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  • Diana Geertsen

    11/03/2022 at 11:12

    Siobhan de Mare (Singer in British Trip Hop band ‘Mono’) This song was featured in the film “Great Expectations” with Gwyneth Paltrow and Ethan Hawke.

  • Diana Geertsen

    11/03/2022 at 11:40

    OK. Just one more. I could easily post 100 songs. This is Bobbie Gentry’s “Ode to Billy Joe” Almost 15 million views on this one.

  • Christopher

    11/03/2022 at 17:22

    My favorite female artists:

    1. MonaLisa Twins

    2. Jann Arden

    3. Serena Ryder

    4. Luba (Kowalchyk)

    • Jürgen

      11/03/2022 at 19:19

      Hi Christopher. Thank you for posting. I’m not particularly familiar with all three performers (Mona & Lisa of course excluded 🙂 ), so I checked them out right away. Very different voices and characters and each very good in their own way. I like Luba best. I don’t know exactly when she peaked in her career, but some of her songs sound like the good old 80’s.

    • Christopher

      12/03/2022 at 02:05

      Jurgen: Glad that you were impressed with Luba. Her big period was during the mid 80s to the mid 90s. I agree, “Every Time I See Your Picture” is my favorite of Luba’s as well.

      Luba…”Every time…” (from Montreal), Serena Ryder…”Stompa” (from Toronto), and Jann Arden…”Good Mother” (from Calgary) are all big in Canada who never really broke into the U.S. market. I was lucky because I grew up about three miles from the Canadian Border and was able to listen and to appreciate all things Canadian.

      All three artists didn’t fit the FOOL U.S. MOLD that producers and such were, and still are, looking for. Our loss, as Americans. I am so lucky that I live so close to Toronto. And yes, all three artists are different from each other. That is what makes music great!

      There is lots to say about each artist. But I would be writing all night. I hope other MLT members will look them up. Great musicians, and great people!

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/03/2022 at 04:41

    Ah, Christopher…. you made me go down down memory music lane to my teen yrs in the 80s with Luba, and Jann Arden & I do like some Serena Ryder, all good Canadian stock of musicians ….,Luba was on MuchMusic, Good Rockin Tonight, Video Hits back in the day…. I’m a Glass Tiger fan for since 1986ish, met them in 1988-89, known them personally since I’ve met them….lol…. Yepoers Canada has some top notch quality music from past to present, moreso the past , is the stuff I like with odd few newer bands I actually will listen to music of in today’s music landscape … I like Le Meow band (Gin Bourgeois) , ( local band from Ottawa, Lucas Hangman from Ottawa, One 2 One were from Ottawa back in the 80s as were the band 8 Seconds too, )

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/03/2022 at 04:46

    Hi Diana…love ” Ode To Billy Joe “

    • Diana Geertsen

      12/03/2022 at 12:00

      Hello Jacki,

      Hope all is well. You always come up with such great lists. I also love Dusty Springfield.


  • Jacki Hopper

    12/03/2022 at 04:56

    Hi again Jurgen…..

    Well, the Celtic population is vast in Canada, Ottawa area where I’m at, is high in Celtic population as Irish/Scottish were amongst the first to come settle in the area, and in Quebec & Maritimes ( East Coast) as well, the Celtic population is high thus alot of Irish-Celtic music performed in culture, family… …. Also in my area, there are many other cultural ethnicity of Italian, Lebanese , Asian , etc …. Many different Festivals occur to showcase tge cultural diversity , but Covid had slowed down the festivals , postponing/cancelling …. Paul Anka , the crooner was born in Ottawa …etc

  • Jürgen

    12/03/2022 at 07:33

    Hi Diana, thanks for the songs „I Am Woman“, „Life in Mono“ and „Ode to Billy Joel“. All three are great songs. I especially like „Life in Mono“ very much. It sounds very melodic and somehow mysterious.

    Thank you Christopher and Jacki. With your help I am slowly becoming an expert on Canadian music 🙂 .

    Here I have another great piece of music by a band that Jung brought into play at one of the last posts:

  • Jung Roe

    12/03/2022 at 10:56

    Hi Jurgen, that is a nice one by Shakespeare’s Sister! I also like Bobby Gentry’s “Ode To Bill Joe”. Nice selection Diana.

    In the late 90s and early 2000s, I enjoyed some of the songs by Evanescence. Her music is a kind of classical meets heavy metal. Some songs like this one really has a lot of grit.

    • Diana Geertsen

      12/03/2022 at 12:43

      I’m right with you Jung. I also love “Bring Me to Life”

    • Jung Roe

      12/03/2022 at 21:38

      Hi Diana. Another good one from Evanescence. They do an effective job combing operatic vocals with heavy metal guitar work. They merge the best of both worlds in a sense. Their music reminds me of Bohemian Rhapsody

    • Jürgen

      13/03/2022 at 09:45

      Hi Jung and Diana, thanks for posting Evanescence. I have heard the song „Bring me to life“ many times without knowing which band wrote this song. I like the title very much. If you like hard and classic, you might be interested in “Nightwish” (if you don’t know this band already). The Finnish band around actual lead singer Floor Jansen is a popular representative of the symphonic metal direction. I have attached one of their softer and chart suitable single releases (with this song they only scratch the tip of the iceberg of their abilities). Enjoy.

  • Diana Geertsen

    12/03/2022 at 12:15

    OK. When I said one more, I lied. This is a French cover band called Nouvelle Vague (which means new wave). They have rotating female vocalists, so I’m not sure which one this is. The song is “In a Manner of Speaking”

    • Jürgen

      13/03/2022 at 09:48

      Hi Diana, you have a very charming way of „cheating“ 🙂 And it was worth it: “Nouvelle Vague – In A Manner Of Speaking”. A very relaxed song with a lovely Latin American colorit. I’ve found a nice cover version of “Don’t speak” also in Bossa Nova style:

    • Diana Geertsen

      13/03/2022 at 11:21

      Jurgen, I love Nightwish and the eloquent way you described the Latin style music.

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