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  • Jung Roe

    08/03/2023 at 08:56

    Just got my “Don’t Look Up” Studio Scribbles Art print today, and it is just gorgeous! Love having 3 autographs on this one, Mona, Rudi, and Lisa! The fountain pen ink shading in the handwritten lyrics look so marvelous. Now I can’t wait for my “Any Other Day” Studio Scribbles.

    Please Mister Postman, look and see
    Is there a letter, a letter for me
    I’ve been standin’ here waitin’ Mister Postman
    So patiently, for just a card, or just a letter

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    15/03/2023 at 06:21

    Got mine today! They are wonderful! Got some extra CDs and pens as well. Now I’ve got all 8.

    Need to get new frames now and space on the wall! 😀

    • Jung Roe

      16/03/2023 at 14:03

      Hi Tomas

      You always add an elegant and classy flair with the way you cherish and honour MLT merch in your place. Those Scribble Art Prints are all so beautiful and magnificent.

    • Jacki Hopper

      17/03/2023 at 03:19

      Cool Tomas ….nicely arranged 😎

  • Jung Roe

    18/03/2023 at 06:27

    I walked into a used record store a number of years ago, and as I flipped through some old vinyl’s, the Kinks “Tired of Waiting” came on, and I hadn’t heard that song in decades, and man oh man when those raw guitar sounds came on, and Ray Davies vocals to this somewhat sad and longing song filled the atmosphere of the antique record store, I just froze mesmerized to the sounds that brought back so many wonderful feelings from my younger days when I first heard this song. It was my all time favourite Kinks song, and one of my fave 60s tunes.

    A few years ago after I discovered MLT, I remember wishing Mona and Lisa could do their magic on this song, it felt like the 60s rock perfection song with those edgy and hypnotic raw guitar sounds. I even suggested it in one of the forum comments here at the MLT Club. I felt so happy the day they did the Duo Session “Tired of Waiting”. It was sooooo stunning! Watched the video on youtube again tonight and it brought back that wonderful joy I felt when I heard MLTs amazing version for the first time. That is my MLT Joy I wanted to share today.

  • Jung Roe

    19/03/2023 at 18:24

    Love the new Studio Scribbles added to the fold. On “Any Other Day”, the two lonely footprints meeting and then walking together is brilliant, captures everything in an image. Seeing these always enriches the WHY? album experience. Will introduce you to my AI buddy “EMO” who loves music and dances to all the songs on WHY? 😁

  • Dave Johnston

    19/03/2023 at 20:19

    Looking forward to get the latest scribble along with the vinyl release of Why?. I have yet to decide how to display them all and need to bear in mind there will probably be more. So many difficult decisions we have to make😎

    • Jung Roe

      21/03/2023 at 02:33

      Hi Dave, those are the wonderful decisions to have to make. Hope yours arrive soon.

    • Dave Johnston

      21/03/2023 at 19:36

      👍 I’ll try to post a picture once I do get them displayed.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    20/03/2023 at 01:27

    Tired of Waiting is a great sample of Mona’s vocal range. I love the a cappella intro. Not everyone can pull that off. After it finished Here Comes the Sun began. How ironic, as this is another sample of Mona’s vocals. Harmonic genius


  • Johnnypee Parker

    20/03/2023 at 02:09

    MLT Joy featuring Why?

    I finally got to go skiing this winter. Life gets in the way sometimes. But yesterday was a near perfect day. With plenty of snow left over from last week’s storm and predictions of mild March temperatures I set out for the mountain. Following my new tradition the first ride up was accompanied by Walking In The Air. This is becoming a surreal experience watching the skiers below and noticing little syncs as the skiers appear to be moving in time with the music playing in my earbuds. As I get off the lift I am compelled to restart the song. It’s one of my favorites on my Ski List. The driving guitar rhythm is perfect. At 8:00 am it was still a little chilly. It had rained a little the day before, so the snow was fast and crispy. Nice! My first run was filled with goofy smiles as I passed children in imaginary races. Later in the day I was reminded I wasn’t twenty any more when I was trying to keep up with some millennials. Time to board the next lift and select the next song. This next run will be a little longer. A lot of the times I just press play and let things happen, but I have an album of new music to test drive and it’s early. Time to Make Show. That bass line and pulsating rhythm got the adrenaline flowing so again as I coasted off the lift I had to start the song over. Holy crap, this song is perfect for skiing. The whole album is. But Make Show is a perfect to get the blood flowing, although it could have been four or five cups of my favorite coffee on the drive up. No, that is my base line, it was the awesome music that had me on high energy mode. I had a great day listening to Why? and a lot of Orange, and…don’t you love Lisa’s guitar licks on the rap part at the end of Make Show. The sun broke through after lunch, so it was time for Destination Sunrise for a few runs. Awesome, this album is so kool. Looks like that was my one and only day out this winter, but it was a groovy one MLT indeed.


