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  • Lazy Sunday Afternoon

    Posted by Jung Roe on 03/10/2021 at 22:41

    Just love MLTs version of Small Faces “Lazy Sunday Afternoon”. Was not familiar with this song or the band at all before hearing it on MLTs Live At The Cavern album, and wow they certainly made this a hit all their own in my books. Always turns my Lazy Sundays into feeling very special and joyful. It’s my sunday anthem!

    Jung Roe replied 2 years, 11 months ago 8 Members · 23 Replies
  • 23 Replies
  • David Herrick

    04/10/2021 at 00:50

    I only knew one Small Faces song pre-MLT: Itchycoo Park, which according to Wikipedia actually topped the charts in Canada.

    I just now listened to their version of Lazy Sunday for the first time, and I have to say it’s not nearly as polished or fun as MLT’s.

  • Jung Roe

    04/10/2021 at 06:00

    Hi David, Itchycoo Park, I know that song! I had no idea who it was by, but I remember hearing it on the radio growing up. A really catchy and groovy song indeed. A gem from the past. I agree, I listened to the Small Faces original to Lazy Sunday, and it’s nice, but I’m afraid can’t hold a candle to MLTs superb version.

  • Jürgen

    04/10/2021 at 09:04

    Yes a very nice song, Jung. However, also the only song besides Itchycoo Park that I know from The Smallfaces (I feel like David). Why is it, have they produced so few songs or did they never have a real Chance to stand out from the many well-known competitors? (This fate has been followed by some bands of the 60s, I’m thinking of The Byrds, The Pretty Things, The Animals. You know one or two songs of them. Or were they simply better known in the past than they are today? Unlike The Kinks or The Who).

  • David Herrick

    05/10/2021 at 02:00

    Good question, Juergen. I don’t know what happened to them. Maybe they just got too big for their faces.

    • Jürgen

      05/10/2021 at 03:39

      Thank you David. That seems to be a very realistic explanation. I had already suspected something like this. 🙂

  • Walter Music

    05/10/2021 at 04:17

    You know what guys, no one can hold water to MLT!! I am just Hopllessly Devoted to MonaLisa!!!! Now that would be a great song for them to sing but it is in the later 70’s.

    The first thing I have to do when I get home is Listen to MLT and that’s after riding home in the car with a MLT CD on!!! I have never done that in my life. What is it????? There just so damn good!

    • Jürgen

      05/10/2021 at 05:13

      Hello Walter, you probably suffer (enjoy) from acute MLS (MonaLisa Syndrome). This manifests itself in the pronounced desire to hear MLT virtually anywhere. In the car, at home, in the shower and possibly also when cycling. But that’s not a cause for concern. According to the latest medical findings, MLS usually increases the quality of life in general and the joy in particular. People with MLS also have a big grin on their faces early in the morning and fall asleep peacefully humming at night. Actually enviable.

      “Hopllessly Devoted to MonaLisa“ ? Nice song, sounds to me like „Living next door to Alice“. I would buy the disc immediately. I can also think of a another nice title: „Dedicated Follower of MonaLisa“

  • Walter Music

    05/10/2021 at 15:42

    LOL Jurgen, you are probably right. I think a lot of us in the Club feel that way. Since May when I joined I have been able to come out of a funk that I was in. Now, more positive, playing and singing more. Doing more Studio work, so if it’s a Syndrome than I hope it continues!!!!!

    • Jürgen

      05/10/2021 at 17:48

      Yes, Walter if you are not careful it becomes chronic. Then no pills will help you, but only CD’s. 🙂 I am happy to hear that you have been a member of the forum since May. Studio work sounds interesting. Are you a musician or producer? (… or both)

  • Diana Geertsen

    05/10/2021 at 18:37

    I call it MLT mania and glad there is no cure. I just look forward to the day that I can see them perform!!

  • Walter Music

    05/10/2021 at 23:03

    Let it become Chronic as I can take it! I play around with the studio but I will say I love playing the guitar, thanks Jurgen and your right Diana and I also would love to be there when they are on stage again!!! Wouldn’t that be a blast!!!

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/10/2021 at 16:55

    Yes, a day is not complete without daily, hourly injections of #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified- ness and I too, share tge common hope for seeing MLT in person performing …????☮

  • Bill Isenberg

    07/10/2021 at 17:00

    Jung and members, I feel the same, Mona and Lisa are simply the best. I love their covers better than the original and when I listen to the Beatle Channel on XM radio and when they put a cover on from another group and if it is not the twins I Change the channel, the twins are the best at Beatle covers hands down. Not sure if was posted or not but the small faces turned into the faces with Rod Stewart and Ron Wood and I like them a lot and hope the remaining members can get together. Lazy Sunday is a brilliant piece of work from the twins and they have a blast singing this song and I am playing the air guitar with them on this one, simply the best!! Love the twins and my day is not complete unless I hear them.

    Bill and Maddie Isenberg huge fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

    • Jürgen

      07/10/2021 at 17:29

      Hello Bill, nice that you get in touch. I had the question what happened to the Small Faces. Thanks for the hint. I didn’t know that the Small Faces became The Faces with Rod Stewart.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    07/10/2021 at 17:16

    I think I have MLS. It blends well with my caffeine addiction.

