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  • Jung Roe

    16/10/2021 at 05:25

    Hi Jurgen, that Cirque Du Soleil video of While My Guitar Gently Weeps is great. Love the imagination and portrayal of the hand writing as an idea or image that comes to life and interacts with the woman. I also love MLTs “Club 27” video that has some marvelous hand writing animation and cartoon figures throughout! So imaginative with the music and animated expressive hand written lyrics interacting with the music. Watch the video right to the end as the animated hand writing continues.

    My handwriting is not very good, always been messy resembling chicken scratches at it worst. I remember in school envying how some of the other kids could write so neat and elegantly. I was fortunate enough to get hand written lyrics by Mona and Lisa of “The Wide, Wide Land” when they did some a couple years ago at the MLT Club, and they have beautiful hand writing! Montblanc came out with a new very specially made fountain pen with a wonderful flex nib. The demand for a pen with a true flex nib like they use to make 80 years ago is so high, you have to go on Montblanc’s waiting list that can be almost a year long, which I did. But one day before the pandemic I just walked into a small penshop and just asked about the pen, and the clerk told me to wait and went to the back and came back with the pen, brand new, unopened in the box, unaware of how sought after that pen was. They must have received a few Montblanc had in stock. I bought it on the spot, and that is the one I have shown in the picture above. My pride and joy fountain pen.

    Here is an attempt at calligraphy I did. I am nowhere near what that girl in the video can do, but I play around with trying to learn calligraphy. There are a lot of Youtube videos of Calligraphers I enjoy watching and learning from. Yeah, I highly recommend getting a fountain pen and start journaling. With the detailed notes I take at work in my notebook with my pen, it has helped and saved me many times. A good brand that offers good quality fountain pens at reasonable cost is Lamy.

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