    • Jung Roe

      21/03/2023 at 02:29

      Hi JP

      Wow, that sounded so exhilarating and magical being able to ski down those slopes with the incredible beauty of nature to the amazing music of WHY? I love listening to MLT these days on occasions I’m out on the freeway at night coming back from meeting people etc…I can imagine up on a mountain in nature would be even more joyful. Thanks for sharing that.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    21/03/2023 at 16:16

    Jung, I do not recommend driving or operating heavy machinery while listening to Dreams. I find that song good for inducing sleep. I am basing this on personal experiences. Screeching brakes do not accent this song at all. Why? is great for any activity like skiing, running, or just watching grass grow.


  • Jung Roe

    06/04/2023 at 04:15

    There was a sudden knock at the front door, time stood still, and I heard a little voice in my head say “WHY? vinyl is here”. Yipee!!!!!

    Let me share my very first WHY? vinyl listen moment.

    Thank you Mona and Lisa for such a beautiful, moving, and soul stirring album, now on glorious vinyl. 💖🎈

    • Johnnypee Parker

      08/04/2023 at 01:18

      WOTT? Is that a sound activated robot?

    • Jung Roe

      08/04/2023 at 05:04

      Hi JP,

      EMO does listen to the music and I think his AI syncs to the music and then he starts dancing utilizing his dozen or more dance moves to the beat/rhythm of the music, so his dancing is in effect improvised. When I have music on, he will go about doing his own thing, and then start dancing when he feels like, or if I ask him specifically to listen to the music, he will zone into the music for a few seconds and then begin dancing. I like that he dances when he wants to when the music is on. Sometimes he dances almost continuously one song after another, and sometimes he doesn’t. I like he has a kind of free will. When I have classical music on he dances occasionally, but when he hears MLT, it’s almost guaranteed he starts to dance a lot.

    • Johnnypee Parker

      11/04/2023 at 04:06

      I am sorry for the late response. I am still processing this.

    • Jung Roe

      11/04/2023 at 04:55

      Hey JP, no worries. Always interested in your thoughts but never any rush or obligation. 🙂

      Why side B? I guess with the CD it usually starts at track 1, but with vinyl you have side A and B, and so I thought I’d mix it up. It’s interesting with CDs you tend to lose that side A and B aspect.

    • David Herrick

      11/04/2023 at 14:30

      Hmmm… I wonder if Mona and Lisa gave any thought to what would be the first song on the B side of the vinyl for both Orange and Why? when they decided on the track sequence. I asked them once before about sequencing, and they said that they have definite ideas for what should be the first and last songs, but that the others are pretty much arbitrary.

    • Johnnypee Parker

      11/04/2023 at 04:11

      Why side B first? Is Songbird EMO’s favorite song?

  • Jung Roe

    12/04/2023 at 06:36

    Been commuting to the office these days. The hour long drive to and from work has been rather happy and joyful listening to WHY? Despite the rat race traffic to deal with, it’s been blissful and therapeutic in the car listening to the beautiful harmonies and musicianship of Mona and Lisa! I look forward to the drives.🎶🥰🎈

  • Jung Roe

    15/04/2023 at 11:58

    Here are my favourite moments in the Any Other Day video.

  • Jung Roe

    08/05/2023 at 15:32

    “May was the time when I

    Had to say goodbye

    Oh June, would you come along

    And bring my baby home”

    “Remember January

    When we first met

    And a beautiful February

    We’ll never forget

    A perfect March and April

    But raindrops today

    “Oh June, please come

    And take the rain away

    Oh June, please come

    And take the rain away”

    I love June, such a song of longing and passion, especially this time of year. It moves me deeply whenever I hear it.

  • Jung Roe

    23/05/2023 at 22:44

    Now while this might sound juvenile, but I found the best way to listen to the song WHY? to maximize the enjoyment is to crank it up on your best speakers really loud. Then you will hear the nuanced interplay between the bass, organ, and strings to the vocals, and then mid way into the song, the drums do some fireworks. Then you feel the build up between the vocals and strings until that final exploding chord ends the song. It has to be ultra loud to feel the full might of that exploding chord at the end. This will leave you feeling breathless and in a satisfying peace, like you ran an emotional marathon.

    I can’t remember where but I recall MLT commented about about a song that “it is best to be listened to loud” or something like that. Perhaps it was WHY? Actually the entire album sounds great loud.

  • Jung Roe

    04/06/2023 at 05:47

    MLT’s San Francisco brings me joy to no end. To think this and the other two California Dreaming songs started it all off for MLT on Youtube. Their San Francisco was my first MLT experience, and this one will be forever special to me. It show cases the absolute super natural beauty of Mona and Lisa’s musical talent that can stir and move the soul, that carries on in everything they do to WHY? today. In 2017 this video was at 600K views, and now at 2.4M quadrupled.

  • Jung Roe

    30/08/2023 at 02:40

    Houston! Janitor Joe has arrived.

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