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  • Lisa, I am amazed at you lead guitar work while you are singing

    Posted by Brian St. August on 05/01/2020 at 23:04

    Lisa, I am more and more impressed with the quality of your lead guitar work every time that I see and hear you. Many bands have dedicated lead guitarists whose licks are powerful, but they often don’t sing at the same time that they deliver those moments. Often duos, like my brother and I, will add the lead licks on a separate track so we didn’t have to worry about that kind of precision when we were singing. That said, I think I am most impressed by you on your Duo basic tracks with Mona when you are both singing and there is no background track utilized either on harmonies nor on guitar. Nonetheless, you just deliver incredible lead guitar work with warmth and tonality … and your voice has grown unbelievably – as has Mona’s. I know there is not a question in this. I could ask, “How do you do it?”, but I am pretty sure the real answer is tons of practice and 10 tons of talent. I think you are too humble and modest to admit to the talent, but you truly are a top notch player, singer, artist inside of one of the most down to Earth people I have ever experienced. Bravo, my friend …. bravo. You are a role model for young … and old.

    Michael Rife replied 4 years, 7 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/01/2020 at 23:04

    I guess all I can say here is Thank You! I’m glad you notice and appreciate the little guitar embellishments and licks. Like you said, it’s all down to practise and I am well aware that there’s a gazillion things I could be better at. But that’s journey and fun of playing any instrument 🙂

  • Brian St. August

    06/01/2020 at 01:14

    Thank you for the courtesy of your response, my friend.

  • Jung Roe

    06/01/2020 at 07:14

    Brian, so eloquently stated.  You are right on about Lisa and Mona on every point.

    Lisa, you and your sister are musical super stars in every aspect, despite your extreme modesty.  You both have been impressing the heck out of us all with your Duo Session performances.

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/01/2020 at 19:52

    Brian was spot on with his observations and am glad to know that over time, Team MLT will always continue to grow in their creativity through their music, and other adventures, continue and strive to be the keen learners they are to embark upon tackling best they can with what they have and make the most of…. Kudos all around??

  • Michael Rife

    21/01/2020 at 03:11

    My two cents………Lisa can hold her own on lead guitar with the best of them.  I’ve noticed that sometimes when she is in the middle of a difficult lead guitar riff while playing live, she is whispering something to Mona.  And I think “bleep!!!  How does she do it!!!” Other times she pulls off the riff as if she is only switching from a G chord to a D chord.  Really amazing.  Mike

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    15/02/2020 at 14:03

    Lisa is amazing. She must practice so much that the muscle memory takes over. I don’t know how she does it, but very good question and very gracious answer.

    That’s one of the reasons I love these girls and their family so much! Awesome talent and very nice young women. And, that reflects on how they were raised. Great parenting. Can’t help but love them all.

  • Howard

    15/02/2020 at 15:57

    Touché Jerry. Awesome musicians and performers but still very grounded, as we can see by the unassuming Lisa’s reply. You can’t help but love the twins.

    I think, as you indicate, they have benefited from excellent parenting, but Papa Rudi and Michaela are also fortunate to have two such adorable daughters who are very passionate and determined to be the very best they possibly can be, and you can’t ask for more than that. I sincerely hope they achieve all the success they deserve. To the toppermost of the poppermost!

  • Francis Gerald (Jerry) Chamness

    15/02/2020 at 18:26

    Good point, Howard. It’s definitely a win, win!

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/02/2020 at 19:12

    Both Mona and Lisa, for me, rank in my mind as equals Iin that rare caliber of only selected few that for me are top notch musicians/instrumentalists in my opinion, and I say this with utmost certainty and confidence??

  • Michael Rife

    16/02/2020 at 11:18

    And, ya know, we get the added bonus of watching them progress over the years.  We can go back to when they were 13 and listen to them and it continues through the present day.  I believe it was 2015/6 when I started following them closely and their talent has only increased since then……and we get now to see weekly updates and improvements in their talent.  To me this is something really special.  Mike.

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