• Posted by John Leonard on 08/07/2020 at 20:35


    i ordered the new cd and was informed that it shipped on june 22. today is july 8th and have yet to receive it. i understand internationl shipping and all but i think more than 2 weeks is a little long. is there any way you can trace it from your end.


    john leonard

    Rudolf Wagner replied 4 years, 2 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    08/07/2020 at 21:06

    Hi John:

    I’m from Canada, and I pre- ordered my CD around the same time and have not yet received mine, yet, either. Please be patient,  remember, due to ours being international, there is the Covid Postal Protocol where it’s  more likely our  parcels, are being kept in quarantine  for a period of time before  they are released to be delivered to where they’re  destined to go… and besides,  remember the quote: “Good Things Come To Those Who Wait”…It will come on it’s  own time, hang in there….

  • Darryl Boyd

    08/07/2020 at 23:18

    Haven’t received mine down here in Oz yet either however postage is pretty slow at the moment due to the pandemic.

    There’s been a huge increase in online orders which has clogged up the system too.

  • Jung Roe

    08/07/2020 at 23:26

    If Jacki hasn’t received her CD yet in Ottawa, then mine hasn’t begun the trek yet by wagon train across the great prairies and then up and over the Canadian Rockies!  🙂  I opted for the express mail, so they should be using the fast chuck wagon with 4 horses instead of the usual 2.  🙂

  • David Herrick

    08/07/2020 at 23:40

    I got mine on Monday, so JP and I can confirm that they’ve at least reached the eastern U.S.  But yeah, it might take a while for them to make it up north, what with all the intervening glaciers.


  • Jacki Hopper

    08/07/2020 at 23:58

    Lol…no damn glaciers up here, rather  a full fledged heatwave with humidity , try enduring temps in the late 20s to early 30s with humidex nearing bloody  40, and I’ve no air conditioner….. rain to cool  and clear out humidity would be a welcome for my allergies,  arthritis…. hoping CD arrives by end of this week or within over the next 2 wks…postal outlet lady had told me a few wks back, all international mail coming into Canada go into quarantine captivity for a time then released for delivery to its destination…?????????

  • John Leonard

    08/07/2020 at 23:59

    is there anything you ladies can’t do. 1 hour after writing the e-mail guess what showed up in the mail. thank you i am truly impressed.


    john l

  • David Herrick

    09/07/2020 at 00:10

    Jacki, we’re on the Fahrenheit scale down here, so 40 degrees sounds very refreshing.  And temperatures in the 20’s sounds like… glaciers.


  • Rudolf Wagner

    11/07/2020 at 16:41

    Hi John, I’m glad it arrived eventually, thanks for letting us know!

    Quite frustratingly, there have been a lot of delays with international parcels in the last couple of months due to the global situation with lockdowns and work restrictions. Deliveries to the US for example are advertised by the postal service to take 7-10 business days but have often been taking much longer – some up to 2 months.

    Thankfully, it seems like the situation is improving slightly, although a lot of international deliveries are still taking around a month to arrive. It is extremely rare that shipments actually get lost, so all we can do at this time is to please ask you to be patient.

    We know it’s a lot to ask and we wish we didn’t have to keep you waiting for so long. We always ship off orders on the same day or next day of order completion – then all we can do is keep our fingers crossed that the postal service will handle everything quickly from there.

    Unfortunately, we can only track orders that got sent with the shipping method “Tracked & Signed” which you can choose during checkout. Both shipping methods should take the same amount of time though, according to Royal Mail.

    We are very happy to send off replacement parcels should it look like the shipment got lost, but in nearly all cases it’s only a matter of waiting a bit longer.

    For reasons like this our CDs always come with a download version as well to keep you entertained in the meantime. If you can’t find the download links or for any other issues you might have you can always write to shop@monalisa-twins.com for questions regarding your orders.

    Many thanks to you all for your patience. We are all hoping for improvements on that front soon!


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