MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

  • Howard

    10/12/2018 at 04:22

    Thanks for sharing Michael. I wasn’t aware of Poco until now. Probably because they wouldn’t have had much air play, if any in my country. I’ve just listened to a few of their songs on Spotify. Excellent musicianship and vocal harmonising!

    • Michael Rife

      10/12/2018 at 13:09


      To be honest in the US they didn’t get much air play in the US either.  They were too country to be on AM top 40 and they were too RnR to get much airplay on country stations.  So, they slipped through the cracks.  They were played a lot on FM which tended to play good music regardless of music type.  To me they were overlooked.  Also during the 1970s they pissed off Clive Davis and David Geffen which didn’t help much.  Mike.


  • Jacki Hopper

    10/12/2018 at 20:00

    Norah Jones is the daughter of the late Ravi Rankur ( something along the lines of the name…) . He played at either Woodstock or Monterey or both… Weren’t George Harrison  and this man friends or am I confusing that friendship with another man ! . But definitely the one that performed at either of those festivals was Noah’s Dad… just in case one didn’t know????????

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/12/2018 at 20:06

    And don’t believe I’ve ever heard of this POCO band… I like” Saturday Night ” by BayCity Rollers… Pure Prairie League.. (Seems I liked Vince Gill singing their one big hit before I found out years later he was the guitarist and singer of this group at time ) … Lol… I guess I know good music when I hear it… Even as a kid away back when… Lol

    • Michael Rife

      13/12/2018 at 11:13

      Hi Jacki;

      He was the front man for PPL around the early 1980s.  The original front man was Craig Fuller and he was basically all of the first two LPs.  He wrote Amie which was a minor hit in 1975.  To me he is really the leader of PPL Mike.

  • Howard

    10/12/2018 at 20:43

    That’s Ravi Shankur Jacki and he did play at both Monterey and Woodstock. George Harrison studied the Sitar under Ravi in 1966 after being introduced to him by Roger McGuin and David Crosby of the Byrds.

    • Michael Triba

      10/12/2018 at 23:08

      Thanks for correcting Jacki, Howard.  You saved me some time.  Does she also know that Jones was born Geethali Norah Jones Shankar on March 30, 1979 in Brooklyn, New York, to American concert producer Sue Jones and Indian musician Ravi Shankar?

      Does she further know that she has won many awards and has sold more than 50 million records worldwide?  Billboard named her the top jazz artist of the 2000–2009 decade. She has won nine Grammy Awards and was ranked 60th on Billboard magazine’s artists of the 2000–2009 decade chart.

      Does she know that Jones is the half-sister of fellow musician Anoushka Shankar?

      Finally, does Jacki know that George Harrison organized the charity Concert for Bangladesh in August 1971, in which Shankar participated?

      Does Jacki know what other female also has 9 Grammy Awards and who has 27?

      And do you realize Howard, that this thread is rapidly becoming the one in the MLT CLUB with the most participation and words and characters typed?

      Also, here is a trivia question for you.  What are my 4 Greatest Concert Events tied for #1 in my lifetime?  I already told you one that was in 1972.  The others were 1990, 1991, and 2016.  Who were the artists?  Also, what potential concert would TOP all of these and stand ALONE by itself, buddy?  Finally, what is my next concert in February and in what city?  Thank you for your participation; lol!!!

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/12/2018 at 20:58

    Thankyou Howard for clarification on Ravi… I was at least partially right in what I was saying????????????

  • Howard

    11/12/2018 at 02:22


    Always pleased to save you time Mike. You also saved me time with your post. I never know when I’m posting too much information, as you would probably know from some of my previous replies, which have on occasion, taken significant diversions. It’s not difficult to get carried away when we start discussing music and our favourite artists!

    As for this thread rapidly becoming the one in the MLT CLUB with the most participation and words and characters typed, I knew you’d get there eventually!

    Your 1972 concert would have been the Rolling Stones. I saw them during the same world tour in January 1973. As for the others, I suspect they could have been Paul McCartney, the Moody Blues and Sheryl Crow.

    As for, ‘what potential concert would TOP all of these and stand ALONE by itself. Well of course that would have to be MLT.

    I strongly suspect that Sheryl Crow fell out of favour with you for political/religious reasons!

    • Michael Triba

      12/12/2018 at 01:56

      Hey Howard!  You mind is like a steel trap; you have the powers of instant recall!  Add to that your deductive and research skills.  You had 3 0f 4 buddy!  The latest Power 4 Concert was Norah Jones in Omaha in June 2017; awesome concert!!!

