MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Millions and Millions of views

  • David Herrick

    01/10/2022 at 07:40

    Here are the milestone predictions for the next month or so:

    Friday on My Mind: 500,000 views on October 1st

    Stuck in the Middle with You: 300,000 views on October 2nd

    Vincent: 200,000 views on October 2nd

    Questionable: 300,000 views on October 3rd

    Here Comes the Sun: 300,000 views on October 5th

    You Can’t Do That: 1,500,000 views on October 8th

    Count on Me: 100,000 views on October 10th

    One More Time (live): 100,000 views on October 16th

    Sound of Silence: 600,000 views on October 16th

    Two of Us: 800,000 views on October 26th

    Good Day Sunshine: 200,000 views on November 6th

    Can’t Buy Me Love: 900,000 views on November 6th

    I missed this one last month, but it looks like California Dreaming probably reached 1,500,000 views on September 27th.

    • Dave Johnston

      02/03/2023 at 16:50

      Thanks David for putting in the effort to get these numbers out. It’s loads of fun watching the numbers grow!!

  • David Herrick

    02/11/2022 at 14:50

    Here are the milestone predictions for the next month or so:

    Can’t Buy Me Love: 900,000 views on November 3rd

    Good Day Sunshine: 200,000 views on November 8th

    Please Mr. Postman / Wipe Out: 3,000,000 views on November 13th

    You’re Going to Lose That Girl: 2,000,000 views on November 22nd

    I Bought Myself a Politician: 300,000 views on November 25th

    Imagine: 600,000 views on November 28th

    This Boy Is Mine: 500,000 views on November 28th

    The Kids Are Alright: 100,000 views on November 30th

    • Jung Roe

      03/11/2022 at 03:17

      Thanks David. Great to see a couple about to cross the multi million threshold. I am rooting for Please Mr Postman. I hope it just keeps growing and accelerating by leaps and bounds.

  • Jung Roe

    12/11/2022 at 21:56

    Please Mr Postman crossed the 3 Million views barrier. Congratulations Mona and Lisa!

    • David Herrick

      12/11/2022 at 23:00

      Yay, that’s the fourth MLT video to reach that plateau!

      This is all very tentative and approximate, but based on the October viewing rates, PMP will surpass When I’m Sixty-Four for third place late next January, While My Guitar Gently Weeps for second place in November 2024, and Drive My Car for first place in April 2025.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    13/11/2022 at 02:15

    David, that’s very accurate predictions you are making!


    • David Herrick

      13/11/2022 at 02:25

      Hey, Tomás!

      Well, we’ll see how accurate they turn out to be. The viewing rate for PMP has undergone some pretty drastic swings, so the predicted timing could be way off. But I think it’s a foregone conclusion that it’s destined for the top spot at some point.

  • Jung Roe

    13/11/2022 at 02:53

    PMP and other covers that have punched through the millions of views are only paving the way for MLTs originals to skyrocket even higher, like Questionable did better than even some Beatles covers. The fan base and subs keep growing setting up for an MLT explosion. The right spark will light it off any time.

  • Hans Somey

    23/11/2022 at 00:57

    No doubt The Twinz are trending. I appreciate your updates.

  • David Herrick

    03/12/2022 at 07:50

    Here are the milestone predictions for the next month or so:

    Revolution: 900,000 views on December 12th

    Drive My Car (Cavern Club): 200,000 views on December 18th

    I’m Looking Through You: 600,000 views on December 21st

    Wake Up Little Susie (live): 300,000 views on December 22nd

    Getting Better: 500,000 views on December 31st

    All I Want Christmas to Be: 100,000 views on January 1st*

    Morning Has Broken: 600,000 views on January 5th

    *Given that Christmas videos tend to be viewed much more often in December, it’s likely that MLT’s Christmas song will reach 100,000 views much sooner than predicted. Based on the seasonal increase from last year, that milestone may be achieved around December 13th.

