Day Tripper started, I looked at my producer, Callum, and said, “Oh my god,” with tears in my eyes.

    It was absolutely thrilling to stand in the wings and watch Paul McCartney practise that.

    ‘Oh, luv, give us a kiss’

    Paul McCartney hugs Leigh Sales at the end of the interview(ABC News)
    The band finished rehearsing and as I chatted to the crew, I turned around and Sir Paul was about a metre away, walking towards us.

    He came and introduced himself and shook everybody’s hand.

    For almost 60 years, he’s had starstruck people standing in front of him, so he’s very adept at putting everyone at ease and being warm and charming.

    We went on stage and did our interview together.

    He was delightful and interesting. He has lovely kind eyes and a gentle way of speaking. I was so happy to see that I was going to walk away with my admiration of him enhanced.

    “Sir Paul,” I said at the end of the interview.

    “I’ve been very fortunate in my career that I’ve had the chance to interview world leaders, like Aung San Syu Kii and the Dalai Lama, every celebrity you can think of, Elton John, Patti Smith, but I’ve never interviewed somebody of whom I’m a bigger fan than you.

    “Thank you for all those songs and thank you so much for making time to let us come and talk to you.”
    “Oh, luv, give us a kiss, come on” he replied and he kissed me on the cheek and gave me a hug.

    Every time I listen to a Beatles song now, I’ll remember the incredible experience of getting to meet Sir Paul in person and what a beautiful soul he was.

    It was one of the greatest experiences of my life.


  • Jung Roe

    14/06/2020 at 20:33

    Thanks for doing that Howard.

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/06/2020 at 00:02

    Thankyou Howard, most enjoyable and fascinating to read, wow !!

  • Stephen Krogh

    20/06/2020 at 19:02

    What a great article. Thanks for sharing this Howard. Like John mentions above, I too often think about how much the Twins must wish for an opportunity to meet Sir Paul and spend some quality time together. And I sincerely hope, because I care about them so much, that that might happen one day. But, it’s noteworthy that the Twins don’t dwell on such a meeting. Indeed, they only mention in passing  how nice it would be to meet Sir Paul. That emphasizes to me just how strong their own characters are.  They seem totally focused on forging their own careers and creating their own legend. Not because they crave celebrity, but because they sincerely love creating music and how it contributes to their fan’s enjoyment of life. And speaking for myself, they are succeeding in that goal in huge measure. Given the choice of being able to meet and spend a little time with Sir Paul or Mona and Lisa Wagner, I would honestly choose the Twins. And they are only just getting started!

  • John Behle

    20/06/2020 at 21:15

    Here’s the Carpool Karaoke episode.

  • Jung Roe

    20/06/2020 at 23:34

    The video is so delightful John!  Yeah, Let it Be, Let it Be!!!

  • Stephen Krogh

    21/06/2020 at 03:29

    Thanks for posting this John! Its just so cool. To make so many people so happy for so many years. Unbelievable.

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/06/2020 at 05:37

    Yes, that’s my all time fave Carpool Karoke from James Corden…. I watched it when originally aired…. Wasn’t going to miss out… ✌️

  • Howard

    21/06/2020 at 05:52

    Yes, I’ve seen it before too. What a beautiful, humble man Sir Paul is.

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