MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Is this where I ask fellow fans and not Mona and Lisa?

  • Jacki Hopper

    10/01/2019 at 21:46

    Hi Daniel… I like your answer… Fair enough… We All have our own eccletic music tastes .. Whatever jives your Jukebox Groovy… Well that’s what matters above all else  . What or how others feel about your music tastes… Does not mean musicnotesdiddlysquats????????????????????????✌️☮️

  • Jung Roe

    11/01/2019 at 04:57

    I just listened to some of her originals on the youtube channel and Reina Del Cid is indeed a female Bob Dylan as you say.  Has that signature Dylan vocal down good.  Which video does Toni Lindren appear?

  • Jung Roe

    11/01/2019 at 05:37

    Both Reina and MLT did Janis Joplin’s Mercedes Benz and Chuck Berry’s Johnny B Good, so it was fun comparing their versions.

    I have to say MLTs vocals in Mercedes Benz and Johnny B Good are quite a bit more dynamic to my ears than Reina’s who has a strong country influence to everything.

    • Daniel Smith

      11/01/2019 at 17:15

      Toni Lindgren is in most of Reina’s videos, you must have hit on the few that don’t feature her.  Check out her guitar work on Reina’s song “Medium”.  For Reina’s songwriting ability, check out Hold Me Before I’m Gone Forever.  Hard to believe that someone that young could write such a poignant song about the end of life.  Oh well, this site is supposed to be about the Mona Lisa Twins.  Didn’t mean to distract anyone from that.

  • Howard

    11/01/2019 at 06:46

    Yes, very nice indeed Jung, and as you state, a strong country influence to everything. Much like Dylan’s ‘Nashville Skyline’ period, but not much like Dylan in other ways. She is a much better singer but I don’t really know much about her song writing skills to compare her with Dylan. For a modern Dylan, look no further than Courtney Barnett: ‘Australia’s answer to Bob Dylan’ on being a voice for the millenial generation.

  • Daniel Smith

    11/01/2019 at 19:11

    I’d like to thank you both for checking her out.  Most people wouldn’t.  I’m listening to Courtney Barnett right now.

  • Jung Roe

    12/01/2019 at 21:28

    Saw both videos, and Toni is very good on the guitar, and Reina’s Hold me Before I’m gone Forever song is a very sweet ballad.  They are both very talented and I can see why you like them so much.  It’s too bad real talent like MLT and Reina are not dominating the charts these days instead of the canned music the industry is trying to ram down everyone’s throat.  Perhaps vehicles like MLT Club, that goes more direct to the fans that appreciate real good music and talent, is the way of the future for the music industry.  Seems like the greed of the modern status quo mega music labels and promoters have killed creativity in the garbage they are trying to push to the masses as good music.

    • Michael Triba

      12/01/2019 at 22:12

      Hello again Jung and Roe!  You have truly great comments, you and Howard!  With your motorcycles and muscle cars you guys truly are bad a—s!!!  My little brother Tom aka Thomas (aka Tomas en Espanol) was into Mustangs back in the day and his first was a 1965 in pale yellow color.  He graduated into 240, 260, and 280Z’s.  My fastest car was a 1967 Chevy Impala S/S with a 327 engine.  On the highway from Omaha to Lincoln I was ticketed going 87 mph in a 75 zone.  Good thing I slowed down from 120, eh?  My ticket was a mere $48, but still a lot for a 22-year old in 1973.  Imagine my fine if they had clocked me at 120!  It is a wonder any boys live to be 25-years old!

      Thanks for helping eventually get this thread to 100!  I think that you and I and Howard are the main contributors.  When we get to 100 I will publish an itemized list.  Right now, this is comment #70 from 10 blokes.  Maybe Howard wants to get a pre-list of those 70?  He is “time-rich”, after all; lol!!!  Hi there, Howard! 😉

    • Daniel Smith

      14/01/2019 at 00:06

      Thanks for you comments, Jung.  It seems that the best artists these days are those not affiliated with major record labels and who “go their own way.”  MLT is a perfect example.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/01/2019 at 02:07

    All this Muscle car talk got me thinking about a Hot Rod album that we had listened to in our house growing .. The whole family .. We are avid car racing fans…Nascar and Super Modified (Oswego NY Speedway (USA) & Brockville Ontario Canada and a track in Quebec that I forget the name of just now and our current home to our football team was formerly known as a dirt race car track and like  other stock car class of  racing .. Lol… Anyways back to the HotRod Album… Can’t recall name of it but had photos of all Hotrod cars and trucks for its album cover and one song stands out for me from it… “He Wore Black Leather Trousers and Motorcycle Boots… etc  ????????????????️????????????????????????????????️????????????⛽????️… My one bro I believe still has the album to my knowledge… Rev up them engines… Vrrrrrooooommmm  ????

