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  • Millions and Millions of views

    Posted by Lynn T. Newcomb on 03/04/2022 at 22:16

    Now that MLT has reached 20 songs with over one million YouTube Views I thought it was time to start a new thread to mark milestones. With David Herrick doing a lot of the counting on Youtube I’m going to count on him to make sure I don’t miss any.

    First up, and I’m sorry for the late notice, is “Wish You Were Here” rapidly approaching 2,000,000 views. It will hit that mark in just a few hours.

    David Herrick replied 8 months, 3 weeks ago 11 Members · 78 Replies
  • 78 Replies
  • Tom Fones

    03/04/2022 at 22:19

    I can’t help thinking about shekels.

    What does 1,000,000 views get them money-wise? Thanks

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    03/04/2022 at 23:48

    Tom, for covers, probably nothing (it’s complicated). For their originals, figure it’s about $1000 per million views, give or take a few hundred. Even if they were receiving money from all their videos, with about a million views per month (currently) that’s only about a $1000 a month. Add in the money from their album and merchandise sales and I suspect they still need our support. Hopefully once they finish their new album, they can plan a tour. I’d pay $50 or more to see them live.

  • Tom Fones

    04/04/2022 at 01:07

    Lynn, thanks.

    I wasn’t wondering if they need our help.

    (If you ever send money to a worthy cause they practically beg you to become a “monthly sustainer”).

    I am just curious about the compensation from youtube.

    $1000 / million views is .1 cent per view.

    Still – it is an income stream for a completed work.


  • Jung Roe

    04/04/2022 at 03:07

    Tom, I think shekels, like Tyrian shekels from 300BC (9.7 grams of pure silver) are worth a lot these days, and keep going up in value. Not sure what 1M views translate to in shekels, but if Youtube offers pay out in shekels, I would highly recommend going with that option.

  • Tom Fones

    04/04/2022 at 03:10


    we share a preference for ‘hard currency’. Cheers

  • Hans Somey

    04/04/2022 at 03:10

    Hi Lynn,

    I’m from Asheville, NC, USA and a couple of weeks ago I had the good….no GREAT….fortune to meet the Twins in Liverpool. My wife and I had a coffee and pastries at Albert Dock and the Twins were gracious enough to show us a few outdoor sculptures. Just so happens I am a sculptor.

    Anyway, I’m wondering where you live (country)? I would love to get the Twins over to the US for a gig or two and make it worth their while financially of course.

    I’ve got a few connections here, but I guess I need MLT “American” fans. Any suggestions?

    Hans Kelly Somey (Kelly) – Asheville, NC, USA –

  • Tom Fones

    04/04/2022 at 03:18

    Hans, WELCOME *!*.

    You are a lucky man indeed.

    We are spread out pretty well.

    D. H. is in the Piedmont, (WS. Greensboro, High Point)

    We have Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Nebraska.

    And then out here on the left coast we have Tijuana, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Portland, Vancouver.

    Just let us know where and when with some advance notice.


    • Tom Fones

      04/04/2022 at 03:20

      I forgot Ottawa and somewhere near Edmonton.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    04/04/2022 at 03:47

    I’m in Omaha, Nebraska. There’s an outdoor amphitheater outside Omaha, in Papillion, that would be a great venue for an MLT concert.

    By the way, WYWH is at 1,999,960. I need to step away from my computer for an hour or so, so I expect I’ll miss the turn.

  • Jung Roe

    04/04/2022 at 16:17

    Yay!!! Wish You Were Here surpassed 2M views (2,000,341).

  • David Herrick

    05/04/2022 at 03:20

    Guess I’ll move my prognostications over here! Lynn, you inspired me to do this. I love marking milestones of all types, and I realized the numbers I’m generating lend themselves to a milestone forecast. I think of it as a monthly planner for little celebrations, but the dates still need to be fine-tuned on the fly due to variations in daily viewing rates.

    Here are the milestone predictions for the next month or so:

    Blackbird: 500,000 views on Apr. 5th

    Once Upon a Time: 200,000 views on Apr. 6th

    Questionable: 200,000 views on Apr. 7th

    Drive My Car: 6,000,000 views on Apr. 12th

    Lazy Sunday Afternoon: 100,000 views on Apr. 20th

    Sound of Silence: 500,000 views on Apr. 23rd

    I’ll Be Back: 900,000 views on Apr. 23rd

    Lola: 700,000 views on Apr. 27th

    My Generation: 200,000 views on Apr. 30th

  • Jung Roe

    08/04/2022 at 01:04

    It looks like Questionable is on the cusp of rolling over to 200K views. That’s great, in just over 1 month.

  • Jung Roe

    08/04/2022 at 03:42

    Yay, Questionable hit 200,040 views in 6 weeks since posting on youtube Feb 21st 2022.

  • David Herrick

    08/04/2022 at 18:15

    Assuming current viewing rates continue, which is of course (ahem…) questionable, Questionable will overtake I Bought Myself a Politician sometime late next month.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    09/04/2022 at 01:58

    Meanwhile, on Facebook, “I Bought Myself a Politician” is still getting, by far, the most views per day. It now has 1.4 million views, getting roughly 200,000 views per month.

    “Close to You”, with about 500 views per day, will hit one million views on FB in a few more days. Unlike YouTube, there is no easy way to see when it is on the verge of “clicking” over. View counts are rounded off.

    “Questionable” has less than 24,000 views in six weeks on Facebook, so apparently people would rather watch it on YouTube (over 200,000 views)

    “Good Day Sunshine” on the other hand just passed 50,000 views. About 40% of what it’s getting on YouTube.

  • David Herrick

    14/04/2022 at 02:30

    ALERT! Drive My Car is just two or three hours away from becoming the first MLT video to reach 6,000,000 views on YouTube!

    • Tobias Kaiser

      02/02/2023 at 00:56

      Hey David,
      Are you running some kind of software to keep count or do you simply keep looking at the respective YT video yourself? If the later applies, you’d probably have to deduct at least a hundred views from each video as that would be you 😀


    • David Herrick

      02/02/2023 at 02:25

      Hey, Tobi!

      I use an Excel spreadsheet to record the current total number of views for each video once a month. Then within the spreadsheet I can calculate everything else. Once you know the number of views per day, it’s easy to estimate when any given total will be reached.

      For new releases I take data once a day for about ten days, and just do those calculations on a calculator.

      But yeah, I am doing a lot of “artificial” views to collect the data. Each one lasts just a couple of seconds, long enough for me to get the number, so those may not count as views in the YouTube algorithm.

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