• January Birthdays

    Posted by Tom Fones on 16/01/2022 at 16:06

    I have always felt that a birthday in January is no great benefit.

    In the dead of winter, so soon after the holidays. No one is in a very festive mood.

    In the middle of the year would be much better it seems.

    But some people manage to keep a January birthday totally Groovified.

    We all should be looking towards Ontario Canada this coming Thursday.

    Happy Birthday Jacki !

    Allan Morton replied 2 years, 8 months ago 10 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Michael Thompson

    17/01/2022 at 15:25

    Yes indeed Tom! A very happy birthday to Jax, our resident poet laureate!

  • Johnnypee Parker

    17/01/2022 at 17:28

    Three cheers for Jacki

    Hip Hip Hooray!

  • Jung Roe

    18/01/2022 at 05:46

    Hey, happy early birthday cheer to you Jacki! May you have the most wonderful groovy purple day!

  • Dana Hart

    19/01/2022 at 15:16

    Hope you have a Groovy day Jacki! 🙂

  • Jürgen

    19/01/2022 at 16:47

    Only the best wishes !

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/01/2022 at 08:15

    Hi All, it’s 3 AM, just becoming sleepy-ish now… Thankyou for your #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified Birthday Wishes, as it is both Truly Heartfelt Appreciated & Cheers Me up as it sadly also marks my Dad’s 11th Year Anniversary Passing Away Anniversary as well, so , it makes it a tad bittersweet/tinged with a hint of sadness but am focusing on all Happy Memories of him today for my Birthday ????????☮

  • Johnnypee Parker

    20/01/2022 at 11:03

    Happy birthday, Jacki!

    Hope you have a great day,

    Marlo & JP

  • David Herrick

    20/01/2022 at 15:25
  • Walter Music

    20/01/2022 at 16:29

    Happy Birthday Jacki, I hope you have a beautiful day!!!!!!

  • Allan Morton

    21/01/2022 at 09:41

    Yes, all the best to you Jacki, have a great day!

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