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  • Jung Roe

    28/01/2023 at 22:10

    Here are a few handwriting samples from Paul McCartney and John Lennon.

    It looks like one of music’s greatest pieces of music was handwritten by Paul with a simple red ink.

    It appears both John and Paul hand wrote in cursive, though In John’s case a mixture of cursive and print. Makes sense, as they grew up in a time when kids were taught cursive in school, unlike these days. Cursive seems to be going the route of a lost handwriting form.

    In that John Lennon post card to Ringo, even though John did not say a lot in the short message, it is so much more meaningful in his handwriting than compared to if it was a typed telex text.

    That Paul McCartney letter inviting a drummer to an audition is pretty interesting. Can you imagine how excited that drummer musts have been to be invited to audition for the Beatles. Perhaps it was before the Beatles were famous as it mentions coming to Hamburg to audition, but still.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by  Jung Roe.
  • Jung Roe

    05/02/2023 at 01:02

    Hi Daryl

    Yeah, handwriting is incredibly cool indeed!

    I like what a professional calligrapher said about why she enjoys handwriting:

    When I see a beautiful scenery, it’s beautiful to look at, but if I can ride a bike, ride a horse, hike, or row a boat in that scenery, then I feel like I am part of it, and I’m experiencing it.
    When I come across a beautiful song, or a poem, that I really love, that I really love these words, by being able to write them out, I feel like I am part of the experience, and it allows me to be a part of that. I feel like I put a part of my humanity into those words, and feel and experience it for myself.

    I feel the same way.

    WHY?, I’m just In It For Love

  • Jung Roe

    11/02/2023 at 06:00

    Here is an interesting article about John Lennon’s original draft handwritten lyrics for “A Day In The Life” sold for $1.2M in 2010:

    “The late John Lennon’s fans proved once again that money is not a matter of concern when it comes to acquiring personal memorabilia/items belonging to their idol. At a recent auction held by Sotheby’s in New York, John Lennon’s handwritten lyrics to A Day in the Life sold for $1.2 million! The price is way over the pre-sale estimate of $500,000 to $800,000. The huge sum fetched by Lennon’s lyrics to the final song on the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band made the lyrics the top-selling lot in a sale of rare books and papers.

    The single sheet is dated Jan. 17, 1967, and has Lennon’s writing in black felt marker and ballpoint pen of the first draft of the song, with amendments made later in capital letters. A private collector who bid by phone is now the lucky owner of these handwritten lyrics.

    Besides Lennon’s lyrics, L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables printed in Boston in 1908, sold for $25,000 at this auction while a series of 40 letters and postcards, including sketches, from French artist René Magritte to the Belgian Surrealist poet Paul Colinet sold for $218,500.”

    It’s certainly a plain looking scribble, but holds such great value and an intimate connection to John Lennon, each scribble formed by John’s hand, his thoughts and ideas expressed physically through his hand on paper, so very personal.

  • Jung Roe

    16/02/2023 at 15:52

    Great artists with something to say about the world we live in. My heroes.

  • Jung Roe

    19/02/2023 at 02:39
  • Jung Roe

    23/07/2023 at 01:10

    For the writers and poets, and songwriters amongst us, I found this interesting little article about how written composition can be a lot like music composition. Below is a letter written by one very well known songwriter, can you feel the melody, beat and rhythm? I have to say a well written poem or letter can certainly sing and move you like a beautiful song. I think this one is a good example. Guess who wrote the letter?

    “Writing is like music too.

    Like a song, writing has melodies, that is the sound of your voice speaking silently in your mind while you are writing (or reading). Like a song, writing also has rhythm. Listen to the rhythm of your breath and write until you find an idea interesting.

    Like a song, writing has a story. Writing an email? It should have a storyline and theme; Like a song, writing has lyrics. Every lyric or word must support your story or theme.

    Like a song, writing has beats. Write one paragraph to another without missing a beat; Like a song, writing can stutter and stumble. Writing can flow so soft it almost sends you to sleep. Writing can hop and skip, putting a smile on your face.

    Writing—creative nonfiction, fiction, or poetry—is more like writing a song. If you believe in what you have to say in writing, then say it in any damn way you think is best. Give the readers a melody and a chord structure that knocks out and sings and play it loud and proud.

