• Bill Isenberg

    13/08/2020 at 00:42

    Agree Jung, Lynn had me going there for a minute….LOL….Good one Lynn….LOL

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/08/2020 at 02:02

    Just simplify…Both Equally….lol…

    As for being identical, that’s  still up in air….they may be/not??

  • Thomas Randall

    13/08/2020 at 02:08

    [postquote quote=100135][/postquote]

    Howard is Tim no longer a member or did he pass away? I don’t recall hearing or seeing anything.

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 02:44

    What I read on bio they are identical. – It’s the hair color. If you look at when they were a lot younger and same color hair.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/08/2020 at 02:53

    Hi Joe, this has been discussed many times, MLT get asked this often, and  they themselves have said, that they  are not 100%  sure if in fact are identical. Mona is a tad taller and has slighlty different facial features than Lisa, so I’m going to say , fraternal is more like,  though when toddlers, yes looked more identical, but I could still see the slight facial differences  and Mona’s height. Hard to say , unless they were tested to find out for certain.??

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 03:00

    I want a recount. I will be looking a lot closer now. I guess you can’t believe everything you read. Who older Mona or Lisa.  I know the answer if its true.

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 08:16

    Hi Thomas. Timothy, like me, was one of the first to join the Club. In the early days there wasn’t a lot of activity in the forum. Tim, however, was a prolific poster, every day. He had managed a web site fan club for one of his favourite bands for a couple of years and was concerned that this club wouldn’t survive without the efforts of the initial members and therefore he felt it was important that we contribute as much as possible.

    His theory, from experience, was that if it could survive the first few weeks, the Club would be fine. This of course proved to be true and I have noticed a significant number of very active participants joining recently. Tim was also very passionate and consequently could be a little controversial (this topic is an example). I think he believed that a little controversy was important to keep the Forum interesting and to keep members engaged. I must admit to this tendency in the past myself. However, I have since been through the appropriate rehabilitation and hopefully now no longer rub people the wrong way. I have found this Forum can be very interesting without the need for anyone to be unnecessarily controversial.

    At the same time as Tim was around, there were also a couple of other very active members who seemed to have had a falling out with the Club and left. My feeling at the time was that the Forum had become more about their own self promotion and less about the MLT and Mona’s and Lisa’s very beautiful vision and their very positive and inclusive approach to music and the world in general. Something I think we all need to remind ourselves of from time to time. They themselves hopped on the magic bus at the tender age of 13 and members of this club have jumped on board to join them on their magical mystery tour!

    The MLT provide a heap of music and videos for free and this Club is one small way their many fans can help repay them so they can continue to pump out more of their awesome music and videos. It is expected that members sort out their own issues and leave the MLT Team to get on with the job this Club was set up for, to help fund their many music, video and other projects.

    I hope that has answered your question Thomas. Timothy did have health issues at the time so I hope he hasn’t passed away. He was a nice guy and well meaning.






  • Jung Roe

    13/08/2020 at 09:23

    [postquote quote=100253][/postquote]
    Joe, I think the more interesting question is which one is the evil twin.  I’ve asked them in a Q and A and didn’t get a definitive answer and so the verdict is still out.

    BTW, Lisa is big sis by a few minutes, but dont under estimate little sis strength if you witnessed the Two Of Us video. ?

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 10:58

    Joe, I believe Lisa is older by a couple of hours. She was named by her mother after one of her favourite Cat Stevens’ songs, “Sad Lisa“. They may be identical twins even though Mona is just a little bigger and they have some minor facial feature differences.

    You don’t need to be completely identical to be an identical twin apparently, and they didn’t keep the placenta so were unable to test. This is related by them in various interviews and Q&A’s.

    I believe they would be able to tell with a DNA test but it is not something that terribly concerns them at the moment.

    BTW, they have an awesome sense of humour. Mona has said that whenever Lisa reminded her that she was the older twin, Mona would respond, and you’re going to die two hours before me.

  • Thomas Randall

    13/08/2020 at 12:02


    Thanks for the detailed reply. There is enough controversy in the world, we certainly don’t need any more. I was also a very early joiner of the club here but I try to restrain myself and not go too crazy. This is supposed to be fun after all. Sometimes “biting your tongue” is the best idea. I hope Tim is well.

  • Thomas Randall

    13/08/2020 at 12:05

    If I remember right Lisa is only 5 minutes older than Mona. I’m still not picking a favorite! How can you?!

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 12:11

    I think you could be correct there Thomas. If so, it means she is going to die five minutes before Mona. Now that would be awesome. I could not imagine the two of them apart and no doubt they would miss each other terribly, if that was ever the case.

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 13:15

    Hey Jung,

    To answer your question who is the evil one. It should be who is the daring one. That would be with out a doubt Mona. Driving in the snow video and of course the parachute jump was her idea. Lisa is a little more composed. Wait Stones fans Parachute Women…. I think Lisa a leader and Mona is a silent leader taking chances. Where Lisa is more assertive. That’s my take and I am sticking too it.

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 13:22

    You are correct. Lisa by 5.  I’m with you Howard They look identical too me. I will say this.

    Mona has nice eyes.

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 13:36

    I agree with Michael take. Mona Lisa the painting is my favorite….

    That ends that.




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