  • David Herrick

    03/01/2023 at 07:20

    Here are the milestone predictions for the next month or so:

    Morning Has Broken: 600,000 views on January 5th

    Here Comes the Sun: 400,000 views on January 5th

    Sunshine Superman: 200,000 views on January 28th

    You Really Got Me: 200,000 views on January 31st

    People Are Strange: 500,000 views on February 4th

    Tired of Waiting: 100,000 views on February 5th

  • David Herrick

    01/02/2023 at 16:40

    Here are the milestone predictions for the next month or so:

    You Really Got Me: 200,000 views on February 1st

    People Are Strange: 500,000 views on February 4th

    Nowhere Man: 900,000 views on February 6th

    This Boy: 2,000,000 views on February 14th

    Money (That’s What I Want): 500,000 views on February 15th

    Tired of Waiting: 100,000 views on February 15th

    Lola: 800,000 views on March 6th

    Twist and Shout (w/ Mike Sweeney): 1,000,000 views on March 7th

    Africa: 1,000,000 views on March 11th

    I’m a Believer: 700,000 views on March 12th

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    13/02/2023 at 15:36

    Thanks again, David, for keeping up with this. I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus from MLT, but I have noticed that “This Boy”, one of my favorite Beatle songs and MLT cover will hit 2,000,000 views today or tomorrow.

    • David Herrick

      13/02/2023 at 16:10

      Hey, Lynn!

      Yes, probably sometime tomorrow. This Boy will be the tenth MLT video to reach 2,000,000 views. It’s one of my favorite songs also.

    • Jung Roe

      15/02/2023 at 06:25

      On Valentines Day 2023, This Boy cross the threshold to 2,000,000 views.


  • Jacki Hopper

    16/02/2023 at 00:13

    How Heartfelt Ecstatic #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified is that ….?!…. Wholeheartedly Kudo-rrific- Congrats 🤘🏻👌👍🏻🎊🎉💜💣💥💯👏

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/02/2023 at 07:37
    • David Herrick

      16/02/2023 at 14:50

      Awesome graphics, Jacki! Prepare to reload, though: in about three weeks, both “Twist and Shout” and “Africa” will be reaching 1,000,000 views. Twin celebrations for the twins!

  • David Herrick

    02/03/2023 at 16:10

    Here are the milestone predictions for the next month or so:

    Twist and Shout (w/ Mike Sweeney): 1,000,000 views on March 3rd

    Lola: 800,000 views on March 10th

    I’m a Believer: 700,000 views on March 15th

    Starman: 500,000 views on March 15th

    Africa: 1,000,000 views on March 16th

    Please Mr. Postman / Wipe Out: 3,500,000 views on March 17th

    Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind: 600,000 views on March 22nd

    Baby’s in Black: 400,000 views on March 28th

    • Chris Weber

      08/03/2023 at 07:01

      Interesting thread. Thanks for doing the legwork on this David.

      As recently as a few years ago, I was still working in IT, birthing and babysitting websites, and using toys like Google Analytics to take their temperature.

      So after seeing this I Googled “YouTube Analytics”. And there it is. GA used to be, and probably still is, the best analytics package around.

      I am not a YT channel owner, and only spent a moment looking at the YT Help, so Idk how much of the GA toolbox they’ve exposed to YT, but I would think it would be substantial, since Google makes money when YT channels make money.

      I suspect/expect someone at Team MLT is already looking at these numbers. Or they could be.

    • David Herrick

      08/03/2023 at 13:30

      Thanks, Chris!

      I don’t have a YouTube channel either, but I’ve likewise found out that YouTube provides analytics to channel owners. So I’m sure MLT already has access to much more sophisticated tools and detailed information that what I’m working with. I’m just satisfying my own curiosity about viewing trends, and sharing what I find with anyone else who might be interested. It’s fun to do, and it keeps me off the streets at night.

    • Jung Roe

      08/03/2023 at 14:50

      Loving the stats David, keep them coming!!!!! I find them valuable and interesting.

