MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Lockdown – creativity

  • Michael Rife

    14/09/2020 at 04:27

    FWIW……..I’m writing more instrumental melodies for the guitar since the pandemic started.  I am in a habit of writing more with 7th chords, maj 7th chords and sus4 chords most recently.  Soon I am going to get a stand alone microphone for the PC and plan on recording the melodies and, if the melodies sound good, I’ll share them.  If the melodies of garbage, I’ll keep them to myself.  I really wish I had the ability to write lyrics, though, because I could combine them with the melodies……but oh well…..playing the melodies get the emotions out.  So, we’ll see.  Mike.

  • Jung Roe

    15/09/2020 at 03:23

    Mike, to create something that did not exist before is a wonderful thing, especially a piece of music.  I would like to write music one day maybe, something really simple, after I get a little more competent on the piano.

  • Jung Roe

    15/09/2020 at 05:53

    [postquote quote=103740][/postquote]
    Michael, that is true.

    Murphy’s Law apparently was coined in 1949 during a U.S. Air Force aircraft engineering test to measure maximum Gs a human can withstand for future airplane designs.  A set of sensor devices designed by an Air Force engineer Captain Edward Murphy Jr was used to measure the exact amount of G Force applied to a test pilot strapped to a test aircraft vehicle.   During the first test the sensors measured zero G Force.  The technicians connected all the sensors incorrectly.  When Murphy discovered the mistake, he grumbled, “”If there are two ways to do something, and one of those ways will result in disaster, he’ll do it that way”.  Later in the press conference, the leader of the test project said:

    ….the rocket sled team’s good safety record had been due to its awareness of Murphy’s Law. He told the press that it meant “Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong” [source: The Jargon File].

    That was all it took. Murphy’s Law turned up in aerospace publications and shortly thereafter made its way into popular culture, including being made into a book in the 1970s.

    Murphy’s Law was coined in an optimistic way.  The good safety record of the team was due to the awareness of Murphy’s Law.  Something similar would be “plan for the worst, hope for the best.”

  • Jung Roe

    16/10/2020 at 07:00

    Over the past many months now I’ve come to appreciate nature, and the freedom to go out in it more than ever before.  One of the safer things to do these days.  I’ve enjoyed these videos by this hiking guy, and this one with his dog caught my eye today.

    I had a dog once, and he went from a puppy to a middle aged dog just like that in a few years and before I knew it he was gone due to an illness.  Always dreamt of doing a big trip in nature like this on the west coast of Vancouver Island with my dog, but put it off once too often and it never happened.  Don’t put off doing those important meaningful things too long, especially with the ones you love, because when the time passes, you can’t have it back.  That’s my inspiration for today.

  • Jung Roe

    24/10/2020 at 22:35

    Who let the reindeer out?  Button up, there’s a cold front coming.


  • Jacki Hopper

    27/10/2020 at 04:09

    It’s great that I’ve rediscovered my painting  creativity, it compliments with my poetry and drawing/sketching/doodling and other creative outlets that have  eminated during this time .

  • Jung Roe

    27/10/2020 at 04:34

    Creativity is when the best in us come out.  Keep those creative juices flowing Jacki!  Looking forward to some more word magic from you.

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