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  • Just A Thought To Share…

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 17/10/2018 at 18:46

    I use for the most part …an Android Samsung Galaxy type phone/tablet and on occasion ..public library computers  and when out n about or my ancient betbook… I use WIFI access for internet needs.  Though like App versions of the Social Media…both fersions are different in their features and layouts…and so I have to give thanks to Team MLT and other fans who are techminded to offer/explain the differences in how things look/work for on here depending what device type…whether it’s home internet…WiFi…Phone Data to access this wonderful Groovy MLT CLUB ORESENCE.

    As things evolve here and grow …even with tech burps and gas and internet indigestion and hiccups from time to time…it all works out…help from those who share what they know to help make for an even better experience.. Kudos for the outstanding ongoing Efforts.. It’s Quite the Place to BE????????????❤️????????????☮️✌️????????

    Howard replied 5 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Howard

    18/10/2018 at 04:17

    And thanks for sharing Jacki. I don’t know anyone who could put it quite as artistically as you.

    It’s nice to see that all the editing functions are now working. Things are happening in a very ordered way!

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