MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion MLT – Cover Requests

  • Jacki Hopper

    25/09/2019 at 00:51

    I know yer gonna think me crazy but I’m just not fond of Neil Young’s voice for singing, his nasally high pitchy kinda whiny off tune /key style music vocals just annoys me that I can’t handle listening to his music, always been like that with his stuff… Yes, his songs are good, he plays guitar and harmonica well, I just can’t handle that singing voice of his to listen to, cringe worthy to me but yes in agreement to MLT doing covers of his songs, I’d welcome their voices on his songs… Just not his… Lol, Sorry to say, even though he’s Canadian born, and I like some Canadian music but not all, he’s one that I could never tolerate  listening too….

    • David Herrick

      25/09/2019 at 01:45

      I’m with you on this one, Jacki.  Same with Bob Dylan:  I love a lot of his songs, but only on the condition that he’s not the one singing them!


  • Howard

    25/09/2019 at 09:19

    I’m partly with Jacki and David on this one. Regarding Dylan, most of his many favourites for me are sung by other people, including The Byrds, Manfred Mann, The Hollies, Joan Baez, PJ Harvey, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, George Harrison, Mariachi El Bronx etcetera

    “If Not for You” / George Harrison – Just sharing a couple of nice web comments!

    “Even animals love ‘If not for you’. I have sung and played this song for all the cats and dogs I’ve met while volunteering in shelters. They all start smiling, purring, and/or wagging in seconds. Hey, if not for them, I don’t know what I’d do.

    “George was the one who quietly mastered the Zen of guitar playing! He was the quiet Beatle but, had the most opened mind. I always admired George most of the Beatles. I miss him terribly.”

  • Howard

    25/09/2019 at 13:27

    And now for something completely different! Dylan, as you’ve never heard him before.

    Mariachi El Bronx, with “Love Sick”

    “I’m walking through streets that are dead
    Walking, walking with you in my head
    My feet are so tired, my brain is so wired
    And the clouds are weeping

    Did I hear someone tell a lie?
    Did I hear someone’s distant cry?
    I spoke like a child; you destroyed me with a smile
    While I was sleeping

    I’m sick of love but I’m in the thick of it
    This kind of love I’m so sick of it”.

  • Howard

    26/09/2019 at 06:17

    Probably not their MLT Mug of tea, but I’m sure I’m not the only MLT Clubber who would love to see Mona and Lisa do their best with this one, in German of course!

    99 Luftballons – Nena  (1984)

    • David Herrick

      26/09/2019 at 13:10

      This song came out while I was in college and enrolled in third-semester German.  I found a printed copy of the lyrics (not easy to do in pre-Internet days) and brought them into class, and the professor guided us through a translation.

      I think Jung mentioned this song in the “singing in German” thread.  I agree, Howard, that it would be interesting to hear what an MLT version would sound like.  I imagine that they would want to rework the arrangement quite a bit.


    • Jacki Hopper

      26/09/2019 at 23:42

      Ahhh… I remember hearing both English /German versions of this song on radio and seeing video on TV on Much Music, Video Hits, Good Rockin Tonite Canadian shows in the 80s during my teenage years….. Lol…. Glad there was the English version for I had no clue in understanding the German version at the time….

  • Howard

    26/09/2019 at 15:38

    Yes David. It was also referred to last year in the Topic “Breakdown of Beatles and More” from 30/10/2018 AT 03:10.

    Nena – The Last Time

  • Howard

    26/09/2019 at 20:59

    Mona and Lisa do a great live version of the Buffalo Springfield’s “For What It’s Worth”. Wouldn’t it be nice (no, not the Beach Boys), if they could include this medley in future live shows!

    Buffalo Springfield – For What It’s Worth & Mr. Soul – Medley

  • Jacki Hopper

    27/09/2019 at 05:03

    Lol… Perhaps Mona could tackle this one “I’m Not Lisa” by Jessi Colter (Waylon Jennings wife) but in the song, change the Julie part to Mona…. Lol

  • Howard

    27/09/2019 at 06:21

    Nice one Jacki. LOL!

    Don’t remember hearing it before.

    “I’m Not Lisa” was written by Colter and describes the pain that comes with dating someone who has not gotten over a previous lover. Specifically, the song is about a woman named Julie who laments the fact that her boyfriend keeps mentioning his previous girlfriend, named Lisa.”

    “I’m not Lisa, my name is Mona

    Lisa left you years ago

    My eyes are not blue

    But mine won’t leave you

    She left you here drowning in your tears, here

    Where you’ve stayed for years

    Crying Lisa, Lisa

    I’m not Lisa, my name is Mona

    Lisa left you years ago

    My eyes are not blue

    But mine won’t leave you

    ‘Til the sunlight shines through your face”

  • Jung Roe

    27/09/2019 at 07:59

    Good find Jacki and Howard.  There is also “Lisa’s Song” I found which is quite beautiful by Allison Crowe.

  • Howard

    27/09/2019 at 08:38

    That’s a very nice find too, Jung. I think we also need to include the following song. I’m sure all MLT Club members know why it is so special!

    Cat Stevens (Yusuf) –  Sad Lisa (Original)


  • John Behle

    28/09/2019 at 07:50

    It might be out of the normal groove of covers, but anything by Cream or Eric Clapton is on my list.  I’m listening to “Sunshine of Your Love” and other songs from the 2005 Cream concert in Royal Albert Hall right now…….  wow….

  • John Behle

    28/09/2019 at 08:01

    I didn’t mean to overlook their live version of “Wonderful Tonight” that was great.  Can’t find the video of “Tears in Heaven”, but the audio is very well done.

    The Cream video of the Royal Albert Hall 2005 concert is here.

  • Howard

    28/09/2019 at 08:08

    John, unfortunately there isn’t video available for all of their brilliant 2007 live concert.

    • Howard

      28/09/2019 at 18:45

      John, that Cream concert is fantastic. I’ve watched it many times in the past. The Twins have done a Cream cover – ‘White Room’, on their Beatles And More vol 3 album, so it is within their ‘normal groove of covers’. Lisa is superb on guitar as usual!

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/09/2019 at 22:19

    OK…Jolene by Dolly Parton, I can quite visualize and hear Mona and Lisa doing this with their own spin on it… Maybe Lisa can do lead on this one… Lol… or Fleetwood Mac’s (Stevie Nicks) Landslide  one and I could see them doing other covers in country/folk /rock…. Their voices have that rare gift of doing any genre and make it their own,  even in covers, but yet at same time maintaining the original essences of the original…

  • Howard

    29/09/2019 at 01:02

    This brilliant musician was better known and accepted in Europe than his own country. I’m sure Lisa would love to have a crack at the acoustic guitar work from this live concert.

    Willie Deville – “Mixed Up, Shook Up Girl”

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