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  • Lisa Wagner on Effects.(Awaiting moderation)

    Posted by Howard on 30/04/2019 at 14:09

    Hi Lisa.

    Not sure if this is the correct place to post this. Your latest reply to a question from Daniel opens to “Error 404 – Page not found”.

    “Lisa Wagner on Effects. (Awaiting moderation)2 hr ago”

    Howard replied 5 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    01/05/2019 at 20:39

    Hello Howard

    I tried to see what you mean but could not replicate it. I can see Daniels question and Lisa’s answer below here
    What do you mean by the reply opens to a 404 because I don’t see how you could open a reply. Do you see Lisa’s reply?

    Sorry Howard, please forget what I just wrote. Lisa told me that she just forgot to publish her answer to that post after she wrote it. That’s why the 404 error appeared.


  • Howard

    01/05/2019 at 23:21

    This issue seemed to resolve itself a day or so later. Initially however, when clicking on Lisa’s answer under ‘Recent Replies’, a page came up with the message “Error 4 – Page not found”. This happened several times.


  • Rudolf Wagner

    01/05/2019 at 23:24

    Lisa answered Daniels question but did not publish the answer. That’s why the 404 error appeared.

  • Howard

    02/05/2019 at 02:36

    I see. It was strange as when you hovered over the link to Lisa’s reply, one line appeared (shaded), with Daniel’s name and the start of Lisa’s answer. That’s how I knew it was a question from Daniel. Only reported it because I had never seen this before

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