      And keep off those streets at night! 😉

    • Tim Arnold

      16/03/2023 at 21:10

      Hi David. I have a YouTube channel I started a while back just to post family videos. During the pandemic lockdowns I made a few videos using TV and Movie clips backed by music. Some were funny dance clips and some were soap opera “Catfight” clips. The catfight videos found an audience and now have a few thousand views. I got a notice from YouTube in February saying I had reached 100,000 views so I started looking at the YouTube analytics. Yeah, YouTube can tell you what countries and cities your views are coming from, viewing duration, age and gender demographics and more stats than I will ever absorb. It just amazes me that people in more than 100 countries including England, Russia, Ukraine, Malaysia and Australia have watched my stupid videos. I try to imagine someone sitting by a campfire in a tropical jungle or Australian outback watching The Brady Bunch dancing to T.Rex. One thing I find confusing are some channels I follow that have 100,000 subscribers but have only 50,000 views on videos that are a few years old. Obviously not all subscribers are watching the videos. I would be curious to hear your thoughts on that. Have a good day David and thanks for your work on all the stats.

    • David Herrick

      16/03/2023 at 22:50

      That’s wild, Tim! I can see how YouTube could figure out where you’re logging in from, but I can’t imagine how they could know your age and gender unless you volunteer it.

      I can only guess that a lot of people subscribe impulsively to a channel and then forget about it or lose interest in it. If subscriptions last until you deliberately cancel them, that might explain how the number of subscribers could be a lot more than the number of views.

      What would be of most use to me with regard to analytics is a file containing a timeline giving the exact instant that each view of each video began and ended. Then I could bin the data however I like to examine trends on any timescale.

      I guess I’ll look up some YouTube videos about YouTube analytics!

    • Tim Arnold

      17/03/2023 at 02:36

      I don’t understand how a lot of it works David. I know the views and subscriptions do tend to steamroll. I started my channel exactly 10 years ago this month. In February I was informed I reached 100,000 views. Today I have 139,802 views. Crazy. There is a tab where I can track views in real time which may be what your looking for but if you are trying to track the Twins videos you would need access to there channel dashboard.

    • Tim Arnold

      17/03/2023 at 02:40

      This is what some of mine look like.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      18/03/2023 at 01:29

      Hi David, your predictions are extremely accurate. If I ever have some time, I will do some graphs as always something interesting comes up, like your October surprise.

      As far as knowing the age, I’m afraid they know all about you, whether you “volunteered” it or not. They collect all public data and cross reference with phones, credit card, etc. So they know your age, address, family members, where you are/were at any given time, what you buy, what you watch, etc., etc. I don’t mean to be scary, but Apple requires you to have a valid credit card to use any of their devices, encourage face recognition, thumb print reading and they (Google/Apple/Meta/MS) have contracts with the government so they share information. 🤷‍♂️

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/03/2023 at 03:11

    Hey Tim…wishing I could be of help but when it comes to analytics, etc…math related stuff…I’m pretty much a dummy , just can’t grasp it, never could …lifelong struggle , my brain just can’t grasp/connect the concepts of numbers ….. but the graph stuff looks interesting..still not sure how all that is understood for/about but that visual references gave me a sliver visual basic comprehension but not enough to fully understand/connect the dots ….lol…I’m leaving all that to those who grasp/understand it all far more than I’ll ever …lol

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
    • Tim Arnold

      27/03/2023 at 18:25

      Oh don’t worry Jacki. I don’t understand it either. I have a high school diploma from a town of less than 10,000 people. I just find it amazing that they can track all this stuff. Tomas is right saying they can track everything and cross reference the data with every company and outlet you do business with. By tracking my purchases at the local Walmart I’m sure they could tell what size shoes I where or what brand of peanut butter I prefer. Kind of funny but kind of scary too. Not much we can do except enjoy life, friends, music and springtime hee hee and keep groovin’ on.

  • David Herrick

    01/04/2023 at 16:50

    Here are the milestone predictions for the next month or so:

    Here Comes the Sun: 500,000 views on April 14th

    Vincent: 300,000 views on April 14th

    Close to You: 300,000 views on April 28th

    And that’s it! But Johnny B. Goode and I’ll Be Back should both hit a million views in mid-May.

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