• Howard

    13/08/2020 at 13:52

    Now Joe, are you up already? I thought you’d just gone to bed!

    I think you are showing amazing insight there. I have felt the same way for a long time now. Right from their first public concert, Lisa is taking the lead in most of the songs and Mona is content, and happy (she can’t restrain her beautiful beaming smile), to go with the flow. When given the opportunity to take the lead, she absolutely shines with their brilliant ”Twist and Shout”.

    Lisa pushed through the anxiety barrier to first perform solo in an open mic situation with their own composition, ”Alone”. She was so overcome with emotion that she cried at the end. Everyone thought something terrible must have happened to her. Fortunately, with support from her equally adorable sister and her amazing parents, the MLT finally emerged and have been charming us ever since.

    You will also notice that Mona is more prepared to goof around (takes after their papa, I think). Their ”Bus Stop” video is testament to that.

    There have been many photos where Mona is smiling while Lisa looks pensive, deep in thought. In true MLT, self deprecating fashion, she would probably say she is just anxious or confused, wondering what life is all about! Some of that self doubt comes out in her composition, ”Count On Me” and I believe their ”Alone” composition too.

    ”Count On Me” has a very uplifting chorus, contributed by her loving father. Yes Mona and Lisa will never be alone. They have hundreds of thousands of supporters the world over!

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 14:13

    Good day Howard.

    Could not have said any better. We are in agreement. Can’t Do That and Sunshine Superman.

    She is awesome. I love her backing vocals too. She could be hell on wheels…

    She did a great job on twist and shout. But Lennon owns that song..

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 14:30

    Yes, Lennon owns “Twist and Shout” and also “Please Mr Postman”, the MLT live cover of which I am looking forward to when it eventually appears from their Cavern Club final appearance.

    However, was Lennon 13 and playing the drums like that when the Beatles recorded their cover?

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 15:10

    Howard to answer your earlier question. Lets see when to bed about 12 est. Woke up either 2 or 3 and check email. Then went back to bed again. Up at seven dogs need to get out.

    I’m waiting for Taxman. Lisa said they did it on last show at Cavern. So now two songs waiting on. I wonder if they will make a cd or dvd of their last appearance at Cavern. We shall see. If they are smart they will. It’s history….

    • Howard

      13/08/2020 at 15:52

      I’ve asked questions about DVDs of unreleased videos of earlier covers they’ve done and it seems there can be copyright issues sometimes. It’s a different arrangement with YouTube videos.

      A DVD of their final Cavern Club concert would be awesome though.

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 15:23

    Question… You said earlier Lisa was named after Cat Stevens Sad Lisa. Do you know what exactly  happen to her eternal, mother.  I hope that the correct word.  I know Michaela is their Step Mother correct.

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 15:59

    Howard you are right. That thought never popped into my head. I sure they are paying royalties now. They probably get a tiny portion. That why you need to do your own music.

    Don’t get me wrong. Myself. I would rather be an Artist then a Performer. I have this argument with people all the time about the King of R&R. To me it was Chuck Berry who wrote his material. Most people say Elvis. Not in my book..

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 16:09

    If you mean their biological mother, as far as I know they have only mentioned her in relation to how Lisa got her name. As for Mona, I believe they had a boy’s name in mind before she was born. They have referred to this in I think one of their radio interviews, if I remember correctly.

    I think it is probably a personal matter that they haven’t felt like discussing and who knows, they may offer more in the future if they change their minds. In the meantime, I’m happy to leave them some privacy in their life. They already offer so much.

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 16:34

    Good morning Joe. I  replied earlier that you showed insight. Well I think you are quite wise too. I would also choose both Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly over Elvis for the same reason. Chuck and Buddy were the complete package. Singers, songwriters and musicians. The same goes for the Beatles over the Monkees etcetera.

    The MonaLisa Twins take it to the extreme though. Singers, songwriters, mult-instrumentalists, recording engineers, producers. Add to that video production, marketing and distribution and you really do have the complete package.

    Their covers and YouTube videos are more a marketing tool to attract music fans who then find out about their original material and purchase that. That’s where the real money would be made.

    Well your day may be just starting but mine is just finishing and it is way past my bedtime. My cat will be waking me from around 6-7am to be let out, after which I will return to bed and he will come back in around two hours and if I’m still in bed he’ll harass me until I get up.

    He’s a very social cat and likes to visit all the neighbours in my block of flats in the morning.


  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 17:23

    Yes !! Buddy Holly would have been. Shame we lost him too soon.  Waylon Jennings was lucking he was suppose to be on the plane and gave his seat up. Well sleep tight. Roy Orbison might be a candidate. I know he wrote a lot of stuff. Hell he was a Wilbury…  But Chuck is the king….

    That’s what I thought about with the Mom situation. Michaela seem very nice and loving and that’s all that counts. What’s your cat’s name?  Let me guess Jagger…  Just kidding.

  • Joseph Manzi

    13/08/2020 at 17:35

    I see your point on Lennon being 13 ompared to MLT. But Mona or Lisa did not live through a war either… They seemed to have a wonderful life..  That’s me…

  • Jung Roe

    14/08/2020 at 00:20

    [postquote quote=100303][/postquote]
    Hey Joe, some good points.  Have you seen this photo yet?  It seems they are still trying to settle which is which.  🙂   I love their shirts.

    MLT Evil Twin

  • Joseph Manzi

    14/08/2020 at 01:12

    Hey Jung,

    Good evening,

    How was your day?

    First time I am seeing this photo. I’m still going with my theory. I will admit Lisa has the advantage with the head lock. But Mona can use her heel on Lisa foot. Bam it’s over.

  • Jacki Hopper

    14/08/2020 at 02:24

    From a female’s  perspective here…the male perspectives here are entertaining to read upon….????

  • Johnnypee Parker

    14/08/2020 at 02:41

    If Mona can maintain a tight grip on that braid,  wait a minute.  Why am I encouraging this behavior?   Girls, stop fighting and go to your rooms.  Remember you’re both equally special, and equally evil…

    Those shirts are a riot!!


  • Jung Roe

    14/08/2020 at 05:02

    You’re right JP.  🙂   Someone call Papa Rudi!!!

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