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  • MLT Adelaide Visit Downunder 2009

    Posted by Howard on 15/10/2018 at 04:06

    If it’s not too personal, can you share with us a little bit of your experience in Adelaide.

    How you decided on the school exchange you did?
    Which schools were involved in the exchange?
    What your favourite subjects were (apart from music of course)?
    Where you stayed while there?
    What you did on your week-ends (not music related)
    Did you have time for any sport?
    How you got to Uluru?

    Howard replied 5 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    16/10/2018 at 02:31

    Hi Howard,
    I’ll try to keep this short:

    How you decided on the school exchange you did?
    The initial idea came about after we started working on our own songs in our early teens and very soon reached our lyric-writing limits. Our high school English lessons only went so far so we decided to pick the most exotic and friendly of all places to become more fluent 🙂
    Besides, going on a student exchange at that age is a once in a lifetime opportunity for so many reasons (you learn about new cultures, people, places, being independent …) and we’re still so grateful that our parents let us do that.

    Which schools were involved in the exchange?
    At first Lisa was at Aberfoyle Park High School and I was at Charles Campbell College but after 3 months Lisa changed to my school.

    What your favourite subjects were (apart from music of course)?
    Drama, dance (though we weren’t any good!) and computer science

    Where you stayed while there?
    We stayed with two seperate host families and I’m still in touch with mine, they were great!

    What you did on your week-ends (not music related)
    Besides busking? We explored the city of Adelaide and did things like going to the beach or see concerts or go to the cinema. Weirdly, we went ice skating with friends quite a lot too – not something you’d guess when you think of the driest city in the driest state in the driest continent on the world 😉

    Did you have time for any sport?
    Does carrying a guitar from and to school each day count?

    How you got to Uluru?
    Our parents flew over to visit us between school terms and took us on a wonderful trip through the outback and to Uluru.

    All in all the 6 months there were an unbelievable experience that taught us a lot. We’ve made amazing friends, had great teachers and we hope to go back one day for a visit.

  • Darryl Boyd

    16/10/2018 at 05:23

    I hope you come back one day too, not just for a visit, but to play some shows 🙂

  • Jacki Hopper

    16/10/2018 at 05:36

    That was insightful Mona…I enjoyed your condensed form of reply????????✌️????????????

  • Howard

    16/10/2018 at 05:48

    Yes, nicely articulated response. I can’t speak for your dancing ability (yet to see any efforts) but you seem to have progressed remarkably well in the drama department if your videos are anything to go by. Anyway, we can’t have you being perfect at everything. People might stop liking you so much!

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