    By definition, rhythm is the pattern of regular or irregular pulses caused in music by the occurrence of strong and weak melodic and harmonic beats. Simply put, rhythm is that music component that makes us move, or even just tap the foot when we listen to a song.

    In writing, rhythm is defined by punctuation and the stress patterns of words in a sentence. Long sentences sound smoother, while short sentences make your content snappier. When each sentence follows the same structure and rhythm, your writing becomes zzz, also-known-as boring.

    “Your mission in writing is to get your readers excited from the first sentence, and a good hook is exactly what you need. Great hooks must be catchy, interesting, and attention-grabbing.”

  • Jacki Hopper

    23/07/2023 at 01:23

    Hiya Jung, great link …

    That’s how I rock n roll with my poetry…it musically/tunefully eminates creatively from within, resonates into my brain, then out it comes for all to read/enjoy …. 😁🙃😉

  • Jung Roe

    23/07/2023 at 02:03

    Hey Jacki! 😊 Yes indeed, your magic with words always felt like a song. Your poetry is like music.

    BTW, the letter was from Johnny Cash to his wife.

  • Jung Roe

    25/08/2023 at 05:08

    In 1977 Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys (drummer) released his first and only solo album Pacific Ocean Blue, and with it included this amazingly honest hand written note to his fans. It is so real and personal, only a hand written note could express to his fans.

    This is why MLTs Studio Scribble hand written lyrics are so special, it is so real and personal.

    Interestingly, Dennis Wilson was always the most underrated member of the band, with Brian Wilson letting him into the band at the bequest of their mother. Decades after Dennis Wilson’s death, his album Pacific Ocean Blue was re-issued, to amazing praise from music critics around the globe, touted as a masterpiece, and even held up to Pet Sounds by some. While considered the least talented Beach Boy, it’s Dennis Wilson’s solo masterpiece album, that took over 6 years to write, that is considered the best Beach Boys album output since Brian Wilson’s decline due to substance abuse in the late 60s. He certainly rose up in the end like a bright flame for the band.

    Honestly, I haven’t had goose bumps to a Beach Boys song since the 70’s, but Dennis Wilson pulled it off for me again.


    Released in August 1977, Pacific Ocean Blue received mixed reviews upon release, but in subsequent years has been re-evaluated by critics and is now widely praised.[4] It has appeared on several “Best-of” lists[19] including Robert Dimery’s “1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die,”[20] and Mojo’s “Lost Albums You Must Own”[21] and “70 of the Greatest Albums of the 70s” lists.[22] In 2005, it was ranked No. 18 in GQ’s “The 100 Coolest Albums in the World Right Now!” list.[

  • Thomas Randall

    27/08/2023 at 01:40

    Hi Jung and all,

    I have hand written lyrics for “June”, I believe written by Lisa and signed by both of them. There were only 15 available. I got lucky! As well as other things from them signed off course. As for others I have autographs from:

    Adam West (in person)

    Carl Reiner (autographed book)

    Gilbert Gottfried (Book)

    2 by Doug Stanhope (books)

    Jim Gaffigan (book)

    Chuck McCann (book)

    The MST3K cast (book)

    Several members of the group Kiss (book)

    I had astronaut Jim Lovell’s autograph when I met him MANY years ago and I mistakenly gave it away with a bunch of doubles of NASA stuff I had to a friend. I’ve been a big space cadet ever since I was a little kid. I used to write NASA every week for stuff and they’d send me big envelopes of photos, and info on the different Apollo missions. Jim was grand marshall of a local city hall grand opening and that’s how I met him. They even displayed a moon rock! It was encased in a special clear container.


  • Jung Roe

    27/08/2023 at 04:32

    Hi Tom

    Those limited MLT lyrics are priceless, I always cherish my handwritten lyrics of the Wide Wide Land, written in Orange fountain pen ink I sent them back then. It’s so special for us lucky few who have them, as are the Studio Scribbles. When you listen to June, isn’t it incredible to have the lyrics actually written by Lisa and signed by both of them in your hand! I love the personal touch they put into their art.

    That is such a cool story of how you use to write to NASA and they would reply to you. I am sure NASA must have been so happy to have an admiring fan of their missions.

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