• Longevity

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 21/05/2021 at 16:44

    I may need some help with facts for this one but I believe I may have touched on this before. But in looking back at music from the 60’s to the 70’s there has been a ton of groups that put out great songs and some have been labled one hit wonders. One comes to mind is 3 dog night, 1968 to 1974, they put out some great music, Joy to the World, Black and White, Family Man, Celebrate, One Man Band. But then nothing after The show must go on 1974. So my point is Mona and Lisa have been doing this for some time now I am guessing since they were young and around 2007 album of Mona Lisa Band album to where we are now. So that tells us that first they ( thanks to pa pa and Michelle ) making great decions on the path they want to go, making great video’s and music, their talent is second to none in my book. And they did not fall into that braket of one hit wonders. I always say what ever project they are working on, it is worth the wait because you know it is not just thrown out there it is from the heart and love they have for this music. In short? I feel they are here for the longevity and not just doing one or two songs and done, they are in it for the journey.
    Any thougts? And please forgive me if I touched on this in the past.

    Bill Isenberg a huge fan from Pittsbugh Pa Usa

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Tom Fones

    21/05/2021 at 16:49

    Yes Bill,
    the Twins are in it for the long term. They are very special.

    You forgot Mama Told Me Not To Come.

  • Jung Roe

    22/05/2021 at 07:09

    Hi Bill

    Great topic and very good points you made. Mona and Lisa are certainly here for the longevity, and it’s because they approach everything they do as true artists, and so instant success and fame and all of those things associated with the music business is not what they are after. It’s the artistic side of music and the love and passion of creating music I think is what drives them and how their music touches people in a positive way. The thing that stand out when I see those live at the Cavern videos is the passion and feeling with which Mona and Lisa play and sing. I think when that is at the core of what drives them, longevity and being here for the long haul comes naturally. You look at the greatest artists in history, it was a lifetime affair with their art. The Beatles, Beach Boys, Rolling Stones to name a few certainly achieved all the fame and fortune they can handle, but they are still at it because it’s the love of the music, the art that keeps them going, and keeps them young too! Ringo is 80 and Paul is not far behind and they are still creating music and active in their art as ever. The one hit wonders, perhaps once they hit their fame and fortune, there was nothing else left. Perhaps the love and passion for the art/music was not there. Anyway, my 2 cents.

  • Refugio Arellano

    22/05/2021 at 07:34

    Hi Bill, your comment is very interesting. we have MonaLisa for a long time.


  • Bill Isenberg

    22/05/2021 at 19:16

    Refugio and Jung,
    Great posts. I do believe Mona and Lisa are a once in a lifetime for me, Just like Elvis, Frank Sanatra . Beatles, Sammy Davis Jr, I feel these ladies have it all going on with their approach to their craft, life and just wonderful human beings in this crazy world we live in 2021. It is so refreshing to see Mona and Lisa do what they do and how lovely and nice they are and just plain beautiful ladies. I miss the times in my life when I looked up to people and it got lost some how thru the years but Mona and Lisa have ensured us that there are still wonderful and beautiful people in this world and to share their love for this music with us is special. I agree Jung in their live shows you can see how they perform together and how you can feel the love they have for this music and one song comes in mind is the opening number Drive My Car, just sit back and listen to this track, you can feel how they are jumping out of their skin and the joy they have singing this tune and singing Beep Beep Beep Beep…wow such energy.

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