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  • Lyrics girls/boys

    Posted by PASCAL on 24/09/2021 at 14:39

    When you perform covers, (written by boys), sometimes you change the lyrics and sing “boy” (or even “you”), instead of “girl” but other times you do not change the lyrics. How do you decide on the changes?

    Dale Fischer replied 2 years, 7 months ago 8 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    24/09/2021 at 14:40

    Hi Pascal,

    I think we’ve only ever changed the gender of a song once or twice quite early on (I can only think of “Please, Please Me” right now) but have soon stopped doing that.

    How we think about it now is that it’s best to keep the lyrics as they were intended by whoever wrote them. It usually throws us off and distracts from the music when we hear others change the lyrics of a song just to fit the gender of the singer so we have stopped doing it ourselves. I am sure there are examples when it works well but in most cases it’s an unnecessary change in our opinion. 🙂

    • Walter Music

      30/09/2021 at 00:56

      I agree Lisa, covers are not the same if you start changing the he/she!!


    24/09/2021 at 15:40

    I remember “Eight Days A Week” too

    and “The Last Time” ….

  • Bill Isenberg

    29/09/2021 at 16:22

    Staying true to the original words is important to me never was a fan of changing from boys to girls but the songs that you do change never bothered me because you stayed true to the song in my opinion.


    30/09/2021 at 08:48

    In “You Really Got Me” MLT don’t sing “Girl”.

    So Walter and Bill do you mean it’s not a good cover ? ????

  • Walter Music

    30/09/2021 at 14:19

    Hi Pascal, LOL, with these Ladies they are the best no matter what they sing. When I am listening, I mean to the really good bands that play covers and they change a word or two, I believe they are doing it because they are self conscience of who they are as a gender and someone will think something weird, I don’t know show justice to the lyrics and melody, that’s why Lisa and Mona really pay attention to all the Licks that they get it as close to the original as possible. I play with a friend and he started playing Landslide one day, he looked at me and said no one said you can’t play and sing a song by a girl. I said let’s play it but just don’t change anything. I have made this way to long, sorry.

  • Bill Isenberg

    01/10/2021 at 16:44

    I love that song Pascal for sure. LOL…Good one and in some cases I like Mona and Lisa’s cover over the original due to it being brought back from when it first came out and they make it their own to me.


    01/10/2021 at 18:30

    I know a national anthem whose lyrics change if the country is ruled by a king or a queen! ( but I have never known that )

  • David Herrick

    01/10/2021 at 19:05

    As a child of the 70’s I remember Shaun Cassidy’s cover of Da Doo Ron Ron, in which “his name was Bill” was changed to “her name was Jill”.

  • Jacki Hopper

    01/10/2021 at 21:35

    Yknow…what matters to me is the song being sung, regardless of the gender of lyrics… and I do agree that original lyrics should stand but hey if its sung really awesome with lyric change and it works, why not…. it’s ok to get quirky once in awhile….????????

  • Greg Dent

    02/10/2021 at 04:42

    I admire your choice to keep the original lyrics nearly all the time. Different lyrics are grating and draw too much attention to themselves. I like it that way even if it’s weird like in “Lola.” Your “Lola” is the coolest romp!


    20/01/2022 at 18:29

    Sometimes the lyrics or the music can change …

  • Dale Fischer

    02/02/2022 at 02:03

    I like them keeping the lyrics as they’re written. True to the original, just a bit more authentic.

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