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  • MLT Club Membership Q&A

    Posted by Rudolf Wagner on 04/11/2018 at 07:15

    Hello dear MLT Club members,
    Some questions came up regarding the monthly renewals of the MLT Club membership.

    1) Do we have to re-register?

    No, you don’t have to re-register. Just keep logging in to the MLT Club as always. Our system will know on which day your membership renews and will automatically deduct the payments from the card you used at checkout when you signed up for the MLT Club. There won’t be any interruption or down time on your MLT Club experience as it’s all running automatically in the background, and you don’t have to do anything.
    Please don’t re-register as this would mean you’d have to pay for two memberships!

    2) Why are the Orange Tabs not showing up even after logging in?

    The Orange Tabs should always show up when you’re logged in, both on desktop and mobile.
    However, some users have registered with two, sometimes three different email addresses (so they have created multiple accounts). For you to be able to access the MLT Club you need to be logged in with the email address that you bought the MTL Club membership with, otherwise the system won’t be able to connect you with the MLT Club pages.
    If you’re not sure which email address you used to buy the MLT Club membership with, you can see that on the order confirmation email for the MLT Club membership. That’s the email address you have to log in with to access the MLT Club.
    If you can’t find the confirmation email anymore, or logging in doesn’t seem to work for some other reason, please send us an email to We’re happy to help sort things out!

    3) Do you all need our card numbers again to start paying for the dues?

    No. You have already entered your payment details when ordering the MLT Club membership, and that will be the credit card or PayPal account the membership will get paid from automatically every month.
    Your MLT Club membership will renew on the same date every month (it will say the date on the confirmation email too). Eg. If you signed up for the MLT Club on the 12th October, then the first payment will be debited on the 12th November, the next on 12th December, …

    4) Anything different we should know moving forward with memberships?

    You’ll find everything to manage your MLT Club membership in your account. Go to the top right corner of the website, log in and click on your username next to “Logout” to access your account panel. In the “Shop”/ “Membership Subscription” tab click “VIEW” and you will find any info about your membership and also the following options:“Suspend”:
    This will pause the membership. You will not be charged any monthly fees and you won’t have access to the membership content. This is useful if you generally want to stay a Club member but want to take a break for a while and then reactivate it again at a later time. To continue with the membership you just “reactivate” it (the button will have switched from “suspend” to “reactivate”), and the payments will start to be taken off your card automatically again from there on. The advantage is, you can remain a member and would not have to go through the whole ordering process again.
    This will cancel the membership and terminate it for good. Like in “suspend” mode, payments will stop. However, if you wanted to have access to the MLT Club again at some point you would have to sign in anew and do the order-process all over again.
    “Change Payment”:
    Right next to the “Suspend” and “Cancel” buttons is one called “Change Payment”. Click and choose from your available credit cards, add a new one or switch to PayPal, then confirm by clicking the orange “Change Payment Method” button. All future subscription fees will be taken from the new payment method until you update them again.All three things are very simple to do and does not require any emails or phone calls. You can control everything yourself from your account 24/7/365.
    If there are still questions left please feel free to contact us at In order to keep your payment affairs confidential please do not use the “Support & Suggestions” forum for enquiries like this. 

    Walter Music replied 2 years, 8 months ago 8 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Howard

    04/11/2018 at 07:30

    Thanks MLT Team. Things have been running well from my end and I’m enjoying being a member. You’ve done a fantastic job commencing and maintaining this site.

  • Ron Mctaggart

    19/05/2019 at 20:59


    I think I may have mentioned this last year(but was to late to possibly get it done). I think an MLT calendar with all the years events would be “Groovy”!!! I’m sure fellow clubbers would like to have it hanging on their walls.

  • Daniel Smith

    15/01/2020 at 21:33

    log in and go to “My Account”.


    I’ve looked several times, but cannot find a tab or link labeled “My Account.”

  • Rudolf Wagner

    16/01/2020 at 19:40

    Hi Daniel,

    It’s located on the top right corner of the website (even above the MLT logo) in grey letters (not underlined).
    If you’re logged in it will say   Logout | “Your User Name”
    If you’re logged out it will say   Login

    Hope that helps!

  • Daniel Smith

    16/01/2020 at 21:10

    On my screen, after Log out it just has my name, which does nothing on clicked on other to repeat the same screen.  Anyway, all I really want to do is cancel my membership, now more than ever, since I can’t stand things that make it easy to join but nearly impossible to quit.  If you could just cancel my membership, all will be well.  If not, I may have to change bank accounts so that dues cannot be automatically deducted.


  • Howard

    16/01/2020 at 22:18

    Hi Team MLT. I used to be able to locate my account as advised but for some time now this hasn’t been possible. Attached is a photo of the login page as it now appears.


  • Howard

    16/01/2020 at 22:21

    And this is how the Logout page appears:


  • Jung Roe

    17/01/2020 at 16:01

    It’s always been there Daniel, easy to access. Don’t think there is some conspiracy to make it impossible for someone to leave.

    Click on Your Name  (on top right hand corner) > Shop > Membership Subscription > View

    Takes you to screen to change your membership settings.

    Never had a reason to access this page, but I found it in 30 seconds.

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/01/2020 at 16:11

    Daniel: I’m sorry that you’re having trouble, though I ‘m not experiencing any trouble logging in… Either on mobile /computer… Perhaps, maybe it’ s a  tech glitch with whatever device it’s being viewed upon.  Mobile and computer layouts are each different for the site… Hope it can be resolved, Daniel.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    17/01/2020 at 17:45

    Hey everyone,
    We just updated the instructions above to match the current screen displays. It seems the “My Account” wording got replaced by “username” in some recent software update. Other than that all should work as normal.

  • Rudolf Wagner

    17/01/2020 at 17:52

    Hi Daniel,
    No worries, we cancelled the subscription for you. Your subscription period ends February 13th 2020, so you’ll still be able to login to the MLT Club until then, but you can be sure no further payments will be taken from your account. We all thank you for your support and send best regards,
    Team MLT

  • Jacki Hopper

    17/01/2020 at 17:53

    Thankyou Team MLT for update, hopefully all will work well now for MLT Clubbers ???

  • Walter Music

    14/11/2021 at 15:42

    I am sure this question is somewhere, however, ask the MLT, it says awaiting moderation. What can I do? What caused it?

    Thanks Walt

  • Walter Music

    22/01/2022 at 17:53

    Hello, every time I ask Mona and Lisa Twins questions it goes into Moderatio, please help, what am I doing wrong?

    • David Herrick

      22/01/2022 at 22:05

      Walter, I’m pretty sure it works that way for everyone. I think it’s set up like that to guarantee that no one else will reply to your question before MLT does.

    • Walter Music

      23/01/2022 at 00:05

      Hey David, I know they are very busy with getting their new album out, so it isn’t really a big deal. Thanks for explaining that everyone is in the same boat.

  • Walter Music

    22/01/2022 at 22:41

    Thanks David, I understand, however, the questions are never answered, and I don’t attach anything. It just seemed weird.

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