• Laurel Canyon

    Posted by Jung Roe on 03/12/2022 at 05:07

    I use to cruise around Laurel Canyon, and up into Mullholland Drive in my 89 Mustang. I left a 50 metre dark skid mark on Sunset Blvd that I wonder is still there. It left flat tops on my Good Year Gartorbacks, forcing me to get my wheels rotated the next day. I never knew back then the significance musically of Laurel Canyon, although I always kept my eyes open to catch a glimpse of Brian Wilson or Mike Love driving around.

    In case anyone is interested, came across this interesting video.


    As I watch this, I am happy we have an MLT original in “Destination Sunrise” that I think captures the California sound perfectly.

    Tom Fones replied 1 year, 9 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Michael Rife

    03/12/2022 at 14:10

    Laurel Canyon was the great dreamland for musicians in the late 1960s and early 1970s. I never got to visit because at the time I was in my middle teens and Mr. Rife (my dad) would have stopped me from going or make me wish I had never gone.

  • Jung Roe

    04/12/2022 at 20:19

    Hi Mike. Southern California always had this bigger than life dreamland appeal, for me it started with the Beach Boys and the beautiful coastline. For my brother who lives down there, it’s just home with all the ups and downs of a huge city. The weather is always nice and the coast is gorgeous and draws me back all the time.

  • Tom Fones

    13/12/2022 at 01:50

    Everyone should read Weird Scenes in the Canyon by Dave McGowan.

    It is a great piece of history even though don’t accept his premise at all.

    (Everyone was really working for the dark side – corporate America).

    He makes a good case about a very few people and then smears everyone else

    with guilt by association.

    None the less that area had spooky intelligence connections – including Disney.

    Tom Fones

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