• Making Videos

    Posted by Tomás F. Calvo on 12/04/2020 at 23:43


    This picture cracked me up. Hit close to home.

    ✔ DSLR with 4K Video
    ✔ Prime Lens
    ✔ HDMI output
    ✔ Battery Power adapter
    ✔ Manfrotto Fluid head tripod
    ✔ Confusing/Hard-to-find Menu Settings
    ✔ Wish You Were Here
    ?  Pro Mist Filter

    I think I spotted a Pro Mist Filter in the Pink Flamingo video, is it possible? Rudolf, are you my long lost brother?  ?

    Tomás F. Calvo replied 4 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    13/04/2020 at 00:14

    Tomas…. Your sense of humour cracks me up, Thankyou for the comedic relief during this insane time warp we’re all experiencing…. Most welcomed???

  • Jung Roe

    13/04/2020 at 02:51

    LOL, good one Tomas.  🙂  Love Lisa’s expression.  When we see the final polished MLT video masterpiece, we often forget all these expressions that happened in the background in it’s creation and attention to detail that go into it.  This reminds me of that.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    06/05/2020 at 23:18

    Hi Tomás,

    Aren’t we all in some way brothers in search of the lost camera menu feature? You absolutely nailed all of the items except the one you were not sure about (the question mark). The filter is a variable ND filter to keep the shutter speed at 1/50 when we want to film with the lens wide open despite bright lighting conditions. I think that should have been built-in since a long time.

    All I want is the perfect camera 😉


    • Tomás F. Calvo

      09/05/2020 at 03:35

      Thanks Rudolf!

      Yes, we’ve all seen our thumbs tap dancing through the settings maze of a fancy camera, trying to find that option we know is there -we’ve seen it before- yet it vanishes like a politician’s promise.

      My Lisa loves the Pro Mist filter, even a 1/4, but she’s a bit older than your Lisa and Mona ? I’m amazed at how well Mona and Lisa do their makeup, they do a much better job than many “professional” makeup artists in Hollywood. “Chapeau” to all you do, it’s always top quality, and I know it ain’t easy. I haven’t had to use ND filters yet, I closed down the aperture from 1.8 to 2.2 and at 1/60 (US standard – 30fps) with my lighting setup gives me an ISO of 100, with still a shallow depth of field (I’ve got a Nikon D7500 and a 85mm lens). My stuff is live streaming and audio sync can be a nightmare. I see from other posts that you have solved that nicely for your setup.

      Thank you for everything y’all do. Your dedication to quality is very rare these days, I truly appreciate it aside of how much I love the music.


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