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  • Lisa and Mona; are you ready for 26 questions…

    Posted by Michael Triba on 13/11/2018 at 07:04

    …from me over the span of the next 52 weeks?  One every two weeks on Fridays.  The odd number questions will be for Lisa (1,3,5,7,9, etc.) and the even number questions (2,4,6,8,10, etc.) for Mona.  (No, Lisa it is not because I think that you are ODD and your twin is EVEN-keeled.)  It is because everyone is always saying MonaLisa this, and MonaLisa that.  How about LisaMona for once?

    Some questions will be straight-up and some may tend to be tongue-in cheek-goofy.  All will be deeply respectful of the two of you and your parents.  If they are not, then have Michaela kick me out of here and you keep my $156 per year.  Fair enough, young ladies?

    Now if you will please excuse me, I must spend the next 2 hours thinking of a good question to ask the redhead this Friday, November 16th.  It must be a good one.  A little bird (who I don’t know that well) told me that first impressions are very important to young lady musicians.

    By the way, let’s come up with a really groovy name for this new arrangement.  How about “FanMikeFriday?”  Yes?  No?  Or would “Club 26” be easier to remember?  You tell me, please.


    Jacki Hopper replied 5 years, 10 months ago 9 Members · 26 Replies
  • 26 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    13/11/2018 at 07:17

    Hey Omaha Mike… Lol… How about…” FanDay Friday” ~ “QuirkyQs Friday” or just “QuirkyQs  ~” FunTimesFriday” or “Figure-It-Out Friday” … OK… Now I’m sleepy… Gnite Eh ????

    • Michael Triba

      13/11/2018 at 08:16

      Ha ha Queen PB!  This is a personal name for my own personal MLT2toMLT questions, not the entire Universe or Galactica here; lol!  Thanks though!  Sleepy too; buzz-zzzzzzzzzzz.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/11/2018 at 07:19

    “FanFeatureFriday”… “FabFanFriday” .. ????????????????????

  • Howard

    13/11/2018 at 09:26

    Does this mean you’ll only be posting to this Q&A site once a fortnight? Good luck with that one Mike. No, this is not the Universe or Galactica, just the MLT Club but if the Twins don’t get back to you, another member just might.  You may already be doing this but I use the ‘Search Forums’ option before posting any questions as there is already considerable data already on the site. I find this function very useful.

    • Michael Triba

      13/11/2018 at 15:10

      Thank you sir, but I thought someone else here already established that this part of the forum is called “Ask the MonaLisa Twins.” I appreciate folks letting one of them answer the questions posed to them by name.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    14/11/2018 at 16:32

    We shall be looking forward to your questions, Mike! 🙂

    Christmas preparations are running high right now but we love going through all the new forum posts at the end of a long day and reading everyone’s questions.

    • Michael Triba

      15/11/2018 at 00:13

      Thanks so much Mona!  Question #1 will be asked to Lisa this Friday and Question #2 will be posed to you in two weeks after that, on November 30th.

      If you don’t like Lisa’s answer to me, then feel free to reply yourself, or correct your old sister.  Michaela and Papa Rudi can chime in as well, but ONLY the Wagner Family who moved from Austria to Liverpool in 2014 is eligible to answer.

      If anyone else attempts to answer for you Wagners, then please ask Lisa to pour tea on their head, but only lukewarm.  We don’t wish to harm them with boiling hot tea or freezing cold tea; lol!


  • Howard

    15/11/2018 at 03:15

    Lukewarm tea!! Nothing worse! I’d much prefer boiling hot or freezing cold, depending on the season, but only if one of the twins was physically present to perform the task.

    I look forward to their answers!

  • Timothy Connelly

    15/11/2018 at 23:33

    Hey Michael,

    Lisa has given her blessings for posters to chime in and add to the discussion. I asked a question about the lyrical content of the song The Wide, Wide Land and there were several terrific responses. But that didn’t stop Lisa from giving a definitive answer after we had talked it over for several days.
    If you want to stop all conversation with your posts I for one will respect that but I rather enjoy hearing Howard and Steve’s responses and believe they set the stage for more depthful responses from Mona and Lisa. Your call, my friend.

    • Michael Triba

      16/11/2018 at 01:40

      Thanks Tim; I appreciate your thoughts.  I also appreciate that everyone here is willing to support Team MLT financially and with kind words.  I was in another fan club where I saw a lot of “fans” that were just YouTube “Cover Lovers” and never gave a nickel of support.

      I am not the “posting police” and do not wish to assume the role of one, even in the threads I originate.  I live in a free country in the free world and I assume that the vast majority of folks here do as well.

      Fan clubs and online stuff are relatively new to me still; a little over two years.  I have inactivated my Facebook account before, and am about to do it again, and maybe for good.  Long story; but here is how I explain it:  #ontoolong, #uptoolate, and #fatternotfitter; lol!

