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  • MLT music cheered me up yesterday…

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 11/03/2019 at 18:59

    Yesterday March 10th was a sad anniversary… 24 years later…. The day my world changed… In my 20s…I had lost Mom… She succumbed to post stroke & heart issues after  last 10 years of her life in a long term care hospital… I cranked up the MLT tunes with headphones on…. It helped me smile and think of the good memories of Mom… Thankyou Team MLT…… Indeed your music matters and has Calming and uplifting essences to it…. Made the day cope a tad better????????????????❤️????????????????????????????????️????????????????????????☮️????✌️????????????????

    Howard replied 5 years, 6 months ago 7 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Michael Rife

    11/03/2019 at 20:58

    Hi Jacki;

    I am so sorry for your loss of you Mom.  Hold on to the memories of her.  I have my own anniversary coming up on March 24.  It was one year ago on that date that my Mom passed away.  She had Alzheimer’s and the song Wide, Wide Land reminds me of her.

    Music can cheer us up, change our attitudes, etc.


  • Howard

    12/03/2019 at 05:19

    So true Jacki. There is nothing like MLT music to cheer us up when we need a lift. I regularly ride a bicycle along our many bicycle paths and listening to the MLT Jukebox on random definitely gives my rides a boost. Their “Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind” video was very timely for you. They have a knack for giving us all these lovely treats that make our day. I’m sure your poetry also sustains you in life. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts with us.

  • Jung Roe

    12/03/2019 at 06:07

    Hugs to you Jacki and Mike.  Losing some one you love dearly is the hardest thing in life.  I’m glad I found MLT as their music helped to heal with my loss of my mom 3 years ago.

    Today I got a text message from a girl we hired as a companion for my mom for several years while my mom was in Palative care in her final years.  She said she was graduating as a registered nurse next week and invited us to her graduation and said my mom gave her the inspiration to go on to become a nurse.  While I texted her back to congratulate and thank her, I just broke down in tears.  I guess some good can come out of even the hardest and saddest of situations most unexpectadely.

    And thanks Howard for your words of encouragement.

  • Ed Brown

    12/03/2019 at 10:55

    Hi Jacki….I am so sorry to hear about the sad anniversary you experienced yesterday. it sounds like the two of you were very close and I’m sure her loss was devastating. But thankfully you had the magic of the MLT music to help get you through the memories you were reliving. They are also lucky to have such a dedicated heard working fan as you to count on for support. I hope today is a better day.

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/03/2019 at 21:55

    Thankyou all… The music helped and I did write a poem for her…. I lost Dad on my Bday in 2011 .. He had complications stemming from major stroke suffered a few months after Mom died along with being Type2 Diabetic… Also had a type of dementia brought in from the main strokes and other smaller strokes and seizures over the years until he died. He spent his last 8 yrs in nursing home. Yes I agree WideWideLand holds special meaning for me as well.  Yes it hurts and saddens one’s life when a dear one is Earthly Gone but their Spirit Soul forever lives on and the memories of them… That helps to cope✌️☮️????????

  • Thomas Randall

    13/03/2019 at 22:38

    Jacki I know the feeling, I lost my mom 19 years ago and my younger sister 8 years ago. Both from cancer. But for me I’ve had several medical problems since last June (around the time I discovered them on Youtube) and the Twins have really helped me get through them with their music and videos. They were the best medicine for my head. Ear candy that’s SO sweet! I can’t thank them enough really for what they do.

  • Stephen Krogh

    15/03/2019 at 19:05

    I would like to offer my sincere best wishes and support for all of my fellow MLT fans who are experiencing grief from the loss of loved ones or the sorrow of enduring medical problems. Finding comfort and joy in inspiring music truly is great medicine for the soul. Its been many years since music has provided such fun, excitement and joy to me (courtesy of the Wagner family). I think Mona and Lisa are aware of the awesome power they hold to make such positive effects in the lives of their fans (and future fans). God bless them on their journey.

  • Thomas Randall

    15/03/2019 at 19:34

    Thanks Stephen. It seems that since I turned 60 last year all of a sudden my health started stinking. First I find out I have emphysema in one lung, then I find out I have “barrett’s esophagus”,  then my gall bladder acts up and had to be taken out! A week or so after that I developed nerve pain in my right bicep and torso! YAY! It seems to never end. Anyway things are calming down a bit now finally. But yes, Mona and Lisa’s music/videos TRULY helped me through all of that. Medication is good but the best medication is MUSIC and these girls are medicine that is SO easy to swallow! I thank them SO much.

  • Stephen Krogh

    15/03/2019 at 19:56

    Gosh Tommy, so sorry to hear of all the medical challenges you are having to face, but certainly glad that at least they are “calming down” a bit now. Keep taking that MLT medicine and I’m sure it will make things better!

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 06:54

    Life sucks sometimes Tommy, but like you, I find that a daily dose of MLT goodness can cure just about anything. Keep hanging in there! Remember, there’s always pleasure after pain and you can leave all your problems with the “No More Worries Company”!

    “!It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s okay
    If there’s a will there is a way
    It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s okay
    You will be just fine
    It’s okay, alright, it’s alright”


  • Thomas Randall

    16/03/2019 at 10:42

    Hi Howard! Thanks, I’m hanging in there. I don’t go down easily. I appreciate the kind words from everyone.  Enough of my problems, back to the original thread!

  • Howard

    16/03/2019 at 11:23

    Tommy, sometimes the best therapy is to express our true feelings, something that men have traditionally found it difficult to do. This is a pity as there is so much we can learn from each other when sharing our experiences. I was raised in a family where it wasn’t accepted to express your true feelings and emotions. This, of course, is psychologically unhealthy and it is only now in our sixties that my siblings and I have finally found the courage to be more open. This has been cathartic for all of us. Thank you again for being so open with us. It puts your contributions to this club in a better perspective and this benefits us all.

    Mona and Lisa are truly an antidote for all our illnesses, frustrations and anger in life and I have no doubt that honesty, as expressed by you, helps to recharge their emotional bank that is drained by so many of us. Yes, I’m happy to get back to the original thread which was “MLT music cheered me up yesterday”.

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