
  • Jacki Hopper

    11/09/2019 at 02:13

    Speaking of Mike, he was in my neck woods , well kinda, 2 hrs away in Montreal Quebec. I couldn’t go because I was working but perhaps he can  come to Ottawa on the future…. I agree… Mike and MLT, they should to try and get another opportunity to perform as a Trio !

  • Howard

    11/09/2019 at 12:29

    I agree with you Skip. I’ve had (Don’t Fear) The Reaper on my playlist for over forty years now. Great song. I can well imagine Lisa on bass and Mona on acoustic guitar accompanying Mike Massee.

  • Jacki Hopper

    11/09/2019 at 16:41

    Whoops: I forgot to add on to my reply to the Mike Masse posting here, that Had I been able to go to see Mike in Montreal, you can bet I would of worn one of the MLT Tshirts I have to make myself seen and heard, you , I would of done my damnedest to try 😉

  • Angelo

    14/09/2019 at 09:06

    Skip said “i do hope the Twins team up again on his 2020 tour – they make a fantastic trio”

    I should say I do not. Their association with Mike Massé allowed me to see the MLTs on stage and that’s fantastic and I thank God for that but I found it was such a loss of talent to relegate the MLTs to musical  and harmonic support, that I was disappointed. To tell the truth, Mike Massé is exellent and does not need anyone. MLTs are also excellent and do not need anyone either. You would imagine Bob Dylan and John Lennon singing in chorus behind Janis Joplin? Well it would perhaps looks cool but would looks weird to, would it?
    If it was in the form of duet or triplet, ie done in a more balanced way, like Goerge Harrison and Bob Dylan when they sing “If not for you”, then it would be fair and I’ll love it.

  • Howard

    14/09/2019 at 09:49

    Well said, Angelo. It was worthwhile for them initially marketing-wise, perhaps introducing them to many Mike Massé fans. However, any further collaboration should be at least on equal terms.

  • Jacki Hopper

    15/09/2019 at 03:07

    I ‘m sorry but I disagree with  that I’ m for the the opposite effect.. I think they should collaborate more together in the future if the opportunities come up… And besides it was Mike’s show not MLT show…. Though I was not there, I did enjoy what all I did see from what both Mike and MLT shared video wise from that evening…. I think it was just fine with what music efforts Mona and Lisa did with Mike that evening for the show…. Maybe Mike on the future, could join in on an MLT live gig of theirs and contribute with his  music efforts.  To each their own in opinions, this is mine.


    Just to clarify my thoughts as I sometimes know what I want to say but don’t always match up what I had in my head to convey onto written form to make myself properly understood my meaning…

    Yes, I agree that MLT are fine on their own as their own entity, but I was not implying in that they should collaborate as a Trio on a regular basis (in case that is how my reply above this add on was perceived as being), not at all but definitely to collaborate again if opportunity ever comes round again…. MLT and Mike both awesome in their own rights but sometimes when the right moment comes along, beautiful things occur, their guest appearance alongside Mike at his Liverpool gig was an example or when they toured a bit with Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel… It’s a win win for all…. They get exposure of fans from both sides, offer interesting spins on song covers performed, to me that’s a good thing. Who knows, maybe as a future creative album idea would be to offer an album of soley collaborations MLT have done  such as with Mike/Steve & C. R, etc.

    Again only my opinion, but hopefully I conveyed better my thinking with this addition to my existing reply above… Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and it is ok to respdisagree/agree with each other sometimes.


  • Jacki Hopper

    15/09/2019 at 03:13

    I, as, well Skip think the same as you, I hope they do too, and agreed… They make a Fab Trio all in their own musical rights but when blended in efforts…. Just magic… Or perhaps Mike could join in on one of MLT’s own Live Gigs at some point in the future if the opportunity were to present itself and it works out for all to do so. Never say never… Lol

    • Angelo

      15/09/2019 at 09:02

      You’re wright Jacki when you say “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and it is ok to respdisagree/agree with each other sometimes.” I’m am happy to see other people expressing other opinions. It’s interesting to see that even in a small community like ours, such a difference in opinion exists. Lets drop the “politically correct” and express ourself! Difference is in the human nature and it’s beautiful.

  • Jung Roe

    15/09/2019 at 04:42

    Well I don’t  think we have to worry about Mona and Lisa ever not being in the driver’s seat of their own musical journey.  It’s just not in their DNA to be in a supporting role with their music, as they are artists foremost.  They have a great musical destiny to fulfill with all the talent and skills they need within team MLT and they know it.

    We all greatly enjoyed the  impressive collaboration   MLT did with Mike Masse in producing the Africa performance video, earning great accolades from Totos Steve Lukather on MLTs absolute brilliance, as well as the collaborative Beatles cover of If I Needed Someone which was just as brilliant.  I would love to see an MLT only cover of that song one day.  If MLT decide to collaborate with Mike Masse again in the future, it would be for fun, and I cant honestly see it being more than a collaborative effort on a song or two if any.

  • Ckay Kirby

    15/09/2019 at 09:57

    Hiya everyone,

    wow, didnt know that I was going to stir up a hornets nest !!

    the reality is that the twins are busy making new music and hopefully ready to release it soon, once released it comes down to the hard work of promoting and selling – even music doesn’t grow on trees, so it becomes a relentless battle of time and expense against sales and profit. for the twins to go out on tour and do the rounds of radio/TV promos can be gruelling and although they have a loyal following from those who know them, to piggy back on an artiste like Mike would add an awareness not only to his following but awaken the media circus as well, which in turn should make the promo process a lot more successful.

    Musically the twins are superb and have a beautiful sound that i love to hear whilst relaxing or driving, more often that any radio station, however I think the charisma of their live performances are unique and an experience that would embed itself in your mind forever, anyone who has seen then would soon become loyal fans and customers.

    Plus on a personal note, I haven’t had the opportunity to see them live yet so if Mikes tour is available i would jump at the chance to see the show.

    The varied opinions throughout this discussion just show how subjective music is and that it really does unite the world

    peace and love to all





  • Jung Roe

    15/09/2019 at 13:03

    Well stated Skip.  I agree with all you said.  Exposure is certainly a good thing so long as its done on MLT terms without infringing on their artistic independence and freedom.  MLT know what they are doing so we don’t have to worry about that.

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