      I believe the MLT CLUB to be a wonderful way to commune with Lisa and Mona, and to get to know them better.  I am happy to “give back” by making them smile, while supporting them with a few funds as well.

      So, the bottom line for me Tim, is this:  No, I do not wish to “stop all conversation” in my threads.  How would I do that anyway?  Even so, and this has been my belief for decades, I think it is a lack of good manners to answer a question that is directly addressed to some one else.  I realize that others may not feel that way.  Nonetheless, I know this is a public and not a private forum.

      I am so far behind in life Tim, that I won’t generally be making many long replies to anyone unless it is Mona and Lisa and their parents.  My lack of being able to be here everyday is one reason I am setting aside time for one question per month for Lisa, and one for Mona.  If you notice I don’t engage in conversation with others (unless it is close friends I have known for years now), it is not because I am anti-social or unloving.  Ask the people who know me, and especially the Wagner family.

      By the way, to a point that Howard made here, I am not just seeking information about the Twins.  Along with my buddy Christomir (Itso) and others, I fancy myself as somewhat of an “MLT Historian.”  But my main joy is enjoying the present with them, and looking forward to the future.  I hope to live long enough to follow the vast majority of the careers of Mona and Lisa.  But there are no guarantees for any of us, right buddy?

      Stay tuned and enjoy my Q #1 to Lisa tomorrow night.  It will not be an underhand lob.  It will be a 95 mph fastball!!!  (No curveballs that she can’t hit though.)

  • Timothy Connelly

    16/11/2018 at 02:45

    Thanks Michael,

    Proceed as planned and I know I speak for everybody here that we look forward to your 26 questions! (I made a longer post earlier but some demons stole it away)

    • Michael Triba

      16/11/2018 at 06:24

      That has happened to me often in Facebook.  I call them gremlins sometimes.  If I think about it beforehand, and know I’ll write a long post or reply (like I did to you here), I’ll compose it first in MS Word, save it, and copy/paste.  Please do not wait with baited breath, Tim.  These questions will take a year and be nothing extra special.  I don’t know that this thread deserved all this attention.  (You never go by Timothy or Timmy?)  I go usually Mike and maybe Mikey by my mommy as a baby’ lol.

  • Howard

    16/11/2018 at 06:10

    I understand where you are coming from Michael and would never endeavour to answer on behalf of anyone else. However, one of the stated intentions for setting up the this club by the MLT family was so that multiple questions on the same subject could be more efficiently addressed.

    I have no problems with other members answering any of my questions that  may have already been answered by MLT either in this Forum, Facebook or via any of their many YouTube videos. Likewise, I will always endeavour to point other members in the right direction for answers, in respect to their questions that may have already been addressed by MLT. Of course we can expect that the Twins will obviously still respond if they feel clarification is necessary or if they wish to express a changed or modified viewpoint, or if they just feel like it!

    I fully understand that like MLT, many club members don’t have the time to engage with this forum as often as they would prefer, unlike time rich members like myself and others.

    In MLT we trust!

    • Michael Triba

      16/11/2018 at 06:43

      Thanks Howard.  You ever go by Howie?  You can shorten me to Mike if you wish.  Yeah buddy, I am not looking for efficiency, productivity, or speed here.  That is for my part-time job.  The rest of the time, I exist in the slow lane of life.

      I’m not looking for just clarifications from Mona and Lisa.  I just wish to get to know them a little better.  My main motivation is to uplift their spirits, encourage them, and brighten their days if I can.

      You have your way of doing this and so do I and both are valid.  I think you understand that I prefer that Lisa and Mona first answer my questions.  But I think I am starting to repeat myself here.  I’m a slow typist and have spent way more time than I thought here.  I have a feeling that you and Tim plan to appear in an omnipresent fashion in my posts, and that makes me a tad uncomfortable; sorry.  I like flying under the radar a bit.  I’m not wanting to be impolite here Howard.  Have a great weekend and enjoy this groovy club!

  • Unknown Member

    Deleted User
    16/11/2018 at 11:07

    You might have to flip a coin on what to call this segment….Mike’s Mic, Tim’s Time or Howard’s Hour!

    gold coin

  • Steve

    16/11/2018 at 14:06

    As a child I was taught, ladies before gentlemen so I’ll let the twins chime in first before making my own comments, if I feel the need.  For you USA 60’s dinosaurs that grew up on 60’s TV, I’m like Mr. Ed in that I don’t talk unless I have something to say.

    • Michael Triba

      16/11/2018 at 23:34

      Thanks Steve!  I like your manners and your attitude.  Ha ha; if the children of the 60’s are dinosaurs, then as a child of the 50’s I am a fossil; lol!

