
  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/07/2020 at 00:12

    Hi Howard,

    On first glance in your profile it looks as it has been sent to you .

    2020-07-12_23-44-02Howard MLT News Profile

    Then, strangely enough in the same software you don’t show up on the list of newsletter recipients. I’ve just sent it to you again. Please tell me if it worked now.

    And could you please have a look in your Spam (Junk Mail) folder just to make sure it has not landed there ?

  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/07/2020 at 00:14

    I just noticed the image uploads also don’t seem to work as they should. Will have a look at that too.

  • Howard

    13/07/2020 at 03:12

    Yes, it has now been received thank you Rudolf.

    I always check my Junk mail.

    By the way, it is still showing up in archives as 2020-07-03 –  MLT Club #91 – What’s On The Table “Rubber Soul”, instead of 2020-07-10.



    • Rudolf Wagner

      13/07/2020 at 03:59

      Ah, Thanks. It’s fixed 🙂

  • Darryl Boyd

    13/07/2020 at 04:07

    Are you nocturnal Rudolf? 🙂

  • Rudolf Wagner

    13/07/2020 at 04:40

    Absolutely. Could not sleep, thought “why not fixing some bugs instead” 😉

  • Howard

    13/07/2020 at 04:42

    They’re a musician family Darryl. Late nights go with they territory! Much creative work happens while the rest of us are sleeping.

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