      Some of my lifetime 2nd tier concerts after Norah, The Stones, Moody Blues 6 or 7 times, and McCartney would be:  The Who (probably 1st tier though), Bob Dylan, Jethro Tull, Three Dog Night, and Sheryl Crow twice, etc. etc.

      Ms. Crow was huge for me around 2005.  I bought all her albums and DVD’s.  Not political/religious, and if it was would not talk about it here.  Recall those are banned subjects in the CLUB.  Nope, in my last DVD which is during her “Wildflower” Tour she used a filthy word when addressing the audience.  There was no reason to release thousands of DVD’s with that word not edited out.

      As you know, I was a teen in the 60’s and young adult in the 70’s, so I did not grow up with virgin ears or mouth, but I will not and can not abide by the stench of rotten fish emanating out of someone’s mouth.  Male or female, star or commoners make no difference.  All for now, buddy!

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/12/2018 at 13:59

    Hi OmahaMike’s… Yes.. I know some of the things you mention… I’m not into total darkness???? on things…

    Now for Mike Rife.. I agree.. Vince made PPL in my opinion and though at time didn’t realize it was Him singing Amie… I’ve always lived that song .. and still do now… many eons later… And I still like Vince’s music and guitaring????

    • Michael Rife

      13/12/2018 at 14:39

      Yeah, Vince is the real thing in music.  I’ll always be partial to Craig, though, because he wrote most of their first two albums.  But, I like Vince’s PPL songs as well… between Crain and Vince..….not so much.  Amie will always be one of my favorite songs.  We have a special needs daughter who is going to be 30 (hard to believe) but she is not very verbal (maybe 2 or 3 spoken words at a time) and has had several operations, etc.  In short, she is my hero.  But, what she can do is sing along with complete songs.  The first one she sang all the way through was Amie…so that clinched it for me.  Also, the other month she surprised me.  She was in the car with me and I had the Beatles channel on.  Back to back they played This Boy and Ticket To Ride and she sang them both all the way through.  I couldn’t believe it because it had to be years since she had heard those songs.  So, for some reason she has a memory about song lyrics and can sing the songs even if it has been years since she heard the song.  Mike.

  • Jim Yahr

    13/12/2018 at 19:02

    If my memory is right Poco was formed by the remnants of Buffalo Springfield after Stills and Young left for CSNY .  I’ve got a about 4 of their albums, mostly on original vinyl.


    • Michael Rife

      15/12/2018 at 12:24


      You are correct.  CSN and later Y formed one group from Springfield and Richie Furay and Jim Messina formed Pogo (later Poco) from Springfield.  There were contract issues to work through at ATCO before the groups could begin though.  Mike.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/12/2018 at 20:09

    That is awesome Mike Rife re: your special needs daughter’s gift of lyrical memory and to sing… Music has magic effects and theraputical essences????????????????????✌️????????

    • Michael Triba

      14/12/2018 at 00:39

      I totally agree Ms. Purple Jacki!!!  I told my wife about Michael’s daughter and she said that the spoken word and the singing voice come from different hemispheres of the brain.  I have learned not to doubt my wife (safer that way; lol), but I would love to research this further.

      You and my wife both work taking care of elderly folks, and I know that music really can sooth them.  I know it soothes me, and at age 68 I am in the next group of elderly, along with my millions upon millions of fellow baby boomers.

      Mike Rife; if you are reading this, my wife has a question, please?  Can you and your wife and/or your daughter’s therapists teach your daughter to sing when she speaks or wants something?  Or is it that she needs to hear a song and have her synapses help her sing along?  The human brain is simply one of the greatest marvel’s of creation, isn’t it?  Thank you!

    • Michael Rife

      15/12/2018 at 12:32

      Hi Michael;.

      It was also explained to me that singing and speaking comes from two separate part of the brain.  But, the two parts have to work together to cause singing.  It is also why we sometimes feel more fatigue, at times, after we finish doing things musical (both parts working together).  Also, she has been in speech therapy off and on since the beginning.  But, she needs the melodic part from the song to sing along with it….she needs it to tap into the memory of doing it before and to remind her how to do it.  So, the singing of sentences would only be possible if she hears the music at the same time.   Still I am always kinda amazed how the brain and music works together.  Mike.

    • Michael Triba

      17/12/2018 at 06:00

      That all make perfect sense to me Mike.  We do not have children, but I know that your beautiful daughter has proven to be a very special blessing from God for you and your wife.  Your love and sacrifices in her behalf are being richly rewarded now, and you will all receive your full reward one day soon.

      May God bless all of you, my friend.

  • Howard

    14/12/2018 at 02:27

    Well music certainly has ‘magic effects and theraputical essences’ when it comes to my brain Jacki. There have been times in my life when I definitely have had ‘special needs’ and it has been during those times when music was the only pleasure in my life. Today the only therapy I need is the MLT!

