• Thomas Randall

    15/06/2021 at 23:50

    I’m not touching this one with a 10 foot pole! I love them both equally. Both have such great talents. To me it’s like picking your favorite child. How could you? Even though I don’t have children I’d imagine I couldn’t pick one over the other if i did have kids.

    IT’S A TIE!

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    13/12/2021 at 20:51

    When I made my declaration that Mona is my favorite musician, I neglected to state my reasons. I thought I should correct this omission, and this seemed the best thread to do so.

    First of all, what drew me to MLT was the fact that they play multiple instruments. And not just two or three, but at least ten (combined). They decide a certain instrument needs to be featured in one of their music videos and one or the other takes it upon herself to learn that instrument. But they aren’t like the jack of all trades who is master of none. They are, in fact masters of at least some of the instruments they play.

    Now, at this point, I could say that I have a preference for drums over other instruments and that would make Mona my favorite, but most of us know (even though I have yet to see it) that Lisa can also play the drums. In fact, it is my belief that, although we might recognize Lisa as the best lead guitarist and Mona is the best percussionist, either twin could, if they took the time, could be just as good as their sibling at whatever instrument they chose.

    So, with that being said, my reason for choosing Mona over Lisa is really just one of those intangibles that can’t really be explained. But I can’t deny that it exists.

    Ultimately, of course, it doesn’t matter, since I can’t imagine Mona without Lisa and it is the two of them together that makes them stand out among the thousands of musicians that vie for our attention.

  • Jim Frei

    24/12/2021 at 22:25

    Impossible choice Tim. Do I take the one with long gorgeous red locks and fantastic guitar licks, or the blonde percussionist (who is no slouch on guitar either)? They both seem too have a great sense of humor.

    Yes, I am aware that that isn’t their natural hair color, and that the description sells them way short as far as their talent. Near as I can tell, if we exclude the brass (Mona plays the flute, and apparently mom plays the sax, and someone mentioned a trombone), the only instrument they don’t play is the dulcimer? Their skill at the autoharp may be in question as well. None of which helps in choosing one or the other.

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