MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion MLT God Only Knows Beach Boys covers surpasses 1 Million view, yay!!

  • Jung Roe

    02/09/2019 at 06:00

    If Mona and Lisa were around in 1966 and Brian Wilson heard their harmonies, he would have fired his band (Carl, Mike, Al, and Bruce) and had MLT do all the songs on Pet Sounds. I never heard any Beach Boys song sound as good as when I heard MLTs God Only Knows. That’s why seeing this particular cover hit the 1,000,000 views mark was especially sweet and dear for me. And congrats MLT for the same milestone for your remarkable Beatles cover “This Boy” hitting 1,000,000.

  • John Behle

    02/09/2019 at 06:31

    Well said.   I agree.  I hadn’t listened The Beach Boys much in a long time and after hearing Mona and Lisa’s version I went to listen again.  I gained a new or renewed appreciation for The Beach Boys harmonies but there is a softness and beauty to Mona and Lisa’s harmonies that is amazing.  Their musical ability in each of their songs easily equals and usually exceeds the originals.  The same is true for the Beatles covers also.  I didn’t truly appreciate the harmonies of the Beatles.  I just knew I loved them.   Then the versions of Beatles songs the Twins did stood out to me as remarkable.   I went back, listened and gained an huge appreciation for the “Fab Four’s” abilities and harmonies.   Yet, I think the Dynamic Duo is wonderful.  I think Mona and Lisa can do justice to any song out there.

    • Jung Roe

      02/09/2019 at 10:01

      John, yes I agree with all your points too.  It’s that softness and beauty of their harmonies that are just sublime!!!!…..They can take a song you’ve heard all your life, and brilliantly transform it into something refreshingly new that you want to listen to it again like the first time you heard that song.  They always remain true to the original maintaining everything that made the song great in the first place, and add their own magic (for a lack of a better word), to make it even greater.  I did a post here about the difference between interpretation and mere replication, but what MLT do is even more than interpretation.  They add their own art and creativity into it, making it even greater.

  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 06:45

    I agree with you Jung. Why would Brian hang on to Carl, Mike, Al, and Bruce if he had the opportunity of employing twins like Mona and Lisa. His ‘Pet Sounds’ album would have been a lot easier for him for a start. He did all the work and the writing was in collaboration with Tony Asher and the rest of the band were only brought in to add their vocals.

    Throw in Papa Rudi and imagine what Brian could have achieved. Would not have needed to employ Wrecking Crew members either!

  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 07:00

    On second thoughts, Jung. Why would the MLT need to be employed by anyone when they are quite capable of creating their own masterpieces on their own. That was the entire reason for them going down the path they have. It may not of set them up for easy fame and fortune, but fortunately for us, that is not their raison d’être! It’s the music and the vision that matters!

    I’m afraid that poor Brian has to let his legacy stand as is! Not bad, all the same! I think most of us believe we could have all done better in hindsight. Not sure when it comes to the development of MLT though. Why would you mess with perfection!

  • Jung Roe

    02/09/2019 at 07:20

    Hi Howard.  Yes, I think if Brian Wilson had Mona and Lisa singing and playing on Pet Sounds, he would have had possibly 10 number one songs, and he would have not gone down the substance abuse rabbit hole because MLT would have been the inspiration he would have needed.  Maybe Brian might have eclipsed the Beatles and the Rolling Stones (just joking Howard!!!).  I agree, MLT do not ever need to be employed by anyone as they can stand tall on their own incredible talent.  I was listening to their collaboration cover of “If I Needed Someone” with Mike Masse, and while I adore that video and the 3 of them were absolutely spectacular together, a little part of me would love even more to see a full MLT cover of that awesome song with just Mona and Lisa.  There are so many songs I would love to see MLT do, including all the ones you mentioned and many more I can think of, but I look forward to their new original music more than anything else.

  • Howard

    02/09/2019 at 07:28

    “I look forward to their new original music more than anything else.”

    You and everyone else in this illustrious club I think Jung. It is going to be a wonderful Christmas present!


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