• Paul Steinmayer

    25/02/2020 at 20:06

    I did Howard… a lot, and I loved em’ too!  But what I REALLY loved from the Fish and Chip places… was the hamburgers!  OMG did they have good hamburgers!  Actually, what I really miss food wise from NZ is the Steak and Oyster, or Steak and Kidney pies.

  • Jung Roe

    26/02/2020 at 06:32

    Yeah David’s article makes sense to me too being bilingual, although my korean is very basic and I could not articulate or express myself as well as in english, but in my dreams, they are equal.  As a very young child my earliest memories of speaking, at age 3 or 4, was in korean with my parents and oldest brother, and to this day, when I dream or think about them, I mentally think in korean, but on the other hand with my younger sister and other siblings and all my friends it would be english, because I always conversed with them in english.  The language I think or relate to go back and forth between Korean and English depending on the person or circumstance.  There seems to be that underlying non-linguistic concept going on there that defaults to one language or the other depending on the person or circumstance I am thinking about.  Yes, an interesting topic indeed.

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