• Many Others Say…

    Posted by David Herrick on 17/01/2023 at 01:50

    Okay, it’s been a while, but here goes. To the tune of Any Other Day:


    Many others say

    The music they’re hearing today

    Is awfully crude. I go, “Hey,

    Give some cred to two girls who have led

    Me to sunny and bright songs they play.”


    Many others base

    Their views on the artists that grace

    The top of the charts, so I hasten

    To scold that whole scene, till I’ve told

    Them about an exceptional case.


    Though their family is four in eight billion,

    They blow the big labels away.

    When I plug MLT with such pride,

    I feel I’ve done much to allay

    What many others say.


    Many others boo

    When some people sing as they do.

    I wonder, if they only knew

    How much I’m smiling all of the time,

    Would their flight be as fast as I flew?


    Though their family is four in eight billion,

    They blow the big labels away.

    When I plug MLT with such pride,

    I feel I’ve done much to allay

    What many others say. (Many others say.)


    What many others say. (Many others say.)

    What many others say. (Many others ooooo…)

    What many others say.

    Johnnypee Parker replied 1 year, 7 months ago 10 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Diana Geertsen

    17/01/2023 at 01:53


  • Jacki Hopper

    17/01/2023 at 02:09

    Awesome…we are on the same kinda #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified creativity thinking….I was going to post a new poem in a bit….lol 🤘🙃

  • Roger Penn

    17/01/2023 at 06:21

    Perfect. Now to hear the recording…

  • Jürgen

    17/01/2023 at 15:52


  • Sara Pattern

    17/01/2023 at 17:10

    If the girls need someone to promote them they know to come to you . Well Done

  • Daryl Jones

    18/01/2023 at 14:57

    Nicely written David!

  • Allan Morton

    18/01/2023 at 17:20

    Love it 😀

  • Jung Roe

    19/01/2023 at 03:54

    Wow David, that was awesome!!! You should put a melody to it accompanied by your Ukelele! 👍🙂

  • David Herrick

    20/01/2023 at 03:05

    Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Usually I try to make my parodies really silly, but there’s something about this song that wouldn’t allow me to alter the sentiment.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    26/01/2023 at 04:01

    Very nice tribute, Dave. It’s easy to see this was written by a true fan. I can hear the melody as I read the lyrics.


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