    JP ☕️☕️☕️????

  • Jung Roe

    08/10/2021 at 08:58

    Nicely said Bill, and I agree, my day is not complete unless I indulge in MLT music or videos. As Jurgen so brilliantly coined it, I’m seriously afflicted with the MLS (MLT syndrome) that is so wonderfully contagious and loving it.

    In Canada it’s the Thanksgiving long weekend, and I’m looking forward to a roadtrip into ranch country for a few days with nothing but MLT blaring through the speakers!!!????????????❤

  • Jung Roe

    10/10/2021 at 22:20

    Ahhh, another Lazy Sunday Afternoon!!!

    There is nothing like putting on the tea, cranking up the MLT Jukebox, shut out the world and indulge in your favourite little passions.

    • Jürgen

      10/10/2021 at 22:39

      Lazy sunday afternoon? You lucky one. Already over for me. Monday morning is already knocking quietly on my door and I’m going to bed now. What you’re going to do with the fountain pen and the pocket knife, I’m sure someone else will find out. 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    14/10/2021 at 08:20

    Hi Jurgen. I love the craftmanship, pride and attention to detail that go into these instruments. Fountain pens are little works of art, and Swiss Army Knives are little engineering marvels. The consistency in quality are amazing, and they last a life time. If I’m going to hand write something, I’d rather use an implement that a lot of love and care went in to produce, instead of a disposable ballpoint that a machine mass produced. I once sent my Montblanc pen in for repair, and they said it had to go back to Germany so one of their Master Craftsman in their atelier could work on it.

    I think good art and music is like that too.

    • Jürgen

      14/10/2021 at 12:53

      Thanks Jung, then I understood it. I thought the whole thing might be a picture puzzle or word puzzle, because in your notebook you wrote the sentence “Cryptographic Transition”, then you exchanged one letter and arranged a total of three pictures with fountain pen and pocket knife in different positions. Sometimes I think just a little too complicated. 🙂
      I used to like to write with a fountain pen, but unfortunately I ruined my handwriting (which was already not beautiful) during my time at university.
      I also like artfully and handcrafted well made utilitarian objects very much and I find it a pity that nowadays so many cheap mass-produced goods are produced, which are no good and quickly thrown away. I agree with you: high-quality craftsmanship and well-made music are one and the same side of the coin.

  • Jung Roe

    15/10/2021 at 16:54

    Hi Jurgen. Back in 1895 they made Swiss Army Knives for the Swiss Army, and in later years for other armies around the world. In North America the veterans who returned home from World War II popularized the Swiss Army Knife seeking them out in the US and around the world. Anyway these knives were useful to the soldiers to fix and adjust their rifles with the screw driver blades, and opening cans and bottles in the field. One of the common uses for the officers were the small knife blade that they used as ink erasers. They would scratch away mistakes on paper with their little Swiss Army knives. That’s what I was trying to capture on the photos.

    I highly recommend writing with fountain pens again. There is something really nice about letting your thoughts spill onto the page with wet ink that flows like your thoughts.

    • Jürgen

      15/10/2021 at 20:03

      So, finally weekend and time to recover. Thank you for the very nice video. Writing as meditation and time out from the hustle and bustle of the world? A very beautiful idea. My parents and grandparents still had very nice handwriting. At that time, more emphasis was placed on good handwriting. It was the only way to preserve the knowledge of the time for the future. I think this awareness is often lost in today’s hectic typing and you have brought me to the taste Jung: Maybe I’ll buy myself a fountain pen again and start writing with it. Then my handwriting will probably become more legible again. Scribbling around, as with a ballpoint pen then no longer works. Sometimes I’ve almost forgotten what handwriting actually still looks like. I only think and write in block letters. A real pity. Do you master Caligraphy?

      Also thanks for the explanation on the subject of swiss knife. I don’t have such a great knife, just an old green one, I think it’s used by the German army. (You already know, the only army in the world whose helicopters don’t fly, submarines that sink before they’re even submerged and of course the top gun Gorch Fock: the three-masted barque that sends entire aircraft carrier crews into a panic as soon as the sails appear on the horizon).

      While we’re on the subject of writing, it occurs to me: In one of the last topics I had presented an alternative version of “While my guitar geently weeps”. There is another music video for this, also by Cirque du soleil. This one can’t be linked here, but I find it absolutely beautiful. It starts with an unknown stranger writing a few lines in an empty notebook, just like you did in yours. After a short while the letters and sentences start to detach from the paper (without a Swiss Army knife 🙂 ) and form an anonymous dancer, who starts a melancholic round dance with a ballet dancer. The whole thing reminded me a bit of the video “Take on me”. Simply enchanting, sentimentally beautiful and moving. (Maybe the video is about two lovers who can’t find each other, or are separated forever…, who knows?). If you don’t already know the video, I think you will really like it.

      The link is: “” (The Beatles – While My Guitar Gently Weeps)

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