• Darryl Boyd

    06/08/2020 at 23:23

    After giving it much thought, I’d choose the one who has the nicest guitars 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    06/08/2020 at 23:46

    Darryl, it would a tough choice because they both have very nice guitars!   🙂

    Rick and Gretesch duo2

    Jacki, JP – That Stewart’s Orange N Cream is incredibly groovy delicious looking!  Will look for Stewart’s next time I go to the supermarket.

  • Jacki Hopper

    07/08/2020 at 03:02

    Heyya JP, wasn’t  aware the Stewarts headquarters were nearby you, that’s cool ,..You’re roughly a 3-4 hr drive from where I’m at… Yes, it’s available herevin most stores, etc…

    No, no Stewart’s Shoppes, at least where I am at, maybe elsewheres in Ontario,  and across Canada, there may be…I prefer to drink this over Sunkist Super C, Orange Crush whenever I have a craving for orange soda….????

  • Michael Rife

    08/08/2020 at 06:30

    Well…..I go away for awhile and looky here.  I cannot choose.  They each bring something different and unique to the musical table.  Lisa is quickly becoming an accomplished and talented lead guitarist.  From what I hear she can hold her own against any of the guitarists of the present or the past.  I relate more to Mona because she is a rhythm guitarist which I am too…….mostly.  She is also a drummer and I started out playing the drums and then switched to guitar.  So, it is more of a positional thing…..drums and rhythm guitar….that I relate more to Mona’s playing than to Lisa’s playing.  In terms of singing either solo or in harmony it is a toss up….they can both sing very well.  So….overall to me it is a tie again.  Really can’t choose.  Mike.

  • Howard

    08/08/2020 at 06:42

    That looks just so cool and refreshing Jacki!

  • Howard

    08/08/2020 at 06:53

    It seems that MLT Club members have difficulty in making a choice, so in the end, it just may come down to the Bobby Hatfield and Bill Medley option used to decide who would sing solo on “Unchained Melody“. The toss of a coin. Whichever way the coin falls, I believe we would be a winner!


  • Michael Rife

    09/08/2020 at 18:35

    Hi Howard;

    I didn’t know that about ‘Unchained Melody’.  I am so glad Hattfield won the flip because I cannot imagine the song done any other way.  His high notes make the song and relays the feeling of being hopelessly in love.  I’m not sure Medley would have made the song such a standard.


  • Bill Isenberg

    09/08/2020 at 20:14

    Well here goes…as a father of 3, one daughter and 2 sons and a fabulous grand daughter Maddie, sorry guys no way can I Choose Lisa over Mona or Mona over Lisa. SORRY I Can not choose. They both are wonderful and in their own way they make the Mona Lisa Twins what it is. They both play off each other like I mentioned in another shout out on how they do what Keith Richard and Mick Taylor and Ron wood do playing together , they are so tight and know when to come in and take a lead and riffs etc…and as twins? They are one in my book. So probably not what you all was looking for, but to answer the Beatle pool? Early on It was John but shifted to Paul but George was up there as well so see, how hard it is to choose? LOL…But this is fun for sure and I am sure Mona and Lisa are getting a kick out of this for sure. Great question Jackie thanks!

    Bill Isenberg A Huge Fan from Pittsburgh Pa USA

  • Jacki Hopper

    09/08/2020 at 22:43

    Hi Bill, just to clarify…I didn’t  start this question, it was Timothy Connelly, that started this question post/debate, lol…. but I still stand by my opinion, Both Equally, as I had posted  awhile back ago….?

  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2020 at 08:10

    Well said Bill.  And their harmonies are like none other.  Superb perfection together.  thumbup

  • Bill Isenberg

    12/08/2020 at 01:52

    Sorry Timothy , a shout out to you on a cool question! Again Mona Lisa are laughing at all of this I am sure. Thank You for the correction Jacki, this is so great to chat with you all and to share a common ground of loving The Mona Lisa Twins and what they do! So here in the USA it is 8:52 pm so I guess I should of paid more attention in school but what time is it for you all?? Just wondering….LOL..

  • Howard

    12/08/2020 at 03:52

    I don’t think he will hear you Bill. Timothy has left the building!

  • Joseph Manzi

    12/08/2020 at 22:07

    Taboo subject. I will steal a line for That’s Life. Not Cool!

    They have different qualities even if they are identical twins. Thank God

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    12/08/2020 at 22:38

    So far, few people want to admit to having a favorite Twin, but I’m going to just come out and say it:  My favorite Twin is the one who plays all those groovy riffs and licks on the lead guitar… no wait, it’s the one who plays a mean harmonica while strumming a guitar and keeping time with her foot … no wait … oh hell, I can’t decide.

  • Jung Roe

    12/08/2020 at 23:54

    Lynn, I think you had us all holding our breath for a moment there!  🙂

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