MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion MLT – Cover Requests

  • Howard

    25/11/2019 at 04:10

    THE ID, FEATURING JEFF ST JOHN – “Big Time Operator”

    St John was born Jeffrey Leo Newton on 22 April 1946, in Newtown, Sydney and attended Cleveland Street Boys High School in Surry Hills, New South Wales. He was born with spina bifida and spent much of his life in a wheelchair, after an operation failed to rectify his disability.

    He died in the morning of 6 March 2018.

    “I started off a newsboy on a paper
    For a time I worked an elevator
    But all the time I knew that later
    I would be a higher rater
    Finally, a big time operator

    For a while I drove an excavator
    (yes I did)
    Then I became a wine and brandy waiter
    A builder, then a decorator
    Later on, an estimator
    I`m gonna be a big time operator

    (Oh ya got to believe in me, I got ambition,Yeah)

    I took a job as an airline navigator
    Then I became a crime investigator
    (yes I did)
    For a time, a commentator
    Then I was administrator
    I`m gonna be a big time operator
    (yeah yeah yeah yeah)”


  • Howard

    26/11/2019 at 16:31

    I wonder if Mona and Lisa have ever had a holiday in Scotland. Maybe it’s time they brushed up on their Scottish accents.

    The Proclaimers – Sunshine on Leith

  • Howard

    27/11/2019 at 12:23

    The Proclaimers – “I’m On My Way”

  • John Bagdonas

    29/11/2019 at 21:48

    I agree with you 100% Howard. I have recently re-discoved The Hollies. The making of “On a Carousel’ absolutely blew me away. While it was one of Graham Nash’s few lead vocals, I’ve come to appreciate Alan Clarke’s excellent singing ability, Tony Hick’s innovative lead guitar and their wonderful three part harmonies including Terry Sylvester, who replaced Nash after Nash left for sunny California. The girls could do justice to many of the Hollies songs as they did with Bus Stop. While I’m here let me say that the one Beatles song I’ve longed hoped the girls would cover is “Yes It Is” I think it would be perfect for them. With Christmas soon upon us I can only hope!

  • Jung Roe

    30/11/2019 at 07:45

    Those harmonies, wow!

    Beach Boys – Kiss Me Baby

  • Howard

    03/12/2019 at 15:09

    Mike Oldfield. Featuring Maggie Reilly – Moonlight Shadow

    Now who do we all know that can sing as sweetly as Maggie Reilly!

  • Howard

    17/12/2019 at 01:27

    Peter and Gordon – I Go To Pieces

    Now I think this would make for a perfect Duo Session for Mona and Lisa.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    17/12/2019 at 05:38

    Personally, I love MLT originals, they are just as good if not better than many of the covers. One group I love, that I don’t think they have covered is Badfinger. Something like “No Matter What” would fit right in, IMHO.


  • Ivan Strelets

    17/12/2019 at 22:45

    I share Tomas’ opinion. New originals would make me happy, perhaps, a little bit more than new covers. But I crave to listen to any new recordings of MLT.

    As for covers I like the idea of Jecki about “Jolene” and Howard’s idea of “Moonlite shadow”.

    I wonder why nobody proposes Shocking Blue? I believe such songs as “Venus”, “Shocking you”, “Never Marry A Railroad Man”, “Alaska Country” would sound brilliant sung by MLT and fit very well into the style.

  • Howard

    18/12/2019 at 02:18

    Nothing wrong with Shocking Blue Ivan. Just didn’t think it was the MLT style. However, they have shown they can cover anything.

    This was one of my favourite songs being played on radio in 1970, and maybe some sound advice here for Mona and Lisa!

    Shocking Blue – Never Marry A Railroad Man

  • Jacki Hopper

    18/12/2019 at 14:33

    I would love for MLT to tackle, Buddy Holly stuff, solo Cass Elliot stuff, stuff from the Dave Mason & Cass Elliot collaboration album… I can visualize and hear MLT doing song selections from whom I mentioned here.   I will say,  Cass on her own, yes, her song style was indeed a departure from Mama’s & Papa’s stuff but yet so versatile to blend with whomever else whether as a duet collaborative sense, as backing vocals (she and Michelle did do backing vocals on Denny Doherty’s 2nd solo album “Waiting For A Song” as well as writing the linear notes too on that album of Denny’s… That was the closest/final kind of original M&P reunion of sorts that they ever would have singing wise

    Also on the Dave & Cass album, Cass’ younger sister Leah Kunkel also helped out on backing vocals… I own the Denny CD and Dave & Cass one as well as if not all of Cass’ solo stuff and of course the M&P stuff…  I just got thinking about MLT possibility of trying to tackle whom all I mentioned here in Cover Requests… My mind is always in Music Motion… Lol

  • Jim Yahr

    19/12/2019 at 06:00

    It’s a little late for this year, but maybe next year they could cover Greg Lake’s “I Believe in Father Christmas” for the Advent Calendar?

  • Howard

    19/12/2019 at 07:06

    That’s a new one on me Jim. I see it has been covered by many top artists though.

    “‘I Believe in Father Christmas’ is a song by English musician Greg Lake with lyrics by Peter Sinfield. Although it is often categorised as a Christmas song, this was not Lake’s intention. He said that he wrote the song in protest at the commercialisation of Christmas. Sinfield, however, said that the words are about a loss of innocence and childhood belief. Released in 1975, the song reached number two on the UK Singles Chart”.


  • Howard

    22/12/2019 at 03:36

    Yes, another Kinks request. And what beautiful lyrics.

    Kinks – Days

    Thank you for the days
    Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me
    I’m thinking of the days
    I won’t forget a single day, believe me

    I bless the light
    I bless the light that lights on you, believe me
    And though you’re gone
    You’re with me every single day, believe me

    Days I’ll remember all my life
    Days when you can’t see wrong from right
    You took my life
    But then I knew that very soon you’d leave me
    But it’s alright
    Now I’m not frightened of this world, believe me

    I wish today could be tomorrow
    The night is dark
    It just brings sorrow, let it wait

    Thank you for the days
    Those endless days, those sacred days you gave me
    I’m thinking of the days
    I won’t forget a single day, believe me

  • Howard

    22/12/2019 at 15:04

    Now I’m sure Mona and Lisa could have some fun with this one from 1967.

    Manfred Mann – Ha Ha Said The Clown

    The song features one of the earliest appearances in pop music of the mellotron, played by Manfred Mann himself.

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