  • Marián Hrozen

    26/12/2018 at 13:05

    Hi people,

    my TOP TEN:

    1. The Beatles

    2. Duran Duran

    3. Deep Purple

    4. MonaLisa Twins

    5. Miro Žbirka

    6. Sweet

    7. Limahl

    8. Depeche Mode

    9. Queen

    10. Pink Floyd

    … and many more. 😀

    • Michael Triba

      27/12/2018 at 07:44

      Hi Marián!

      Thanks for chiming in here; great list!  I remember your name and face from my Intergalactic and Facebook days.  I don’t know that we have ever “met” however.  I always thought your sunglasses made you look like a pretty cool dude!

      I’m in Omaha, NE USA.  Like our buddy Christomir, you are European, correct?  I’m guessing North-Central Europe maybe?  Holland?  Netherlands?  Germany?  My surname is Polish and in the Fatherland was spelled Tryba.  (pronounced Tree-bah)

      I’ll need to Google some of your groups.  Christomir (Itso) has introduced me to a ton of great artists over the past two years.

      If we can keep Jacki and Howard and a few others motivated here, we might be able to get this thread to 100 comments!!!  🙂


    • Marián Hrozen

      30/12/2018 at 11:21

      Hi Michael, I’m from Slovakia. South of Poland. Thanks MonaLisa Twins I discovered The Zombies again. I’ve always known them, just for years I’ve forgotten them a little. I am still listening to them. Excellent music.

    • Michael Triba

      09/01/2019 at 02:25

      Thank you Marián!  As a child I knew your country as Czechoslovakia, of course!  You are very near the area of Poland where my ancestors are from.  I remember my father Edwin talking about the town of Pilznow.  Recently I learned my family was from the southern regions of Malapolska and Swietokrzyskie.  I really need to research those further.

      As a Slav, you might be even more closely related to me than Christomir in Ruse, Bulgaria!  You and I would be part of the West Slavs, whereas Itso is part of the South Slavs.  You do know Christomir (aka Itso) Rackov, correct?  Did you know that his #1 and #4 Band are the same as yours?  Later, my comrade!  I look forward to talking to you more in this groovy MLT CLUB!  🙂

  • Jung Roe

    26/12/2018 at 23:55

    Hi Marian.  I haven’t heard of Depeche Mode mentioned in quite some time.  My younger sister was a huge Depeche Mode fan, and I think was all she listened to for a while.  Nice sounds for sure.  She will be happy to hear there is a fellow Depeche Mode fan.  In the 80’s I remember Duran Duran was huge too.  They are one of the few 80’s bands I enjoyed.  I was heavily into ACDC in those days, but I enjoyed a lot of the Duran Duran stuff then.

    Isn’t MonaLisa Twins a breath of fresh air for awesome music these days!!!

    • Marián Hrozen

      30/12/2018 at 11:29

      MonaLisa Twins is something amazing nowadays. Everywhere you hear commercial music that can not even be called music by places. And here, the MLT has taken us back to the sixties. An amazing thing.

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/12/2018 at 04:52

    I like your list choices Marian… I was a Durannie somewhat in the 80s along with my ???????? Band buddies – – Glass Tiger… Still am a fan of GT…as for Duran2… Not so much now… Their music direction went somewhere else…. Lol… BTW… Great to see you on here ????????????☮️

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/12/2018 at 18:02

    But OmahaMike… On December 10th or close to that date… I did indeed post my Top 20 list of faves at the time… The list revolves daily as I like so many and cannot stick to a fixed list of faves .. I love music of many genres with exceptions to a few I just don’t enjoy and therefore not keen to tune in but like Marian mentioned Duran Duran in his list… I was  a somewhat of a Durannie back in their heyday time in the 80s to mid 90s…Also I’ve got a new nickname :  JukeBoxPoeticSmilePurpleJax.. It sums up me ????

  • Daniel Smith

    10/01/2019 at 21:05

    I don’t rank the groups I like.  There are 3 categories:  Artists I don’t like, artists I like, and artists I like a lot.  Some of those from that last category include Buddy Holly (with or without Crickets), Roy Orbison, the Beatles, the Hollies, the Kinks, Ricky Nelson, Linda Ronstadt, Abba, Blondie, Gene Pitney, Rolling Stones, and of course Mona Lisa Twins.  My current favourite artist is Reina Del Cid, a Minnesota-based singer/songwriter who I consider to be a modern day female Bob Dylan,  and her guitarist, Toni Lindgren, who can play circles around nearly everyone.  I support Reina on Patreon.

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