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  • Howard

    29/09/2019 at 02:50

    Now I know some of you may not like Neil Young’s nasally sounding voice (ahem! Jacki), but I’m sure you’ll at least appreciate the beautiful video pictures! It is a lovely song originally recorded by Canadian folk duo Ian and Sylvia and released in 1963.

    Neil Young – Four Strong Winds

    The song is performed on the last night of the Edmonton Folk Music Festival each year.

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/09/2019 at 03:29

    Ahem, Howard… Lol… Yes, the scenery is far more pleasant than Bob’s Nasally Vocal Annoyance… And I outright prefer Ian and Sylvia’s version, always have and will, while P&P&M’s version comes 2nd in my preferences…

    • David Herrick

      29/09/2019 at 04:00

      I’m not finding a Peter, Paul and Mary version of this song on YouTube, Jacki.  The Wikipedia entry for “Four Strong Winds” doesn’t list them among the groups that have recorded it either.  Are you sure that’s the group?  I’d really like to hear their version if it exists.


    • Jacki Hopper

      29/09/2019 at 04:18

      Hi David:  My apologies and you are correctYin that there are no P&P&M versions/YT versions of the song, I was getting it confused with this one so here’s a link I chose : though not correct”WIND” song… Lol…. I had 4 Strong Winds on my mind instead of “Blowing In The Wind”

    • David Herrick

      29/09/2019 at 04:25

      Oh, I thought you were talking about “Four Strong Winds”.


  • Howard

    29/09/2019 at 04:26

    Jacki might be confused with the Seekers cover David. I don’t know why you guys find Neil Young’s voice annoying. I find it quite relaxing!

    Just about everyone has recorded this song, well everyone except P & P & M it seems!

    • David Herrick

      29/09/2019 at 06:15

      To be honest, Howard, Neil Young isn’t nearly as annoying to me as Bob Dylan.  Young’s voice is too thin for my taste, but at least he’s legitimately trying to sing.

      I was lucky enough to see PP&M in concert three times in the 90’s.  There was just something magically soothing about them that gave you hope for humanity.  I’m still sad that Mary is no longer with us.


  • Howard

    29/09/2019 at 04:31

    We were discussing ‘Four Strong Winds’. What’s in that Ottawa water Jacki?

    I think when Jacki saw that Neil Young was singing, she must have muted the sound and got confused! LOL!

  • Jacki Hopper

    29/09/2019 at 13:33

    Howard, your reply, though not quite funny to me, I do have a minor hearing impairment and certain tones and pitches do legitimately annoy me to listen to, and Neil Young ‘s singing voice is one of those annoyances, veven as kid, couldn’t tolerate his voice, as for the FoyrvStrong Winds thing, it was mentioned somewheres on here or in another post and I had that song then stuck in my mind when replying to David, and my eyesight is not the best either though I wear glasses, I have a glaucoma type issue due to eye pressure and I sometimes cannot wear my glasses to see screen as I seem to see better without but am almost kissing my phone to do so.. and thus my eyesight not always accurate without them

    Also, I’m more familiar with Rod’s version of Forever Young rather than Joan’s… Lol… Remember I’m 50, just a whippersnapper amongst you fellas……

  • Howard

    29/09/2019 at 13:45

    Yes, you certainly are a young whippersnapper when compared to us old farts here Jacki. I certainly wasn’t laughing at you, but with you perhaps. My eyesight is failing me too and my glasses always seem foggy. I’m also hearing impaired and use hearing aids. Fortunately I can dispense with them when listening to music through my headphones or AirPods.

    I know Neil Young isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, just like Dylan’s voice isn’t. Nothing wrong with that. Fortunately we all love Mona’s and Lisa’s voices and that’s what really counts. I’m not necessarily a Rod Stewart fan but I like what he did with “Forever Young”.

  • Howard

    30/09/2019 at 10:34

    Just an afterthought Jacki. Maybe I’m nothing more than a ‘strong wind’ bag, ‘blowin’ in the wind’!

  • Howard

    30/09/2019 at 13:17

    A great live version from “Slow Hand” Clapton and a really nice video.

    Eric Clapton – Good Night Irene

    From The Chas & Dave Christmas TV Special 12-22-1982. Royal Club – Guildford, Surry

    Band: Eric Clapton: Guitar

    Albert Lee: Guitar

    Chas Hodges: Piano

    Dave Peacock: Bass

    Mick Burt: Drums

  • Howard

    01/10/2019 at 04:41

    Yes, I know. I’m a Manfred Mann nut! I really love this song. Their last hit single and features Mike D’Abo on lead vocals. He replaced Paul Jones after Paul left the band to go solo in July 1966.

    Manfred Mann – “Ragamuffin Man”.

  • Howard

    01/10/2019 at 04:47

    Manfred Mann “My Name is Jack” Beat Club 22 6 1968

  • Howard

    01/10/2019 at 04:52

    Manfred Mann – “Fox on the Run” Beat Club 31.12. 1968

  • John Behle

    01/10/2019 at 09:11

    Not 60’s but mellow, nice guitar tracks and good harmony.  Not their biggest hit, but the album “Home” by Blessed Union of Souls went platinum.   Not sure how well they were known outside the US and I had never heard of them, but a friend had the CD and I loved it and bought it.   I love the track “Forever For Tonight” — 5:08 (Eliot Sloan, Jeff Pence).


  • John Behle

    01/10/2019 at 09:14

    Not sure why the video link didn’t post.  I’ll try again.

    • Jung Roe

      02/10/2019 at 08:06

      Im not familiar with them, but this song is very nice John!

  • Howard

    01/10/2019 at 17:13

    This is a beautiful song and done so well by Ry Cooder and the Chicken Skin Band. It appeared on their album “Chicken Skin Music”.

    Ry Cooder – He’ll Have To Go – Live 1977 on The Old Grey Whistle Test.

    Ry Cooder and the Chicken Skin Band play ‘He’ll Have To Go’ (written by Joe and Audrey Allison) live at Shepherd’s Bush Television Theatre, London in 1977. Band Lineup: Guitar, Vocals – Ry Cooder, Alto Saxophone – Pat Rizzo, Drums – Isaac Garcia, Bass – Henry ‘Big Red’ Ojeda, Bajo Sexto – Jesse Poncé, Accordion – Flaco Jimenez, Vocals – Eldridge King, Terry Evans, Bobby King

  • Howard

    02/10/2019 at 14:12

    Ry Cooder – Goodnight Irene – Live 1977 (some lovely accordion from Flaco Jimenez).

    Band Lineup: Guitar, Vocals – Ry Cooder, Alto Saxophone – Pat Rizzo, Drums – Isaac Garcia, Bass – Henry ‘Big Red’ Ojeda, Bajo Sexto – Jesse Poncé, Accordion – Flaco Jimenez, Vocals – Eldridge King, Terry Evans, Bobby King


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