      Actually, as a Nebraskan, I am a Child of the Corn; a Cornhusker from Husker Nation!  (Go Big Red.)  Mona and Lisa already know what that means!  I’m from the big city of Omaha, one of the top music and foodie cities of America.

      Where are you from Steve?  Are you a Yank, a Brit, or other Euro?  I see that you have brought your lovely lady with you and so have I.  Nice to make your acquaintance here, sir!

  • Christomir Rackov

    16/11/2018 at 21:08

    Looking forward to your questions, and Mona’s and Lisa’s answers, Mike 🙂

    • Michael Triba

      16/11/2018 at 23:24

      Thanks Itso!  Lisa will be first batter-up in the first inning late tonight.  I don’t know that she has played much baseball, but methinks she is a fast learner.  You and Carol CPH can always help her with her batting stance and swing.

      I’m gonna throw the heat right away, a fastball in the strike zone.  No curveballs or sliders though.  Heck, she might hit a home run in her first at bat!

      This is not the World Series, but there may still be plenty of crowd noise for both pitcher and batter.  Thanks buddy!

  • Steve

    17/11/2018 at 01:27

    Michael, actually I’m a fossil too, having been born in the early 50’s, it’s just that my impressionable years occurred in the 60’s.  And I am a Yank living near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania so we automatically have a Big Ten rivalry as I’m a Penn State fan.  And being a die hard Phillies fan, Nebraska is OK as it’s the birthplace of one of my all-time favorite Phillies broadcasters, Richie “Whitey” Ashburn or as Harry Kalas called him, His Whiteness.

    And that lovely lady is actually my daughter who is a huge Beatles fan, courtesy of her awesome dad (haha).  Two years ago she gave my wife and I a terrific gift to thank us for all we’ve done for her and that was two tickets to the Paul McCartney concert in Hershey like ten rows from the stage (she and her boyfriend also had seats a few rows behind us).  One of my life’s biggest thrills which would, believe it or not, be topped if I were somehow able to meet the incredible Wagner family.  How I’d love to be in a picture with the twins as the thorn between two roses.

    And I think Mona and Lisa can handle the fastball but don’t lay any Bruce Sutter split finger fastballs or Steve Carlton sliders on them.  They made many great hitters look terrible when those pitches were working.  But I bet the twins will take you downtown through the deepest part of the park with their answers.  They are two very intelligent and articulate young ladies.  Looking forward to this Q&A.

    • Michael Triba

      17/11/2018 at 05:28

      We may have been in high school at the same time, Steve.  Born in 1950, I was in the now-famous CLASS of ’69!

      Yeah, the NU/PSU rivalry goes back a bit and really heated up in the 80’s, eh?  Dr. Tom Osborne and Joe Pa Paterno were true legends.  I hated the way Joe Pa’s legacy was tarnished at the end. 🙁

      Beautiful daughter Steve, in many more ways that one, eh?  My Sweet Lenore and I saw McCartney in Raleigh, NC in July 1990.  We lived in Charlotte, NC from ’86 to ’90.

      Yeah buddy, my #1 Bucket List Dream is to meet Mona and Lisa and their lovely parents, and to give them all a warm embrace.  Actually, that is kinda related to my first fastball.  I’ll bet that Lisa will hit a walk-off home run with my very first pitch!!!

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/11/2018 at 05:36

    Well… It’s taken a life of its own… As the answers have shown… It has grown… Wait and see and the like… Intriguing indeed Omaha Mike????????

    • Michael Triba

      17/11/2018 at 06:06

      I did not expect this, Jacki Purple Buzz Queen; lol!  I neither want to be famous or infamous here.  The FOCUS is on MONA and LISA, eh?

      Ha ha; this reminds me of the good old days at Intergalactic!!!

      How in the world do you get emojis here, oh Queen of All Emojis?!?!?!?

  • Carol Hankins

    17/11/2018 at 06:20

    This will be lots of fun, Mike! Looking forward to your questions and Lisa and Mona’s answers. ????????????????❤️????

    • Michael Triba

      17/11/2018 at 15:49

      Thanks Carol CPH!  Great to have you, Itso, Jacki, Ricky, Jerry, and the others to back up my efforts!  Even better to cheer on all the groovy Wagners!  First pitch to Lisa coming up next.  After that we can relish big Buckeye and Cornhusker wins!  Glad I’ll be in my 70 degree Man Cave.  Right now in Omaha is it 29 degrees with a 21 degree wind chill.  Cold, cloudy, and dreary with a 50% change of rain.  It won’t be much better in Lincoln in an hour.  A buddy invited me to go to the game for a less than face-value $50 ticket in the club seating.  I said thanks, but no thanks!

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/11/2018 at 22:03

    I enjoy all Q’s asked and when replied by MLT or whomever else… I look forward to the replies .. ????????????

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