MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion John Sebastian on Summer Songs

  • Howard

    15/02/2020 at 07:30

    Well if it was me and my brothers, we’d be onto it right away. But as noted, we have different tastes, and someone who prefers sweet harmonies may not dig a band playing mainly rhythm and blues and hard rock, interspersed with some original sixties pop. Also, these concerts can be ridiculously expensive, and unless you can get a decent seat…. difficult as they would have been snapped up by Stones nuts, it may not be worth it.

    I first saw them in 1973 at the old Milton tennis courts in Brisbane (an outdoors event) and it was absolutely pissing down raining, much like the last few days. The concert was scheduled for the night before but was cancelled due to rain. Well the rain didn’t stop and so the show went on with a tarp over the stage, but no covering for us.

    Queen just played here at another outdoor venue a few nights ago (with a young singer who apparently was excellent), and it pissed down raining). Brian May said it was the worst conditions they’d ever played but also said it inspired them and they lifted their performance. The show received good reviews. I don’t know why these acts tour outdoor venues at this time of the year as it is our wet season. We have had more rain already in the last couple of weeks than the whole of last year. I guess it fits in with their schedules, and they wouldn’t want to be playing outdoor venues in a northern hemisphere winter. Which brings me to another point. What sort of venue are they playing?

    I’d also be checking the reviews to see how well they are playing at the moment. That’s another consideration, Ron Wood has had health issues and I believe Keith’s doctor has finally convinced him he needs to give up the cigarettes. He has emphysema. Mick Jagger had a health scare recently too, causing the tour to be delayed. I don’t know how they do it at their age.

    As for Charlie, I saw a recent interview with him (2018), when he was asked how long he thought he could keep up the touring, he replied that after every tour he has said that’s enough, no more. However, Mick has always managed to talk him around the next time. I guess it’s a bit like women and babies. After nine months pregnancy and the pain of birth, many say never again. However, twelve months later the pain is forgotten but the good feelings remain!

    I believe they have been getting good reviews, so the consideration for you would be the cost of the tickets, the type of venue and seats available, plus how badly do you want to see them, considering you most likely won’t get another opportunity.

    Don’t worry if you miss out though. There will be many, many opportunities in the future to see the MLT live, and that’s really what counts.

  • Jung Roe

    15/02/2020 at 07:32

    BTW, those devastating fires were hard to see.  Glad things are getting better over there as far as fires go, and hopefully did not impact you too much, and hope the rain and floods subside.   While I don’t want to minimize in any way the toll those fires had on the people, I saw some news clips of the wildlife that were devastated, half a billion animals killed by the fires, that was horrifying!  They showed some seriously injured Koala Bears being treated, and it was so sad to watch.  Being an animal lover, seeing the wildlife devastation, like what happened to those Koala Bears, was heart wrenching.

  • Jung Roe

    15/02/2020 at 08:12

    The venue is at our BC Place Stadium which is a full sized football/soccer stadium with a covered retractable roof that holds about 60,000 in the seating area and probably more with seating on the field.  The tickets look like went on sale at 10AM local time today.  Looks like there are some seats still available.  $170 to $300 in the upper bleachers furthest from the stage where I think binoculars would be needed, to $400 to $1000 in the lower level seats, right up to $4000 for front row floor seats.

    I’m not sure I’d be able to convince my wife to go at these prices.  🙂  but they are the Rolling Stones and for fans, a once in a lifetime opportunity might be worth it.

    I do enjoy a good hard rock show.  Saw AC/DC in 1985 at the Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens stadium.  Was one awesome show.  Almost went deaf when they lowered a real cannon from the ceiling for their “For Those About to Rock, We Salute You” song and fired off a few blank rounds in the stadium!  🙂


  • Jacki Hopper

    15/02/2020 at 18:22

    Stones have been to Ottawa over the years… Would I go… Nope… If it were Beatles and I could afford… Yes… I missed out on Paul being here some yrs back… The ticket prices were far beyond my affordability… But in spirit I was…. Lol

  • Howard

    21/02/2020 at 02:54

    Well Jung, I agree, it would be difficult to convince your wife to attend a Stones concert. I think maybe you are better off, like me, saving up all your pennies for a future MLT concert in Europe or the UK one day. Now that would be special. Imagine all those MLT fans from around the world meeting up in the one place.

    I avoid the big stadium concerts these days. I think I must be getting old! Well I am getting old. I much prefer the smaller, more intimate club type venues. That’s why seeing the MLT at the Cavern Club would be so good.

    And yes Jacki, affordability is a big issue for some of us financially challenged members here like us. That’s why we need to spend our money wisely, like on all the awesome MLT music and merchandise, and I hope, a live concert one day. ?❤️

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/02/2020 at 03:12

    Hey Howard… , the kindred spirit seems to be in full swing here…

    Like you, My preference is the smaller more intimate venues as opposed to huge stadium/hockey arenas type places…

    In Ottawa, the biggest place for concerts is the Canadian Tire Center,(Home to our NHL Team Ottawa Senators?), I’ve seen a few shows and hockey games there, not keen on it though, prefer the smaller Theatre type style venues we have here : National Arts Centre, The Meridian – Centrepointe Theatre, The Shenkman Arts Theatre,  smaller studio/stage space at Centrepointe Theatre (not to be confused with main stage Theatre area-they are both different entities within same building), Barrymores Concert Hall, Algonquin College Commons Theatre,  The 2 Casinos in our areaIn Ottawa and the other in Gatineau- Hull, Quebec (walk/drive across a few bridges from downtown Ottawa to get to Casino in Gatineau – Hull) that offer live shows, of course the outdoor music festivals in Spring/Summer here too at various locations around Ottawa, all ideal for perhaps future Ottawa MLT shows ?… The one sad thing of Ottawa past, a former top notch Legendary Old Theatre was demolished before my time or when I was a wee one under 5 yrs old, I’ve seen photos of it, it was grand and elegant… Barrymore ‘s kind of like a mini – me version of it. It was demolished, for a stupid parking lot…

  • Jung Roe

    21/02/2020 at 21:54

    Hi Howard.  That would be special indeed to one day meet up with all the MLT fans in one place with Mona and Lisa as our honored guests!  ?

    I havent been to a big concert venue in quite a while.  Last one was about 8 years ago, saw Vancouver’s own Michael Buble at the big BC Place Stadium.  Got free tickets from our company, so that helped!  Prior to that was Brian Adams who use to go to a rival high school not too far from where I grew up.



  • Howard

    22/02/2020 at 00:37

    I bought a niece of mine the Brian Adams album with “Summer of ’69” on it, back in the 1980s. Her father (my second eldest brother), wasn’t happy as she became a Brian Adams fan while he was a Rolling Stones fan! There have been quit a few successful entertainers to come out of Canada since the sixties. We’ve had a few too.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/02/2020 at 02:04

    Howard & Jung… You both crack me up… You both spelled Bryan Adam’s name wrong… ?It’s how I spelled it here… Funny how you both did same spelling error… Lol… And my 2nd oldest brother had bought that same album and I love that song “Summer of 69” and a few of his other hits, he actually lived in Ottawa briefly growing up I had read,  and hadn’t known that factor before I found out years back. Now he is also an established photographer and has photographed many famous folk.

  • Howard

    22/02/2020 at 02:27

    Well Jacki, I definitely do know better and am taking the easy way out here and am blaming Jung as I very lazily copied his spelling. Thank you for correcting us though.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/02/2020 at 05:13

    Howard: you’re quite Welcome, anytime?? Goodnight EH

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