• live shows

    Posted by Sara Pattern on 05/06/2023 at 10:29

    Been away to a Marillion weekend last week and love this pic took on last night. though one of the balls nearly took my wig off then a few days later saw Sparks at Royal Albert Hall

    • This discussion was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
    Daryl Jones replied 1 year, 3 months ago 7 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2023 at 14:58

    That looked like a lot of fun Sara!

    • Sara Pattern

      05/06/2023 at 23:18

      was a lovely weekend of music

  • Roger Penn

    05/06/2023 at 18:46

    Wow. Would love to have been at that. Thanks for making me jealous. LOL

    • Sara Pattern

      05/06/2023 at 23:24

      sorry but was an amazing weekend and even got a hug from Marillion’s manager Lucy. as she has gone out of her way to support me these last few years just by checking i’m ok each time i attend these last 7 years. they call Marillion fans family and each time i’ve attended it does feel that way

  • Sara Pattern

    05/06/2023 at 23:27
  • Johnnypee Parker

    06/06/2023 at 01:15

    Hi Sara,

    That looks like it was fun. I only know Marillion from their album “Misplaced Childhood”. Love every song on that album. I think Fish has a really kool voice. I have a CD of cover songs by Fish. Here is his cover of Pink Floyd’s “Fearless”.


    • Sara Pattern

      06/06/2023 at 20:05

      the Fish album Songs from the mirror was a homage to David Bowie’s Pin Up album and a way to deliver his final album with Polydor as it released him from his contract with them as he went more independent from there

  • Johnnypee Parker

    07/06/2023 at 01:31

    Thanks for the info on Fish. Those record labels are so stingy sometimes. Does Marillion still play anything off Misplaced Childhood in concert? I seem to remember checking out Fish’s website a couple of years ago. I think he had played some smaller venues and had some videos of his performances. We are hoping to catch some live music this summer.

    Stay groovy,


    • Sara Pattern

      07/06/2023 at 15:21

      Marillion sometimes play the singles of The Misplaced Childhood album as Steve Hogarth prefers to concentrate on the songs that he performs on as he has been the new lad since 1989. Fish often plays the whole album on anniversary tours though his voice has altered a lot since he first performed it

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by  Sara Pattern.
  • Jacki Hopper

    07/06/2023 at 23:11

    Cool… I’m the same way with Glass Tiger… I jet them back in 1988-89-ish,and been buddies ever since …. Most times get to chat/hang out visit w/them either before/after a show or both …. One time, we all ended up staying at same hotel in the town they were playing at , (small city-town, only hotel available ) , got to sit and eat meals w/them…. I’m like family to them as they are to me … 🤘🏻😊

    • Sara Pattern

      08/06/2023 at 17:57

      that is cool. ive only ever dared nodding to the members of Marillion and would be tongue tied if i did so perhaps for the best. but Lucy Jordache Marillion’s manager has always gone out of her way to support me. She is married to Ian Mosley Marillions drummer so i think i would faint if she said come meet my husband but we do put these people we support on a pedastol and in the end they are just like us. though i still cant ever see me ever doing a selfie with anyone

    • Steve Kirk

      08/06/2023 at 19:15

      Wow what a week you had! I’m going to see Sparks in a couple of weeks at Wolverhampton. Not sure about the new album though. What do you think? Did Russell say that they never expected to play the Albert Hall because “that’s where the big groups play”? 🙂

      Totally agree with you when you meet well known people. I met Cherie Currie a few weeks ago at a gig and was tongue tied at first, but she is so nice and down to earth she made me feel comfortable. A really nice person and just like us, though I dare say not all are like that….

    • Sara Pattern

      14/06/2023 at 18:20

      the new Sparks album is growing on me but all their albums seem to be one step in front of us on first listen and we have to catch up

    • Sara Pattern

      14/06/2023 at 18:24

      Russell Mael put a picture of when they first come over to uk in early 70’s standing outside the Royal Albert Hall when they thought it a dream to ever perform there but as he said the dream finally came true

    • Steve Kirk

      14/06/2023 at 19:00

      They have been in and out of fashion so many times. Isn’t it wonderful they are finally receiving the recognition they deserve? Would have loved to be at the RAH but Wolverhampton next week will do Very happy 🙂

    • Steve Kirk

      14/06/2023 at 18:40

      You are so right. Absolutely spot on

  • Jacki Hopper

    08/06/2023 at 21:44

    Well…it helps when one isn’t a crazed looney tune psycho , rather, be true to being one’s self , it’s ok to be nervous , to meet famous folk but not being whackdoodled…. I was nervous first time meeting GT…now it’s kind of a running joke-gag when the piano guy ( Sam) is the the one who says…. something along the lines of … ” ” Time to update to your photos of us all for your collection ” …lol…

    We joke, laugh, hang out, have a blast ….

    GT , equally to MLT when it comes to that special Fan Kindredness, how Friendships are created as a result with other fans, how both GT/MLT respect/love their fans, etc …. I sincerely hope to meet in person Team MLT because I know that special Kindredness is there, exists… to also meet in person the #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified-ers too, eventually from here …. 🤘🏻😊

  • Daryl Jones

    15/06/2023 at 16:31

    Being at a live show is always a treat. But when you have a connection with the performers it’s even better.
    There is a (somewhat local) recording star that is a friend of ours: Country Music artist Duane Steele. Our ex sister-in-law used to be his business manager in his early days of making records so we got to know him and his bandmates, becoming friends in the process. He’s headlining the local Canada Day festivities this summer so it will be great to see him and hopefully visit a bit either before or after the show depending on his schedule. Some years back we spent an evening relaxing and eating a BBQ dinner, hoisting a beverage or two on our deck, even took him and his girlfriend for a tour of the lake in the boat while the rest of the guys and their gals frolicked in the hot tub. That’s a whole other side of the story! Wendell, his then guitarist is a real character, I’ll leave it at that. We still get together and tell lies.

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