  • Jung Roe

    13/01/2019 at 03:39

    Jacki, was it “Black Denim Trousers and Motor Cycle Boots”?  It reminds me of a Truckers cassette I had a long time ago.  It had songs like Convoy, Teddy Bear, Giddy Up Go, etc on it.  I recall there was more talking than singing on most of those songs, kinda like rap.

  • Paul Wright

    14/01/2019 at 22:22

    Well I have pondered the question for a while regarding my top 10 and the only 3 that stay constant are

    1.       The Beatles

    2.       The Kinks

    3.       The Stones


    At the moment

    4.       MLT

    5.       Cream

    6.        Emerson Lake and Palmer

    7.        Small Faces

    8.        John Mayall Bluesbreakers.

    9.        ELO

    10.     The Move.

    Tomorrow this could all change as I believe that there was such a wealth of good music to choose from. M.L.T. in my opinion are right up there with the best.


    • Michael Triba

      20/01/2019 at 16:11

      Great list Paul!  I was happy to see someone include  ELO and Emerson, Lake, and Palmer (they were my #8 for years until I found some of these newer artists via FaceBook and YouTube).  For a while I had 2 lists:  Pre-1990 and Post-1989.  It got to be convoluted.  I should be kind of like the guy here who does not list, but just has 3 main categories.  Mine would be:

      1. Artists I love i.e. The Moody Blues, ABBA, Bee Gees, Norah Jones, Alyona Yarushina, Michael Jackson, Traveling Wilburys etc. etc.

      2. Artists I like i.e. ELO, Three Dog Night, Grand Funk Railroad, Jethro Tull, Rolling Stones, Simon and Garfunkel, Beatles, etc. etc.

      3. Artists I hate and I won’t name any here, but there are several.

      You have a great Top 3 and it is not unlike my brother Tom’s.  He has 1. Rolling Stones 2. Moody Blues 3. Beatles

      Right now, mine is 1. Moody Blues 2. MLT. 3. ABBA.  Of course it is subject to change and it has, but Moody Blues will always be #1 and ABBA will always be Top 3.  The Beatles were #2 for decades, and I love most of their music, but some things about one or two of them I don’t particularly care for.  I don’t totally separate the music from the person and the personality.  But that is just me and my own viewpoint and prerogative.

      I have a good buddy in Europe who has 1. Beatles 2. ABBA 3. Orishas 4. MLT.  So his #1 and #4 are the same as yours, but he cannot stomach Mick Jagger, and therefore is not a fan of The Stones; lol!

      Thanks for your contribution here Mr. Wright!  (P.S. If you are a married man, did your wife once say, “I finally found Mr. Wright!”)  Sorry, buddy! 😉


  • Paul Wright

    22/01/2019 at 15:50

    Hi Michael sorry for the late reply, been busy working etc. Sadly lost my wife 2 years ago, but yes she did say she had met her Mr Wright. lol. Not wanting to dwell on the point of my loss, but as they say, things happen, and a positive that can be taken from such a sad loss was that I threw myself back into my guitar  playing( I used to play in a band in the 70s and 80s) and looking on you tube at bands I used to follow, and covers of tracks that I particularly like.  The positive from this was discovering MLT. Watching Lisa play While my guitar gently weeps hit a spot with me and made me pick up my Les Paul and start to play again. Thank you Lisa !!


    • Michael Triba

      25/01/2019 at 07:22

      Thanks Paul!

      I am so very sorry you lost your wife and the love of your life.  If one of us has to go, I hope and pray it is me first.  (That is about the only time I would ever put myself ahead of her; that and darting in front of her to take a bullet.)  I’ll pray for you sir; that you can continue to cope with your dear family and friends, but especially with the strength from the God of All Comfort and His Beloved Son.

      Wow; you have a Les Paul, Paul?  I know little about guitars (I play piano) but is that not the “Cadillac of Guitars?”  I know what you mean about the time.  I tried to get off Facebook and that lasted about 3 weeks.  🙁  Too many lovely friends, and I follow the World’s Greatest Vocalist there, on YouTube, and as a Patreon patron.  Please see my revised TOP 1o in my very next comment.  She is now #3.

      God bless you, sir!


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